Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 93: Kill the Heroic General

"Orion" used the knowledge in his mind and learned from the outside world to dig out a stone box from the key part of the tomb:

Inside it lies quietly a pink transparent pendant with a slightly rough workmanship. The pendant seems to be sealed with a dripping blood drop, exuding charming magic;

There is a beautifully written letter under the pendant. The handwriting on it seems to be ancient, and several people don't know it.

At the moment when the stone box was dug out, everyone felt lightened all over, nodded secretly, and it was done. This copy was decided, and good days were coming.

However, the heroic generals did not look like they thought: they fell into weakness, sealed their skills, or died directly.

Instead, he went directly into a violent state, sending out non-human screams and attacking a few people madly. That pendant seemed to be very important to him, like a point that triggered the violent anger.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the damage explodes, and the blood is mottled.

Changjian Henge and others couldn't hold it in an instant, and they didn't dare to straighten their front and do the bird-like shape of a frightened bow. They immediately retreated, and instantly recovered a bottle of medicine in their mouth and a bottle in their hands, in case of emergency.

"Retreat, don't fight, it will be fine after these three minutes. Those with control skills will have control skills." Long Jian Hengge analyzed the wave rationally, and at the same time, she was ready to die. She thought that the hatred still fell fiercely. Her body.

As everyone knows...

There are pros and cons to the early rampage, as long as they can survive these three minutes, it will naturally be raining and clearing, reducing the time for customs clearance; but once they can't resist it, there is naturally only one way to destroy.

The heroic general with a 100% increase in attributes is not too scary.

Let me put it this way.

With the blood of the two thieves in the team now being knocked by the heroic general, there will be only blood skin in an instant, and the damage will undoubtedly die.

However, they did not cause much damage to the heroic general, and the hatred was not deep. After entering the invisible state, the feeling of death coming behind instantly disappeared.

It can be said that the safety of the rest of the Dragon Guild is absolutely guaranteed before the three of Longjian Henge, Yuye, and Orion die.

Dagger broke through the sky and sat on the ground and took out a bag of potato chips: "It's safe."

The long sword pierced the sky and took out a bag of duck necks in a modest manner: "Uh, it's safe."



At this time, General Heroic Spirit’s hunting target was the ‘Holy Dragon’, and the previous rainy night released a series of skills to instantly make his damage peak.

Uh, the rainy night just finished a circle of skills was a little confused, this time is too accurate, right? When he was weak, the violent heroic general was killed. This is too fake, not scientific at all.

Gemini flicked aside while eating beef jerky, humming a little tune: This is fate...I can't tell...

Note: Potato chips in the left hand and beef jerky in the right hand are fun.

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan also took out the spicy strips and sat on the small bench silently watching the rainy night performance, making harp sounds from time to time.

Changjian Henge looked at them sadly, really wanting to give them a knife, heart was so tired.

"Follow me to play the control chain and save the rainy night."

The scholar in the green shirt sat as steady as Mount Tai and poured a bag of spicy strips into his mouth and said vaguely: "I have no control skills." After speaking, he took out a new bag of spicy strips.

Jiang Cheng said with a guilty conscience: "I can only mock, I'm afraid of death."

The two Geminis just wanted to open their mouths to find excuses, but Changjian Henge glared at her and followed her behind her to hit the chain of control.

Even if the rainy night enters the nihilization, the heroic general can still keenly capture his trace and counteract it.

After the rage, the movement speed of the heroic general doubled, and the rainy night was unable to escape. After dodge an attack, the absolute counter was directly activated. After successfully evading an attack, the absolute defense was activated again, and the gray shield's blood volume soared ten times and could resist for a while. .

Borrowing this time, he happened to be able to take a look at the b plague he had bought earlier, for a trace of life.

Three seconds passed, the gray shield disappeared, and the chain of control of Changjian Henge and others was seamlessly connected, and Yuye's life was finally relieved for the time being.

In these few seconds, he also understood the effect of b plague.

Just as the plague a did not disappoint him, the plague b did not disappoint him either.

b Plague: A directional skill that releases a light green poisonous mist to lock the target, and it can be used to inflict poisoning and severe damage on the target. It can spread, and the maximum is 100.

Inflicts damage equal to 50% of the host’s magic damage per second, and lasts until the target dies. The target’s HP is less than 50% and the damage is doubled

Ignore defense, ignore the ranks.

Note: It cannot be used for boss and npc.

The primary target state cannot be dispelled, and the spread target can be dispelled by the priest.

Cooling time: two hours, the sickle of good and evil halved: one hour.

Mana consumption: 2000

Looking at the introduction of this skill, a picture suddenly appeared in Yu Ye's mind:

After swiping this skill, he sat there eating with his grandparents.

Hey, no, it seems that he needs a piece of equipment that is immune to damage, otherwise he still has to run. No, it doesn't have to be equipment that is immune to damage, as long as the monster can't be defeated.

At the moment of life and death, Yu Ye was thinking about these things, hey, did you go wrong?

But Changjian Hengge and others didn't know, thinking that Yuye was in a daze, they couldn't help but remind them: "Xiaoye, run away."

Ah, oh, the rainy night was very cute, but in the end he still reacted and ran away from the heroic general.

This control chain lasts for 20 seconds at most, and it will not exceed 30 seconds with Chaos Stone. The remaining time seems to be hard to resist with instant recovery potions.

Changjian Hengge also understands this truth, and now he can only do his best to obey the fate.

"Xiaoye, I will give you another hundred bottles of instant recovery potions. It's up to you." Although Changjian Hengge wants to take the damage for the rainy night, it is impossible to deal thousands of damage in three minutes. The violent heroic general.

Her most powerful skill now can only deal -1 damage.

The rainy night was uncomfortable and hurt. He turned his head and glanced at the heroic general who was still in the control chain behind him. The small steps under his feet instantly turned like a big windmill.

Qingshan scholar: "Uh, the president successfully sold Xiaoye and despise her."

Gemini: "This is fate, I can't say it clearly."

Jiang Cheng took a look: "Hey, the younger you are, the greater the pressure."



These people have already gathered together to eat fried peanuts and drink beer. UU reading www.uukā watched... be abused in the rainy night.

"Grass, don't say it, it feels so cool."

"Yeah, I didn't understand why those brothers and sisters in Yuye ate snacks when they said to clean monsters, but now I finally understand."

"Haha, I feel the same."



The power of habit, the power of example is infinite...

The rainy night watched those people who were eating snacks, feeling choked, and silently wiped away tears from the corners of their eyes and swallowed a bottle of instant healing potion. Rage to eliminate. If you want to chat with more like-minded people, follow the "hot web text or rdww444" on WeChat and chat with more book friends about your favorite books (Plague Master of Online Games..125125320)--(Plague Master of Online Games)