Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 865: Opportunity for recovery

   Any player in the six regions was in shock and couldn't believe it.

   "What? The holy dragon is promoted to the god? And it is the **** who hides the promotion of the professional eight-winged winged person."

   "What the hell? How terrible is the attributes of the Holy Dragon?"

   "Wow, this reward, I'm so jealous, I really want to take it for myself."

   "I always thought that the ninety-ninth level of the Holy Dragon was fake, but now it seems? It is true."

   "Ninety-nine level? How can the level of the holy dragon rise so fast? Seventy-nine level to eighty level? The experience value of it is terrifying out of the sky, and the difference of level 20? The experience value of it? I can't think about it."

   "We are still brushing the Ice Emperor dungeon, fighting for the heart of the gods, but the holy dragon? Has been promoted to the gods."

   The players felt very sad.

   Players in the other five regions? There was a lot of discussion and shocked.

   "The strongest in China is promoted to the gods"

   "Really scary, Holy Dragon? Really scary."

   "God level? How could it be reached so quickly? Unscientific, totally unscientific."

   "After level eighty? The required experience is doubled, how can it be improved so quickly."

   "Work hard, strive to advance to the **** level as soon as possible and go hand in hand with the holy dragon."

  Rainy night promotion to the gods? Not only the players shocked? The gods were equally shocked.

   "God? The gods of the ordinary camp, yes, summon them into the front battlefield as soon as possible."

   "Huh? Eight-winged winged man? Winged human god?"

   "Is the man back? Well, this is his breath."

   A certain vicissitudes of life sounded

   everywhere? Many gods spoke and talked about rainy night.

   "How about? Gentle?"

When    opened the mouth, the rainy night transformed into a winged man; the skeleton stretched, releasing the eight-winged winged behind him, golden light appeared on his body, gorgeous equipment covering the whole body, like a **** of heaven, with a strong breath.

   "So handsome, brother."

   looks softly like a nympho.

   "Huh? What a kid like? What's so handsome?"

   "Not a kid, you have restored your previous appearance."

   Shocked gently, took out a delicate small mirror, and placed it in front of the rainy night.

   Looking at the look in the mirror on rainy night? Suddenly, it overlapped with the memory in his mind.

  What's your appearance? It was restored, what's going on.

  Remove the power of God, cancel the state of God, and restore the appearance of a child in the rainy night.

   "Brother? You can restore your appearance in the game, so the outside world?"

   finished? The two looked at each other and hurriedly quit the game to investigate the situation.

   Rainy night, gently quit the game, walked out of the nutrition warehouse, rainy night, came to the mirror to watch his own appearance.

Ok? What's your appearance? There seems to be no change.

   "Brother, let me see."

   A soft voice rang outside the door, opening the door on a rainy night.

   "The appearance has not changed, brother, what's the matter?"

   "I don't know. Would you like to experiment? I use the power of God in the game, activate the state of God, restore the original appearance and experiment again."

   "Hmm, I'll wait for your brother."

   Log in to the game on a rainy night, use the state of trance to restore your appearance, and instantly exit the game on a rainy night.

   Outside? Gently watching the rainy night in the nutrition warehouse, nothing happened.

   "Brother? Nothing has changed."

   The words of the plague magic **** appeared in Yuye's mind: The plague magic **** is not promoted to the gods for the time being, Yuye always feels that this sentence has something to do with itself.

   "Gentle? This should be regarded as a sign, and what we have to do? It is continuous experimentation." Yuye began to analyze seriously:

   "I'm promoted to the gods? Regain your appearance? If your strength rises to the gods? If you can restore your appearance? There is hope, and the knot is expected to be solved."

   "Hmm, brother, I think so too, let's enter the game, let's hurry up and upgrade."

"it is good."

   The two directly enter the game.

   "Gentle? Go straight to the front battlefield and kill the monsters to grow."

   "Hmm, listen to your brother."

   Take the teleportation array? On the rainy night, gently enter the front battlefield, find a gathering place for the beasts of the Celestial camp, set the experience value to ninety one, and start the monsters on the rainy night.

   Gentle also set his own experience value to ninety one, take nine for himself and one for the remaining pets

in this way? Only gentle levels can be upgraded at a high speed.

   "Brother? I want you to transform into a **** and fight."

   "Why? Gentle, fast with Plague Mage."

   "Seductive, quick, let me take a good look at you."

   "Well, the power of the gods is exhausted? I transformed into a plague mage."

"Mmm Good."

  Rainy night transformed into an eight-winged winged man, and began to farm the beast.

   "Master? Here, your equipment."

   Just started to brush the beast, Wutian's voice sounded, passing three sets of equipment to Yuye.

   "Thank you, Master Hammer."

   Equipped with Tier 9 God equipment? Yuye's strength is too strong.

   Brush a Tier 3 monster in ten minutes

  Ding, congratulations on raising your level by one level and gaining 4 attribute points.

  Ding, congratulations on raising your level by one level.

   A Tier 3 sacred beast was beheaded, and its gentle level was directly increased by two levels. It was not terrifying

"carry on."

  Ding, congratulations on raising your level by one level.

  Ding, congratulations on raising your level by one level

   Upgrade from level 75 to level 80? Very fast, in just one hour? Jump five levels in a row.

   After being promoted to the 80th level? The speed of promotion is obviously slowed down, and now you have to kill ten third-order beasts before you can be promoted to one level.

   Two hours? It's okay to upgrade one level.

   But? The number of mythical beasts is not so large, and the place is constantly changing on rainy nights.

   Killing the beasts on such a large scale? Suddenly caused a sensation in the front battlefield.

   "It's the player who was newly promoted to the Eight-Winged Winged Man. I didn't expect his strength to be so strong?"

   "Slay the Tier 3 sacred beast? It's not vague, terrifying, terrifying."

  "Huh? Why not kill the gods in the Celestial camp? With his strength? Maybe you can get the position of a city lord For these voices? Yu Ye didn't know at all, and just gently upgraded.

   Fights until midnight, and the gentle level is raised to level 83.

   After level eighty? Every level up? The experience value has doubled, which is suffocating.

   "Quit the game and have a supper."

   "Hmm, yes, brother."

exit the game

  Wait for Shui'er to go offline, and gently informed the rainy night about his appearance. Shui'er's expression suddenly became very rich and asked about the rainy night.


   "Great, great, I will exit the Tower of Frost tomorrow and go to you."

   "Hmm, yes." Yuye agreed.

   "Okay, okay." Gentle agreed.

   "Let’s eat, eat."

  After eating? Return to the room to rest.

   On the second day, three days into the game together and start upgrading.

   "Shui'er? Set the experience value to ninety one. These days? First send the gentle level to the hundredth level."

"Mmm Good."

  Swipe the Tier 3 beast for one day, and the gentle level will be raised to 85 and a half

   "Brother? This is a bit slow? Can you play the fifth-order beast? Or should we go to the fifth-order beast?"

  The Plague Mage of Online Games