Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 853: Memories of the past

"Really? Brother?"

Gently stretched his head out of the quilt, blinked, and asked in a low voice.


"Brother? What else do you know other than?" asked softly.

"Not only do I know this, I also know that you have secretly contacted Shui'er, and what kind of lady contract you have made with her, and what do you say as long as I fully recover my memory? You leave me."

"Ah, do you know this too?"

Gentle retracted his head back into the quilt again, feeling ashamed.

"Shui'er told me everything, let me tell you? Gentle? Your contract doesn't count."

Softly and silently, he tucked his head in the quilt.

"Brother? I'm sorry, I'm sorry Shuier."

"It's okay, really okay, gentle? Don't put too much psychological pressure on you."

"Hmm, I believe you, brother."

"Gentle? Can you tell me something about the past?"

"No? You need to find the answer yourself. Anyway, we will go back tomorrow. After we go back? Your memory will definitely be restored."

"Then you can always tell me? Where are we going tomorrow? Where is the original residence?"

"Tomorrow? We will go to the magic city..."

"Madu?" Yu Ye nodded thoughtfully, lost in thought.

"Go to bed, gentle, and get up early tomorrow." Rainy night said, stroking her soft hair.


There was nothing for a night. The next day, Mu Chen and others woke up from their sleep, had breakfast, and walked out of the room.

The door? It is not a problem to park a medium-priced car and carry seven people.


A middle-aged driver walked down, with dark skin and a strong body, and said with a smile looking at the rainy night.

"Thanks for your hard work? Fire? I didn't expect you to be responsible for monitoring this year."

Rainy night patted Huo on the shoulder and thanked him.

"Not only me, but more brothers, President? It's okay to see you? I'm relieved."

Huo glanced at the car of the same type behind and said.

"Yeah, let me say hello."

Seeing Yuye coming, seven brawny men came down from the car behind, watching Yuye smiling stupidly, and many people had tears in their eyes.



"Ming, Jade, Liang, Bone, you have worked so hard, thank you." Yuye said, looking moved.

"President? What are you talking about? Without you? How can we be today? And we have done nothing."

"Is everything packed?"

"Yeah, everything is packed, there is nothing left in the place where I live."

"Even if you stay, there is nothing, anyway, the real estate is under our name, no one can enter."

Make things clear in one word.

"Well, let's go, wait until I get back to the original state? Please." Yuye said, heading to the car in front.

A series of things about the nutrition warehouse? Yuye didn't ask, the fire could definitely be arranged.

"Hey, staying here for so long? Really reluctant."

As the vehicle was driving, the old man opened his head and spoke sentimentally.

"Sentimental what? Waiting for a chance? I'm sending you back. You are here alone."

Huo Tiao said with a smile.

"No no no, forget it, not coming back."


"Fire? Why didn't you talk about the president's awakening earlier?"

"Look at the chairman's imitation? I think he needs to be quiet, so I didn't notify you, nor did we show up."

"Okay, okay, by the way, I will give you something interesting about yesterday..."

Laughing all the way, everyone went to the next city, took the flight, and flew to the magic city.

in the afternoon? Arrived in the magic city, the airport had already arranged vehicles, and received everyone to move on.

Between left and right? Yuye and a group of 14 people appeared in Yulongyuan, a medium-sized community in the magic city.

"This place? It's finally back." Old Zhangtou was very emotional.

"Four years? How many four years can life be? But these four years? It's really exciting."

"The president is the president, even if he loses his memory, he can be the first person in the final chapter."

"How is it? Brother? Do you recognize this place? Have you recovered some memories?"

"No, no impression."

Yuye shook his head, and followed everyone into it.

People come and go in the community, some faces know each other in rainy night, and a little impression, but some? do not know.

"President? I once asked you: You said you are so rich? Why do you want to live in the community? Do you remember how you answered it?"

Huo asked, looking at the rainy night; last night? The head Zhang told everyone everything.

"I don't know, I forgot."

"At that time, you said? You don't like villas that are too deserted. You like more people. Feel the warmth and warmth of people. Look at the stone piers over there? You used to sit there for a while every night, quietly watching the crowds coming and going. "

Yuye turned his head and looked at the stone pier, a faint impression appeared in his mind.

The fire kept talking, remembering the rainy night.

Going upstairs, opening the door, a cozy three-bedroom room greets you, with a general design and general decoration, and there is nothing to put it out.

Water? I started cleaning last night and worked all night to restore everything to its original state.

"Ye? Does it help you restore your memory?"

Shui'er came squatted down and asked in a low voice.

"Thanks for your hard work, Shuier."

The rainy night wiped away the tears from Shuier's eyes and said.

Picking up the water, patrolling the room in the rainy night, everything is familiar, some fragments flashed by.

The furnishings in the room are very simple. There is no one except the water. The longer you stay in the room? The more memory is restored, in a while? With a black and bang in front of Yuye, he fell to the ground.

This house? The impact of rainy night is extremely deep, and the impact on rainy night is too great.

In this case? Everyone seems to have expected it.

"Quickly, take Xiao Ye to the hospital."


One day passed, the rainy night slowly woke up, the memories in my mind kept appearing, and a smile appeared on the corners of the rainy night's mouth, memories? Restore 90%.

Looking around on the rainy night, the water, gentle, old Zhangtou, fire, bone and others were all there.

Keke, the rainy night awakened, and everyone immediately gathered around.

"Brother? How are you?"

"Sao Ye? Did you restore your memory?"

"Yeah." Yuye nodded and continued: "Are my parents? In other words? Do I have parents?"

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling and asking this question, can you tell? Rainy night is very concerned.

"Ye? About your past? You never mentioned to us, the moment when we met? You were alone, alone in the'Royal Sword'."

"Yeah, I remember, I met you at the Duanchang Cliff in the'Yujian'? Encountered Gentle? The three of us rushing Yujian, I was still called: the little white dragon in the waves, haha.

The end of the sword? When we met in reality, I recognized you at a glance, and the feelings were secretly born. I was then? It seems that there is no house, and food is a problem. If it weren't for you and Gentle to help me? Maybe I don’t have today.