Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 99: 10th in the weapon rankings

Halfway through the equipment attributes, Yuye seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and let out a faint exclamation, then pursed his lips, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, closed his dark eyes, took the sickle and retracted the breastplate and swiped it without distress. Break the left arm.

The blood is leached, and the blood volume drops a bit to avoid automatically opening the copy because the blood volume is full.

He cares very much about the people present, so he can't let them bleed. Besides, Rainy Night has been able to withstand the pain very skillfully and easily.

However, the grandparents were a little worried and a little unclear. So, taking the old Zhang's head as the representative of the reckless man, he directly spilled a bottle of medicine to heal the wounds of the rainy night and restore the blood volume to full value.


Yuye was very helpless, but he was afraid that time was too late and had to pierce his left arm with a sickle. Just about to explain to Grandpa Zhang, the old Zhang’s head was flying out of a bottle of medicine, muttering:

"Oh, what are you doing, Xiaoye? Self-harm? Don't think that it is impossible to avoid monster spawning in this way."

"That's it, it's impossible. We have all snacks ready."

"Young people are more mindful."


What can you say on rainy night? These three grandfathers, seeing their ‘caring’ appearances, Yuye had to be patient and explain to them, and then cut his left arm again.

Huh, no one stopped him now, Yuye let out a long breath, looked at the twists and turns of wounds, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Sansi, is that Sansi? Three times the pain? Three times the pain.

After listening, everyone turned their attention to this piece of equipment again, but at this moment the system prompted a sound:

Ding, warm reminder, it is currently in the status of reading progress, and the voice assistance system without the leader will not automatically start.

Uh, heartbroken, old iron.

Rainy night: %!¥……@#

Speaking dirty for the second time in my life...It was very uncomfortable and heart-stuck, so I quickly took out a bottle of medicine to stop bleeding.

Additional special effects: End-of-life offset-After wearing it, fighting against monsters with an apocalyptic breath will offset its 500 points of damage.

Oh, just the bonus of this special effect is worthy of its dark gold title.

Uh, is this offset? It's invincible.

Additional Skills: Forbidden Curse: Phoenix Destroyed-Take time out of the wearer's entire body of mana to strike the enemy within 100*100 indiscriminately. The damage caused is divided into three stages, each with 50000.

Note: 100*100 is exactly the size of the entire second floor space.

Note: Teammates are immune to damage.

Charging time: Three seconds, the charging process will enter an absolutely invincible state and cannot be interrupted.

Cooling time: one day.

Note: After the release, the player will enter a weak state, and all attributes will be reduced by 30%.

The effect of this skill is the same as the effect in the hands of the Grey Mist Master. There is no weakening, and there is even a faint sense of strengthening. It is the biggest good news to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and it is also the biggest change in this equipment.

Otherwise, Grandma Sun puts on a forbidden curse, everyone except her is dead? How to fight then?

One person defends one city? Or should one person choose one king?

However, the weakening effect of this skill is still a bit annoying, and it's just a bit annoying...

If this equipment was released when the Dragon Touring Guild was established, the scene would definitely be a sea of ​​dead bodies and blood, and it would completely establish the position of the leader of the Dragon Touring Guild. This is a strategic weapon.

Fortunately, this piece of equipment is currently unknown, otherwise it will definitely cause them to kill.

On the day, when I saw the above attributes, grandparents and grandparents were already shocked from ear to ear. At this time, I saw that the expression on the face of this forbidden curse was richer, especially the old Zhangtou was a little bit greedy in disbelief, and greedy again. With a trace of sadness, a little bit of sadness was revealed in the sad heart.

why? Why am I not a mage? Why do you want to be a warrior?

"Xiao Ye, do you still have such equipment? Give you a stack of Grandpa Zhang, no, it's all in one." The wailing expression on Old Zhang's head changed instantly, turning into a cute look and asked seriously toward the rainy night.

With a serious look, I thought he wanted Chinese cabbage!

Uh, rainy night feels uncomfortable, heartbroken, and tired...

This piece of equipment was when he finally killed the Grey Mist boss, suddenly he had the inspiration to release the spoils obtained by theft. How can there be so many? Still, why does Grandpa Zhang think so well? Why don't you grab it.

Yu Ye squinted over and let him realize it by himself.

Note: Yuye's own equipment does not need to be evenly divided with Longjian Henge.

I have to say that the second layer of this wave of ten-level dungeons is very valuable: successively obtained dark gold level treasure chest keys, small pheasant stewed mushroom drawings, blue dragon eggs, b plague, theft, shield armor fragments, and a set of gray mist jewelry , Several pieces of silver-level equipment, and the last dark gold-level staff.

If the value of these items is sold together, it will definitely be enough for the rest of your life on rainy nights, the next life, and the next life without worry.

"Yeah, Xiaoye, we want too, not too much, just one suit."

"I want too, Xiao Ye, you can't be thick or thin."

"Grandpa Zhao, that idiom is favoritism against the other, which means: value or treat one side favorably, despise or neglect the other side, haha, brother, I want too." Gentle poses as a scholar to remind Grandpa Zhao, and then asks for a set of dark gold Grade equipment.

" yes yes yes, it is thick or thin, I listened for a while when I was studying gently yesterday." Grandpa Zhao came into contact with the new knowledge and burst into laughter.

"Huh? Huh?" Yuye stared softly at Yuye and made two strange syllables. The meaning was obvious: You want too? Aren't you a magic weapon?

He gently stuck out his tongue, and said coquettishly: "Hmph, bad brother, and scared me. Gentleness is what you want. If you don't, you won't be allowed to sleep at night."



Skill 2: Giant Fireball Technique-gather half of the mana of the whole body while cooperating with the spell to send out a giant fireball, causing a blaze impact within a range of 10*10. The blaze impact is divided into three times, and each time the damage is 10,000.

The charge time is ten seconds, during which interruption will reset the cooling time.

Cooling time: 30 minutes

Si Si Si, this skill can only hear the sound of cold breath as soon as a copy of this skill is released.

With the help of this skill, Grandma Sun will be busy in the future, and she has to release her skill every half an hour.

Strong, really strong...

Skill 3: Summon the Flame Man-Wearing this equipment will automatically activate if the blood volume is less than 10%, and summon a Flame Man about the same size as the body to perform an auxiliary attack. Before the Flame Man is dead, the wearer will be immune to physics attack.

Note: The attributes of the flame man are three times that of the wearer.

Phew, this skill, a proper life-saving skill, will definitely come in handy in the future.

Skill 4: Seal status, cannot be checked.

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