Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 889: Civilization Level 9: Protoss

The final blow? Almost all the power of the Final Chapter Continent is gathered together, KaKa, the sky of the entire Final Chapter Continent? Completely shattered, a whole black hole emerged in front of everyone.

Apart from the collapse of heaven? The ground began to sink, and the entire continent was destroyed in one final chapter. The original continent was instantly scattered and divided into small islands after another.

The creature on it? Hard to survive.

Batu? He lives on a small island and protects the human race with the body of a fifth-order god.

Bruman? He was promoted to the half-step creation god, and became the representative of the plague **** in the final chapter continent. At this moment, he is constantly running to repair the continent.

Bruman? Resurrected from the dead? Very fit the power of the plague.

Bruman was taken away by one-armed waiting? It is to enter the plague of the plague law god, be nourished by the plague, make continuous progress, and finally break through to the half-step creation **** on its own.

One-armed waiting for someone? Originally a disabled ninth-level **** of the Wingmen clan, his purpose was to protect the rainy night from being beheaded when his level was low.

This is the order of the ancestors of the Wing Man.

The ancestors of Yiren and Yi left the final chapter continent, but One-armed and others were willing to stay and guard the Yiren clan of the final chapter continent.

outside world? Hundred crystals? Turn into crystal powder? Disappear.

In the game? The plague magic **** speaks:

"The day you get out of trouble? Just now, don't resist, I will put you in the plague."

"um hum."

"um hum."

Present? Whether it is a half-step creation god? Still a Tier Nine God, the ancestor of the Wing Man, and Wing, none of them resisted, allowing the plague to come on and take it into it.

"Luck? Thank you."

The plague magic **** took out the soul of luck from the chaos parts, and put the unconscious transportation into a plague.

The sea continent? The old patriarch of the Canghai clan? Seeing the departed plague god, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he muttered: Go all the way.

The sea continent? Is its root? It doesn't want to leave.

previously? Because of the shelter of the Canghai Patriarch? The Canghai Continent did not split again.

Such a big change in the final chapter? Directly stun one thousand or two hundred players, the next moment? More than a thousand people were captured by the plague magic god, and a cursor was condensed to guide the plague magic **** in the black hole.

More than a thousand people? Unconscious.

Follow the cursor? The plague magic **** wanders in the black hole. How long has it passed? The cursor stopped, and the plague magic **** found a crack in the black hole and stepped out.

As for the thousands of players condensed into a cursor? Was thrown back to the final chapter continent again.

The moment when the plague magic **** squeezed from the crack? Around the island where the rainy night is? Wonders emerge:

The black dark clouds gathered in an instant, the red thunderbolt fell, and the light blue snowflakes kept fluttering, purple meaning...

Colorful? Very gorgeous.

suddenly? A coercion spread, lay rainy night and fire on the ground, and the two looked at each other? Both can see that the other party is seriously at a loss.

This situation only lasts for three seconds? After three seconds? Everything disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

at the same time? Over the island? A figure emerged, it was the figure of the plague god...

The plague magic **** greedily absorbed the surrounding air, and there was an intoxicated look in his eyes.

After eternity? Finally free...

What about the island? The six major districts knew at the first time that they sent professional BDs to investigate. It was necessary to figure out the situation, maybe? Will have a great impact on the history of the blue planet.

Rainy night raised his head and looked at the figure in the sky? Surprised.


how is this possible? Isn't the Plague God a character in the game? Why does it appear in reality.

"Rainy night?" The plague law **** murmured, controlling his figure, falling from the sky, and then said: "Which continent is this? Is it your world?"

Yuye some brain circuits were not enough, but she nodded.

"The plan is successful, young master."

suddenly? The plague magic **** knelt on one knee and called Yuye the young master.

Uh? what's the situation? Do you make a movie? This reversal? Rainy night's little heart is a bit unbearable.

"Master? What are you doing? Get up quickly."

"Young Master? Miscellaneous people shouldn't show up, do you want me to obliterate them?"

The plague magic **** glanced at the fire, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, the fire was like a light on his back, and he felt a deep anxiety, as if being stared at by a terrifying existence, and could not raise any resistance.

"Don't? Don't, this is my good brother."

Yuye didn't know the situation, but stopped it.

"Brother Huo? Why don't you leave first? I have something to say with the master."


The fire left and headed to the other side of the island.

Just one submarine? If you drive away by yourself? What to do that night?

"Young Master? Promoted to the Plague Magic God? The memory I sealed you should be restored."

"Yeah, I know? I came here on a hundred-sided crystal, when I was a baby? Master? You are not telling me? I am an alien, am I."

Rainy night regained some thinking ability and asked.

"Aliens? Can you call them that way? But we are the Protoss, not the lower races on the blue star can match."

Uh? What about bullshit? Are you kidding me? Ten thousand people do not want to believe it on rainy night.

"Young Master? After reading this message? You may have some understanding of yourself."

Finished? The plague magic **** merged a stream of information into Yuye's mind, which was a linked picture.

In the picture? The existence of this planet is extremely shocking and huge in size. Just a glance at the rainy night? Then he was addicted to it, unable to extricate himself, there was a faint feeling of blood echoing, this planet? Called home planet

Within the home planet? Only one race? Known as the Protoss, there are not many Protoss? But ten million. But whether the Protoss is its own force? Or technology? All reached the level of ninth-order civilization.

The life span of the Protoss? Very long? The most ordinary tribe? Even if you don't practice? It can easily reach a million years, and the royal family is even more terrifying.

Tier 9 civilization? The highest civilization in the universe has the power to easily destroy a galaxy and even stronger.

Is the earth on par? It's just a first-order civilization, no, it's not even a first-order civilization.

Such a powerful race? Unscrupulously expanding in the universe As long as there is a planet of life? It must invade, expand, and take possession of it.

Rainy night's parents? It is the royal family in this ninth-order civilization, absolutely controlling everything in the ninth-order civilization, which is extremely terrifying.

After the introduction, the screen enters the planet.

Inside the planet? The situation is similar to the blue star, mountain range? swamp? Everyone is there, but better than the blue star? A thousand times larger.

Protoss above it? And some plants? It is also a thousand times larger than the Azure Star, like a giant.

The Protoss technology is very advanced. In front of a towering huge building, a middle-aged man with a similar appearance to the rainy night appeared at the top of the building, his eyes deep in the sky of the mother star.

Beside the man? A beautiful woman stood beside him, holding the baby who was just full-term in her arms.

The Plague Mage of Online Games