Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 91: Successfully traded Blue Dragon Egg

After a while, the'No. 1 Shang under Heaven' suddenly reacted and said with a slight horror on the rough skin: "Little friend, are these pieces of equipment shattered?"

The dirt in the pores and between the folds appeared like acne squeezed out. When the horrified face receded, the dirt would also be recovered.

Hey, it was disgusting. The whole process made Changjian Henge want to vomit, and Gemini wanted to give him a knife.

Fortunately, Lao Niu has already fallen into a coma, otherwise the "No. 1 Business in the World" would definitely give him another shot.

"Yes." Yu Ye answered honestly, without any concealment, and no sense of prevention.

"Little friend, then I will make another deal with you, and you will give me all the remaining fragments, how about all the first, third, and fourth pages belonging to you?" 'It's true that the words don't scare people endlessly, and he directly made his concessions.

After the completion of the three transactions, the rainy night originally wanted to go backwards, but the "No. 1 Business in the World" took the initiative to propose the fourth transaction, and it was the most sensational and the most incredible transaction.

The rainy night was dumbfounded.

Long sword hate song dumbfounded.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

what's the situation? Can this also work? I must have been awake.

Not to mention the materials and pet eggs on the first page add up to more than two hundred in total. The skills on the third page and the props on the fourth page are almost the same. Counted with 10,000 gold coins per piece, that’s six. Millions of gold coins.

The real numbers are definitely more than these, because the props of 100,000 gold coins account for more than half.

Yu Ye just wanted to agree, and suddenly he heard a voice in his mind that was as majestic as Henggu, and as cool as a divine enlightenment: "Don't agree, let him exchange it with a green dragon egg, don't be foolish, just give him the first All of the pieces of equipment."

Uh, because of Yuye’s voice, it’s a broken heart, for fear that he accidentally throws all the fragments of ten pieces of equipment to the "No.

Yuye didn't know where this sound came from? I don't know who the owner of this voice is? But there was no resistance to this voice in my heart, and even a little reliance on subconscious obedience.

So obediently speaking, a childish voice came quietly: "Dirty grandpa, I don't want these things, but you can exchange it with me for a green dragon egg."

Hey, the members of the Dragon Touring Guild were once again squeezed and opened their mouths to let the breeze in. Is this the rainy night they knew? Is this still a shy little boy in their impression?

Lao Niu in a coma: You must be a fake.

Gemini: Absolutely false.

Changjian Hengge: Give back my Xiaoye.


You know that the value of a blue dragon egg obviously exceeds the value of these three pages. Is it a sky-high price of 100 million? That is tens of billions of Chinese coins.

Several people think that this time the lion in Yuye’s big opening will definitely not agree, and it may even go away directly, and will give Yuye a knife before leaving. After all, any normal person will refuse.

But who knows that the No. 1 Business in the world nodded calmly and agreed to this business.

Long sword hate song: The world view is broken, don't save it.

Orion: Uh, No. 1 Merchant in the world is a fool...

Gemini: Am I dazzled? Or is the posture of getting up in the morning wrong?



Uh, the image of an expert in the world's first business collapsed instantly, replaced by the word fool.

After finishing speaking, the "No. 1 Merchant in the World" did not hesitate to take out the green dragon egg and put it on the trading platform, the same goes for Rainy Night.

Ding, the transaction is complete.

Ding, congratulations on your successful acquisition of the Blue Dragon Egg and whether it hatches.

When Yu Ye just thought about it, the Henggu voice in her mind sounded again:

Don't hatch.

I didn't say the reason, but Yuye obediently clicked on it, put it in his backpack, and had 100% confidence in this sound.

Rainy night succeeded in obtaining the first beast in the final chapter in full view, laying the groundwork for his success in reaching the summit in the future.

And ‘The World’s No. 1 Business’ was looking at the piece of equipment with a happy face, as if it were the most precious thing in the world, and involuntarily put it on his lips and kissed it.

In the next moment, the "First Under Heaven" retracted all his expressions and put on a serious look, and placed his hands on the pieces of equipment and shook quickly, and phantoms and sparks emerged. Uh, the scene was imagined by itself.

It didn’t take long before that set of equipment was condensed for a short time, bursting out a dazzling golden luster. Under this golden luster, the'No. It's fanaticism.

It really was that piece of equipment...

At the same time, the rapid gathering of thunder penalties in the sky that destroyed the sky and the land, gathered the silent cruelty, and seemed to want to destroy it, and also destroy the "world's first business".

Under the pressure of this kind of breath, the ‘No.1 Shang under Heaven’ was instantly dumbfounded, the color of horror on his face flowed on the surface, and the excitement trembling transformed into a tremor of fear and horror, and a layer of fine sweat instantly covered his forehead.

On the rainy night, they didn't seem to feel it, and remained the same. The movements of several people seemed to be frozen, and they couldn't even feel the most basic breathing.

At this moment, a gray figure flashed out of the backpack on the rainy night. The specific shape was not very real. It could only be seen vaguely as a human form. It instantly turned into a light, waving the two tall giants in the hands. The sickle slashed on the newly formed equipment.

Ding, the newly formed piece of equipment was once again turned into fragments after the impact, and the number of fragments was larger and thinner than before.

The thunder punishment in the sky and the great terror hidden behind the thunder punishment are slowly dissipating.

"You tm..." Seeing that the treasure was destroyed, the'First Under Heaven' did not react for a while, pointing to the plague law **** just about to curse, but when he saw the figure, the words behind But I couldn't say it.

"Plague...Plague.....Plague....Plague." The face of the'No.1 Shang under Heaven' suddenly climbed into the color of horror, which was much more serious than the thunder punishment that had been seen before~www. I stuttered a word.

"Don't be nervous." A cold and cruel voice, accompanied by a metal collision-like laughter, entered the world's No. 1 Shang's ears.

Note: This is not the plague magic **** pretending to be x, but his original voice, and he is also very helpless.

"The World's Number One Merchant" shivered, and the roots of his hairs not obeying the command fell. Even the NPC of his legendary realm was a little unable to hold it at this moment, and his teeth trembled and couldn't say a word.

"Children, there are some things that can't be messed with. Didn't your father teach you?"

"The World's No. 1 Shang" uttered in his heart: Sun, where is Lao Tzu's father? Laozi's world existed since he was born, but how could he dare to resist? How dare you? Can only speak silently.

"I saved your life earlier, how do you plan to repay it?" Seeing that the "No. 1 Business in the World" has not spoken all the time, the plague law suddenly became boring, so he cut directly to the subject. If you want to chat with more like-minded people, follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and chat with more book friends about your favorite books (Plague Master of Online Games..125125320)--(Plague Master of Online Games)