Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 90: B Plague and Theft

He must know a little about the value of this fragment, otherwise he would not be so sad.

One billion gold coins and eleven gold coins have doubled one hundred million times, which means that he lost something one hundred million times today.

Uh, you can’t do that. In fact, he lost 999,999,999 gold coins...

Changjian Hengge looked at the expression of'the world's number one merchant' and secretly said a bad sound. A stride forwards the mountain peak in front of his chest to protect Xiaoye and then argues for reason: "The money and goods are clear, and we are not responsible. This is what you said just now, and I hope you don’t go back on it."

The corners of the mouth of ‘the world’s No. 1 Shang’ were twitched, and he was beaten in the face when he just said it. Who can understand this feeling? Who can understand?

Looking at the sky, it's uncomfortable...Huh? Why does that cloud in the sky seem to be the word mentally retarded?

"The little friend is worried. Since the money and the goods have been cleared, I will naturally not pursue the follow-up, please rest assured." The'First Under Heaven' smiled like a spring breeze, as if the big boy next door looked at a few people and said, but from the bottom of my heart The hidden pain inside is not enough for outsiders.

In order to preserve his reputation and his golden signature, he can only swallow his teeth in his stomach.

"Dirty Grandpa, why don't I return this fragment to you, it seems to be very important to you." At this moment, the rainy night's voice, which is crisp and crystal-free, without any impurities, can be heard by anyone. Sincere.

Changjian Hengge looked confused: Rainy night is not mentally retarded, right...

Gemini looked confused: This kid has a problem with his brain...

Orion is even more stunned: Damn, it's not a **** if there are advantages...


Go go, don’t use your adult’s dirty thoughts to infect us rainy night.

I bought someone else's beloved thing, and it seems that the dirty grandfather is very sad, shouldn't it be returned to him? Yuye expressed her incomprehension to the expressions of her aunts.

The hidden key in the last grid in Rainy Night's backpack was also dumbfounded:? ? ? Is this a fool?

Under this circumstance, apart from the plague **** who can do some tricks silently and fight for some benefits for the rainy night, who can do it?

You must know that the legendary level of "The World's Number One Business" is not fake.

'The World's Number One Business' is also stunned, and he digs out his ears to listen more carefully. This little friend's words are so heart-warming and healing. I feel that my heart is not as painful as before... ...

"Ahem, my little friend doesn't need to be like this. Our transaction has been completed and there is absolutely no reason to take it back. Starting today, this piece of chaotic armor fragment belongs to you." The'First Under Heaven' seems to have recovered from the previous events. Said with a smile.

"Thank you dirty grandpa." Yuye bowed slightly sincerely.

‘The World’s No. 1 Business’: A polite kid, haha, suddenly he feels better.

"Well, don't waste time, you can trade the first four pages at will."

Hearing these words, everyone immediately stepped forward one by one to buy their favorite things.

The Long Sword Breaks the Sky is the first to go forward and buy a bottle of potent pills to increase strength, the pet egg of the tenth-level golden python, and a chaos stone. These are what he currently lacks the most, and is also the weak point. How much can I make up later.

Several people in the Dragon Touring Guild also bought something that could improve combat effectiveness in a short time.

It was Long Sword Hengge's turn, and she had a plan to buy: first, she bought a rare skill book for warriors, another rubbing stone, and finally a low-level teleportation stone.

Two stones with unknown attributes and unknown effects, but the corners of Long Sword Hengge's mouth overflowed with smiles the moment they got them. These three million Chinese coins were not lost, and it could even be said to be earned in blood.

"The World's No. 1 Business" still smiles at the corners of his mouth, silently.

"Orion" stepped forward and directly selected three items among the props: Chaos Stone, Rubbing Stone, and Teleportation Stone.

He believes he can play skills, equipment, and pet eggs, and he doesn't need them in a short time.

After the selection, he did not back down. Instead, he bowed respectfully, raised his head and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and asked: "Old gentleman, I don't know how to buy and sell this stealing technique?"

"The little friend has a good vision. This theft technique is worth 10 million gold coins, or you can exchange items of the same value." The'No. 1 Trader in the World' first praised and then quoted, but this price...

‘Orion’ retreated decisively, saying that he couldn’t afford it, couldn’t afford it...

The few people in the Dragon Touring Guild also gave up hope. Ten million gold coins, that is one billion Chinese coins, is worth a medium-sized company in reality. Which brain-dead would buy it?

"Dirty grandfather, I want to buy Plague B. I don't know how to calculate its price?" The last rainy night was the number one, and asked cautiously.

What if the B plague is also 10 million gold coins? He can't afford it.

"B Plague? It is worth five million Chinese coins, or an exchange of the same value."

Uh, there is indeed no ten million, but five million rainy nights can't afford it.

"I can't afford it." Yuye was a little dejected, but this opportunity should not be wasted. He had already decided to buy the rest of the items. However, at this moment, the "No.

"Hey, little friend, don't you buy it? I clearly perceive that you have something of the same value."

Ok? Yuye was very puzzled, but quickly realized, could it be said that it was the items produced by the level 5 copies that grandparents gave him?

As a result, he flashed out a piece of equipment from the hands of the old Zhao. Grandpa Zhang’s design drawings are useful in Rainy Night, and cannot be easily shot; Grandma Sun’s pill Rainy Night is also useful and cannot be easily shot, Grandpa Li’s magical material It will be useful in the future and cannot be easily shot.

Rainy night thinking about it can only take out a fragment of a piece of equipment...

"Yes, it's this kind of divine breath, my little friend is in charge, as long as you give me two pieces of this kind of fragments, I will trade the B plague to you." The'World Number One Business' was very excited, as if to see The beauties are generally glaring at it and want to take it for themselves.

Rainy night: only two yuan? You must know that the head of the old Zhao found a total of ten pieces of damaged equipment, and each piece of damaged equipment has at least a dozen fragments.

"Okay, Yuye readily agreed." He took out the two pieces and handed them to the'No.1 Shang under the World'. It seemed that he was afraid that No. One under the World would suffer a loss. Yu Ye took out two pieces with the largest area.

Ding, the transaction is successful. Congratulations on getting B plague.

"Dirty Grandpa, I also want this theft technique, can I continue to exchange it with fragments?" Yuye asked tentatively.

"Yes, absolutely." The ‘Number One Under Heaven’ is already jumping up excitedly at this moment. Someone can collect more than two pieces of this kind of fragment? It's incredible.

"Then I will use four yuan to trade." Said Yuye and took out four pieces again.

Ding, the transaction is successful. Congratulations on your theft.

"The World's Number One Business" can't remember how long he hasn't experienced this kind of heartbeat, and he took it in his hand with a stride. The Plague Mage of Online Games