Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 95: Forbidden Curse: Phoenix Destruction

Skill 5: Flashing-every time a skill is released, there is a 50% chance of moving for a period of time, and the direction can be controlled by itself.

   Cooling time: three seconds

   Mana consumption: 500

The    flashing skill has been strengthened as never before. Seeing this skill, Long Jian Heng Ge has already seen the infinite teleportation gray mist division and the crowded people in his mind.

   looked at the teammates beside her, she felt very uncomfortable. Jiang Cheng is afraid of death, Gemini who loves snacks, Confucian scholars in Qingshan who have no control skills, and two priests who are useless. Hey, only Yuye and Orion can live by.

  Skill 6: Summoning——Summon the Gray Mist Master for auxiliary battles, ten each time, a total of ten times. During this period, the Gray Mist Master will enter a state of absolute defense invincibility.

   The ability to send tasks is better than nothing, and it does not have much effect.

   The six skills are not bad, and there are no bright spots. As long as you pay attention to the position, you will definitely be able to pass the level.

   Maybe it was because of the Rainy Night Wisdom Eye Technique, they took it for granted that they ignored the red flame gem staff in the hands of the Grey Haze Master.

  The battle is about to start.

   A few people withdrew their joking heart, eager to try, adding a damage value of 100 is not a joke, it is not a display.

Dong Dong Dong, ten people have a fierce hammer. In ten minutes, the blood of the boss has dropped by 8%. Although the flash skill is a bit annoying, they can always find opportunities, such as alternate use of control skills, such as chaos stone The use of etc.

   HP drops to 10%, and the summon skills are automatically activated.

   Few people had no choice but to destroy the gray mist mage first, but with the help of the rainy night monomer, they were quickly cleared.

   After half an hour, the gray mist division's blood volume dropped to 60%, and he called again to send out a small soldier.

   Several people followed suit.

   Grey Haze Master's blood volume is steadily declining...

"President, can I take a break after hitting the second floor? I still have business in the afternoon." A pastor in the team stood in the distance, holding a donut in one hand, biting it, and asking without caring about the ambiguity. .

   But when I said this, my face was a little red, maybe because the environment was too hot.

   "Say, are you going to fish for a triumphant man? A man? I also want to go with you." Another stout female priest instantly laughed and said loudly, for fear that they would not hear it.

   "Yes, I'm going to make a man, you want to come? Let's go together, can you also try whether he is strong?"


  Uh, the conversation between these two girls made a group of big Hans feel ashamed...can only pretend not to hear.

   can't provoke, can't provoke.



   The entire second layer is the least stressful for them, and the risk of death is the least. The two have even gathered together to discuss the details quietly. A group of men are speechless, and their thin-skinned faces are already red as sunset.

"Lao Niu? How about it? Relax? Use your newly acquired skills, still hiding them? They have been hidden for almost an hour." The scholar in Qingshan glanced at the two whispering female men and saw them. There was no time for him to take care of it, and the topic just started.

   "Can't be used, can't be used, too handsome, I'm afraid you will be jealous." The shameless old man said something against his heart without reddening his face and heartbeat.

   thought: Huh? Want to watch Lao Tzu make a fool of yourself? impossible.

   "Hey, green shirt? What did you buy? Try it out."

  The attribute pill and skill book bought by the scholars in the green shirt are the same as the old cow, and they don't want to make a fool of themselves. At this time, they can only play haha.

   "You flock of weak chickens, look at my shadow sting." The short sword ridiculed in an instant, and used the newly acquired skill.

   At this time, the Grey Mist used a skill to trigger the flash, and the short sword's skill failed, causing everyone to ridicule.

   This story tells us not to stand up lightly.


   A few people played very easily and comfortably. I couldn't help but imagine what the second level reward would be? Two bosses and so many mobs, the final chapter will definitely not be stingy...

   Qingshan scholar: If only I could give me a set of golden equipment, haha.

   Short sword: I want golden equipment for one suit, not to anyone else.

   Long Sword Breaks the Sky: I also want to be equipped with gold equipment, no, I want to be ambitious, I want a fine gold equipment.

   These selfish men...



   Between talking and fantasy, the boss's blood volume has been consumed to 50%.

   Summoning, invincible, but this time the Grey Mist's posture is a bit wrong? Why should he hold that staff? What does the gem on the top of the staff mean?

"No, withdraw quickly." Changjian Hengge immediately smelled the danger and hurriedly spoke. At the same time, the chaos stone and the control skills wanted to interrupt his spellcasting, but everything was useless and too late. The inertial thinking made everyone Can't wait to kill those gray mist mages!

   Several other people also found something wrong. At this time, they didn't back up, but instead rushed faster, trying to interrupt that skill.

   In the next second, a small lifelike phoenix sprang out from the red flame gem, only the size of a palm, but the power of destroying the world contained in it made them a little frightened and trembling.

  啾, the illusory phoenix uttered a clear call, and then did not hesitate to find the center of the map and slammed down.

   A forbidden curse-level phoenix impact quickly fell, setting off a mushroom cloud like a nuclear bomb explosion, and the shock wave followed like a shadow.

   At the critical moment, everyone had to sacrifice all the defenses to protect themselves, but the full screen of 50,000 damage made their defenses useless and died instantly.

   The nine rays of light disappeared in the instance instantly, with no resistance at all. At the same time, those gray mist mages disappeared together...

   Map artillery, regardless of whether we are foe or At the moment when everyone died, a system prompt appeared in everyone's mind:

  Ding, you have been cursed: Phoenix kills the world, please go to resurrection.

   The transformation of Long Sword Hengge has been used three times today and cannot be used anymore. Although the "Orion" is equipped with a single suit, it does not have a short-term invincible life-saving outfit.

   At this moment, the only thing that is still struggling to support is the gray shield that drifts with the wind in the gray mist. The rainy night inside the gray shield feels like crying without tears.

   Hang teammates?

   Me again?

   Have snacks?

   But the boss has 50% of his health left, so he can fight for it.

  -50000 damage beats twice again, this wave of forbidden spells is over, and he slowly landed.

   A little cold sweat broke out from the bottom of Yuye's heart. His blood volume is only about 18,000 at this moment, and it is only 18w if it is increased tenfold. If the damage bursts for the fourth time, he will definitely die.

   The crisis is resolved, Yu Ye stared at the Grey Mist, it seems that his eyes are blurred? Why is there a smile on the corner of the gray mister's mouth?

   Check your own skills and potions, turn over and beat the boss in the rainy night.

  Resurrection Stone Point of Outside Novice Village:

  The nine figures of the Dragon Touring Guild gathered together, first humming at the same time, and then moaning softly.

   The feeling of death once is really...

   At this moment, the spies of the major guilds squatting in the Xinshou Village immediately sent back a message: The Dragon Guild was destroyed. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends