Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 845: Kill the God of Nightmare

  The future? Wutian is the master of Yuye; but ancient times, no, ancient times? Wutian turned out to be a disciple of Yuye, and everything formed a perfect cycle.

   time? It's a circle...

  Rainy night waved, the power of space emerged and expanded the forging room dozens of times, and 100,000 pieces of dark gold-level materials were placed on the ground by the rainy night.

   "When will you finish? Inspire this token and I will find you? Normally? I will not care about you."

   "Okay, Master."

   ten years? Wutian successfully refined this batch of materials.

   came on rainy night, scolded his head and covered his face, threw out one hundred thousand ore again and let it temper.

   Ten years of effort? Wutian only refines ore? He raised the level of the blacksmith to the Dark Gold level, with amazing talent.

  This speed? In the human race? A genius, but in the eyes of rainy night? fool.

   Another ten years? Wutian finished tempering this batch of materials.

   is not enough, not enough, this rainy night, directly thrown a million pieces of materials to him, let him temper.

   One hundred years of kung fu flew by, Wu Tian finished his tempering, his deputy professional level reached legend, and he faintly moved towards the **** level, but his level? It has also reached the legendary level, and is considered a genius in the human race, and has even been trained.

   One hundred years of kung fu? Wu Tian has a little bit of his own forging road.

   appeared on a rainy night and threw them thousands of god-level materials, let them temper, only temper, not forge.

   Throwing the materials to Wutian, leaving in the rainy night, went to the mainland of the Final Chapter to teach the other race occupations and sub-professions; the task assigned to him by the plague magic **** only completed one hundred thousandth.

   Thousand years later? After Wutian has been tempered, his strength has reached the **** level, and he has enough life span to devote himself to forging.

   After running around and exhausted on a rainy night, I returned to the human race to look at Wutian, uh, it was not bad, the foundation was strong enough, it was time to forge it.

   The technique of drawing spirits was passed to Wutian, and he was allowed to experiment on his own, and the rainy night disappeared.

  Foundation? Spiritualism? Teach them all to Otian? Where can I go next? Can only look at Wutian himself. First release https://https://

   Rainy night arranged the human race and left quickly.

   It’s easy to teach a profession, but want to pass on the profession? It's not that simple.

   Rainy night ran on the continent of the final chapter and began to make a layout.

Ok? Someday? The rainy night suddenly stopped, sealed a certain plague in a jade box, and began to place it according to the location in the mainland of the final chapter in memory.

   Uh, originally thought it was placed by the plague teacher? Didn't want to finally? It turned out to be his own handwriting.

   Looking for inheritance, placing jade boxes, time passes.

Ok? A thin girl? Judging from his physique, it seems to be very suitable for this-the profession of ice dance knight.

   One thought is this? Directly taught by Mu Chen, as to how far it can develop in the future? That is not something to worry about.

  The genius boy of the Night Demon? This Yeming thief seemed very suitable for him, teach.

   The young patriarch of the female family? This way: The Empress Meiwu profession should be suitable for her, teach.

   Giants? Teach him the profession of Cyclops.

   Butterfly Spirit Race? Teach him the profession of Butterfly Dream.

   Every time a profession is taught? The profession in Yu Ye's body dissipated; but once the inheritance of the profession was broken, then the profession would reappear in Yu Ye's body, waiting for it to continue to transmit.

Huh? A Tier Nine God? Go over and kill him, and the **** body and godhead are included in the backpack.

Huh? Another Tier Nine God, once again beheaded.

   Five Ninth Order God Groups? Don't panic, go over and kill him.

   Even though Yuye's strength retreated from the half-step creation god, it was still terrifying.

   taught all the way, collected nine-level gods and gods all the way, and a hundred thousand years passed in a blink of an eye.

  Professionals, hidden professions, and sub-professions are all distributed and passed on, but Yuye still has not completed the tasks assigned by the plague magic god.

   The final chapter of the whole film, the continent? Some ancient professions disappeared, and nearly 10% of the creatures converted their professions into those professions that the plague gods passed on to Yuye.

  Want to promote to the whole continent? A long way to go, according to Yuye's estimate? It is impossible without hundreds of millions of years.

   As for the **** body? godhead? More than 500,000 channels were collected, which is extremely scary.

  Rainy night is very tired, but still holding on to find the **** of nightmare.

   "Huh? Rainy night half-step creation god? Do you have anything to do with me?"

  The ultimate battle in ancient times? The **** of nightmare has seen rainy night, so he knows it.

   "Nightmare? I come from the future, and you in the future ask me to kill you and bring my body and godhead to the future."

   What if the other gods? At this moment, the God of Nightmare has already jumped into thunder, killing him, but at this moment in front of the God of Nightmare? But it was a disciple of the **** of rainy night and plague.

   "I'm very tired now, you better decide quickly."

   Weak opening on rainy night.

   "I believe you, you can kill me, I will not resist."


   Rainy night shot to end the life of the **** of nightmare, and put his body and personality into the bag. Starting

  Ding, congratulations on completing the task assigned by the nightmare god.

   Rainy night leaves, the soul of the **** of nightmare almost emerges, cuts through the space cracks, appears in the nightmare space, merges with the nightmare space, and survives in this way.

   If you look closely? It is not difficult to find the altar where the nightmare merges into the nightmare space? It is very similar to the altar where the creation **** merged into the final chapter continent.

   Keep watching? The depths of the nightmare space? It still exists in a nightmare body, godhead, from nowhere.

   The **** of nightmare and the **** of plague bred together, as the power of the same generation? The God of Nightmare is definitely not a weak one, but has been hiding himself.

   God of Nightmare into the space? The plague magic **** appeared with tears in his eyes Thank you for your hard work, brother. "

   "Brother Plague? What are you talking about? Everything is to kill the God of Creation."

   "Hmm, wait for the future? I will definitely rescue you."

  The plague magic **** beckoned, and recruited the **** body of the nightmare god, to refine the nightmare staff for it, so that it has a certain degree of self-protection.

  The God of Creation is integrated into the space of the Final Chapter Continent, and the Plague God has nothing to do; for the plague God’s big plan? The **** of nightmare just take this opportunity? Directly into the dream space.

  If the plague magic **** can separate itself from the nightmare space? Then it can separate the Creation God from the final chapter continent and behead it.

   "I believe you? Brother Plague."


   The Plague Magic God spoke and began to study the relationship between the nightmare space and the nightmare.

   more research? The deeper the frown of the plague god?

   100,000 years? Millions of years have passed? The plague magic **** searched in the nightmare space every day to break the game, but in the end he had no clue and no thread was found.

   The plague method panicked...

on the other hand? According to the instructions of the future five beasts, Yuye came to the Saint Beast Valley to find the five beasts gathered together, and said:

   "You in the future ask me to kill you."

  Uh, the five beasts almost never choked to death? What's the situation? Boss?

  The ultimate battle? The Five God Beasts once saw Rainy Night, half-step creation god, very terrifying.
