Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 448: 1 day in Barrett (Part 1)

The early morning sun, warm and soft, glides like silk across a sleeping face full of stubble. Through the swaying treetops, it teased back and forth on the sleeper's face like a naughty maiden.

The sound sleeper on the bed frowned slightly because of the provocation of the sun. He turned around slowly, trying to let himself enter the sweet dream again.

On the floor under the bed, a strange, constantly deforming piece of meat was crawling up along the foot of the bed in a worm-like way of movement. It quietly approached the sleeper on the bed, and crawled towards the latter's head.

When this strange piece of meat approached the sleeper's pillow, it suddenly stopped, then stood up, and the whole body slowly stretched around, as if a large net covered the sleeper's head.

But when this big net of flesh and blood was about to capture its "prey", it suddenly shrank into a ball inexplicably, and bounced a few times on the sleeper's face like a ball. The ball of flesh deformed again with the beating, and turned into a strange-looking hamster again.

The sound sleeper on the bed impatiently grabbed the hamster on his face, "Don't make trouble!" He said dazedly, "Find something to eat by yourself."

"Master, master, can I eat those humans outside? I promise to eat only half of them at a time, or an underage cub." The hamster said in a childlike voice, but the content of the words made people shudder. .

"No, Meatball, you can't do this!" The sleeper on the bed suddenly sat up, staring at the hamster in his hand with a stern expression, "Didn't your previous owner tell you that you can't eat people casually?"

"No." The peculiar hamster named 'Meat Ball' shook his head, "In the place where the owner lived, other than the owner himself, it was rare to see any human beings, so the owner never said such a thing, and never I told Joey that."

"Then you have to remember today, Meatball, you can't eat anything without my permission." The awakened man said solemnly, "Not only humans, but also dwarves, elves, gnomes, as well as horses and dogs. You can't eat anything like cats!"

"But Joey will be hungry." The hamster stared at his big round eyes. "If Joey is too hungry, if he is too hungry, he may not be able to control himself."

"Don't worry, I will definitely feed you at that time." The awakened person threw the hamster away, and he fell on the bed with a thud, as if he wanted to sleep for a while.

"Now is when Joey is very hungry." The hamster crawled from under the bed to the pillow again. "Now is, now!" it kept repeating.

"Oh, I should ask Chris if he wants you, the little guy." The man on the bed sighed, "By the way, do you plan to change the owner again?"

The hamster shook his head vigorously and said pitifully, "Don't you want Joey? Master? If you don't want Joey, Joey will let himself go and eat hard, eat hard, and then die. ."

"What's this saying? Why do you die if you eat too hard." The man on the bed asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, anyway, the owner once told Joey that if you let go and eat hard, if you see what you eat, you may die." The hamster replied.

What he/she means is not to die, but to be killed, "Well, then you should stay by my side until you find your former master." The person on the bed said helplessly, "At least I It can still manage you, and it doesn't cost much to feed you."

He got out of bed and stood on the floor, stretched hard, and then looked at himself in the mirror on the wall, "Hey, hello, adventurer Barrett, welcome back."


Muya city-state, 'Put up your ears' hotel.

After washing up, Barritt walked out of the room and went downstairs to the hall. Today is the third day of his return from hell. On the first day, after they came back, they set a time for the next meeting and then separated from each other. On the second day, Manzi slept in the hotel room for a whole day, so this morning he had the energy to get up early. .

Originally, the little mage Kris wanted to invite Barret to rest in the floating city, so that it would be more convenient to connect with each other, but this proposal was politely declined by our barbarian adventurer.

To the city of wizards? Please, that's tantamount to 'throwing oneself into the ogre's soup pot', completely self-defeating.

It's too late for Barrett to stay away from the mage, especially when the legendary 'Demos' mage was separated from each other. The barbarian's heart trembled as he thought about how he should use the knife.

If it weren't for the fact that the follow-up trip still needs to go with the little mage, Barret would definitely choose to escape far away, the farther away from the central area of ​​the continent, the better, even if he knew it would not be of any use.

Although the 'Put up your ears' hotel also serves breakfast, there are very few guests who come to eat. Adventurers rarely get up early, and usually the first meal of the day is at noon.

"Are you up early, Barrett?" Leslie, the innkeeper, poured Barrett a glass of rye beer. "It's been a long time since I saw you. I thought you left Muya and went somewhere else. It's an adventure."

"You guessed it right, I did go somewhere else." Barrett sat at the counter, picked up the glass and drank it, wiped his mouth casually, and burped comfortably.

The cool and luscious liquid not only moisturised his throat that was dry like a desert, but also made him feel a lot more energetic all of a sudden.

"Where did you go? Let's hear it." The innkeeper poured another glass for the barbarian. "Maybe the place you went to was visited by me."

"I don't believe it." Barrett took the glass. "The place I went to is not in this plane where we live."

"So what, I've been to most places in the multiverse," the hotel owner said, not to be outdone. "You talk about it first."

"Bato Hell, the city of Dis." Barbarian flipped through the menu in his hand, "Why, have you been to that place too?" He smiled condescendingly.

"Of course." The innkeeper did not admit defeat, "I have watched several wonderful gladiatorial fights in the arena of Diss City, and I have also taken a bath of magma unique there. I have also followed a strange The tour went to the third floor of **** to watch the incomparably huge Minauros worm. At first, the five tourists in the tour group chose to enter the belly of the worm, hoping to be strengthened, but in the end only two Individuals come out of it alive. As you can guess, one of them is me."

That Minauros worm, the little mage also persuaded him to try it, saying that it can get some kind of reinforcement after it comes out. But Barrett didn't want to do it at all, it was crazy, and no one in their right mind would send themselves over to be devoured by a worm.

"Why are you going to hell? Is it just for fun?" Barbarian asked again.

"I'm looking for a woman." Leslie replied softly, "I went to most of the multiverse planes to find her. Not only the city of Dis, but the entire Nine Hells of Baator except the ninth floor. I have been to all other levels. Even the chaotic endless abyss, I have found more than twenty levels."

so hard? "Women?" Barrett looked at each other curiously. "Your lover? Or a lover?"

"All." The innkeeper admitted frankly. He lit his pipe and looked at the gradually turning red tobacco, "She is my lover and my lover; a partner who fights side by side, and an enemy who kills each other. She once pierced my heart with a sword, almost It's taking my life..." Leslie picked up his pipe, unbuttoned his collar, and let Barrett look at the sword wound in his heart, "and saved me more than once when I was in danger. I,"

A pair of peculiar partners, "Did you find her at last?" Barrett suddenly felt a little itchy between his brows. He rubbed his forehead vigorously with his hand, and took another sip from the glass.

"I found it." The hotel owner exhaled a white smoke, "It's just, it's too late."


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