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Chapter 46: 1st caught (top)

The frost worm in front of him screamed in pain. Its twisting body ran over the body of the snow bear, causing the latter's internal organs to burst, and blood and flesh scattered everywhere.

The **** scene made Barrett feel relieved.

He didn't know how the dwarf Mapra quietly jumped on top of the frost bug, but this little guy did it anyway. Although there were some mistakes in the middle, and he was almost discovered by the frost worm, he was helped by Barrett's astute shouting, but the dwarf's follow-up actions were completed very quickly, and it seemed that he went from the ground to the top of the frost worm's head in an instant. , and stabbed the dagger into it.

In this way, the vibrato sarcoid on top of the frostworm's head should be useless, Barrett thought to himself.

At this time, the taciturn dwarf didn't escape from the top of the frost worm's head immediately, he was still hanging on it, and the body was fixed by the dagger in his right hand that pierced into the sarcoid.

The dwarf Mapra doesn't seem to be satisfied with the damage he has caused now, or he was a little embarrassed by what was almost discovered before, but his attacks are still going on anyway. The dwarf's left hand flicked in the air, holding a peculiar dagger whose shape was very different from the right hand. He stabbed the dagger in his left hand into the sarcoma of the frost worm again, pulled it out, stabbed it again, and light blue blood splashed all over the dwarf.

The frost worm roared frantically, shaking its head repeatedly, trying to get rid of the little guy who hurt it.

"Hey, it's our turn to go." Estelle said excitedly. Barritt saw the half-elf squinting his eyes slightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to expand to the base of his ears, which made his handsome face slightly hideous.

The half-elf held the pair of elf long swords covered with hollow patterns, and danced a beautiful sword flower with both hands. The pair of elf long swords are thin and thin, with some vine-like hollow ornaments, more like works of art than weapons, as if they will break with a little force, but Barrett knows that is not the case.

The weapons made by elves are not the same as the traditional forging process. Their weapons are not so much forged as they are "grown". This special process was inherited tens of thousands of years ago during the ancient elf civilization - that time Humans are still lingering in the corners of the continent.

The key to this craft is a special ritual. During the ceremony, the elves would channel the moonlight onto a large enough piece of mithril by chanting an ancient incantation on the altar of the Holy Land.

Through the power of altars, spells, and moonlight, this piece of mithril will be activated and will have certain biological properties. Activated mithril shaped like a jelly. When a weapon needs to be cast, the elves will take a small part of the 'jelly' and place it on the metal to be cast. After activation, mithril can dissolve the metal, or it can also be called digestion. , no one knows how that's done anyway.

After a period of time, the metal together with the 'jelly' will turn into a viscous metallic liquid. Although it is a metallic liquid, its temperature is cold, as cold as moonlight.

The elves will pour this metal liquid into wooden molds made of oak, and wait for it to restore to a solid. This wait can be months or even years, and the larger the metal that needs to be cast, the longer it will take. Such a time is nothing for the long-lived elves, but it is one of the reasons why most elves prefer to use delicate weapons such as rapiers.

This activation effect can only occur on a special metal like mithril. According to the elves, this is because mithril and moonlight have an indescribable connection. The weapons produced in this way are not only light and flexible, but also extremely strong and tough. What's even more amazing is that this weapon never needs to be polished, and it can repair itself in the event of a small breakdown.


The half-elf passed the barbarian adventurer and charged towards the frost worm at a high speed. Barrett glanced at Estelle's double swords, and tightened the 'Iron Bride' in his hand again.

Although you are a bit stout and not a pretty girl, but it suits my taste, he thought to himself with a mockery.

Barrett held his weapon and did not rush to attack like a half-elf, but jogged while observing the frost worm and the surrounding environment. This is his habit - the more it looks like a sure-fire battle, the more careful you must be to avoid mistakes.

Behind him, there was a sound like shaking the ground, and the ground seemed to tremble. Barrett didn't have to look back to know that it was a mobile fortress - the ogre Moglock charged.

"For the great Baron Mage!" the ogre shouted, and it passed Barrett with a sound like a landslide. Although there is only one person, the momentum of Moglock's charge is comparable to that of Nord's Dragon Knights.

It seems that the Master Mage has trained you very well, Barrett thought. More than once he had heard the ogre chanting the mage's honorable name in battle.

What am I going to fight for? The barbarian adventurer is thinking, for the current king of Nord, Ragnar IV? No, although my dad was his personal guard, he has nothing to do with me half a copper coin; for my dad? No, he doesn't need anyone to fight for him, and if there is a fight, he prefers to play it himself; for that red-haired 'queen'? No, she probably would have preferred to hang me on the gallows now.

For gold coins! Barrett shouted silently in his heart and slowly rushed over.

After all, the dwarf was thrown off his head by the frost worm, but his landing was like a feather, light and stable, and he just flipped back lightly twice to remove all the inertia.

As soon as the half-elf got close to the Frost Worm's body of about ten meters, he had already opened countless wounds on the Frost Worm's body with his hands flying. But the Frost Worm couldn't take him into consideration at this time, and could only evade the half-elf's seemingly acceptable attack by twisting its body constantly.

Because the frost worm has something more worthy of its attention in front of it - the ogre's avalanche-like charge is getting closer. The Frost Worm hissed, as if he had decided to deal with the biggest and most threatening guy first.

It first straightened its upper body high, then opened its huge jaws, dashed towards the ogre, and cut it into two sections as if to kill the snow bear.

After the collision of gold and iron, both the ogre and the frost worm stopped. The ogre blocked the attack of the frost worm with the 'giant bone' in his left hand, and the thick rectangular tower shield was stuck between a pair of jaws. No matter how hard the frost worm tried, it couldn't close.

Moglock slammed the 'crazy skull' with his right hand against the jaws, making a sound of gold and iron colliding with each other. Obviously, the pair of 'big teeth' of the frostworm is also very Frostworm saw that his jaw attack did not achieve the desired effect, so he gave up the plan to clip the ogre into two sections, and turned to straighten his upper body again, as if something was brewing.

"Be careful of the breath attack." Barrett shouted at the right time. The next moment, a cone-shaped cold gas nearly ten meters long was spit out by the frost worm.

The attack power of the frost worm's breath is very high, much stronger than that of the winter wolf. The latter spit out only a small cloud of cold mist, while the frost worm's cold breath is as substantial as the dragon's breath, not only in the degree of coldness. Intense, and can last for a few seconds.

Most of the breath attack was blocked by the ogre's tower shield, but even so, the protective magic on Moglock only lit up for a short time of two heartbeats and then dimmed.

But then, the multicolored protective magic lit up again. Obviously, Old Will cast a new layer of magic on the ogre again.

The newly added protection magic immediately dimmed again, but the frost worm's breath attack was over.

With such a large amount sprayed, it seems to be quite a burden even for the frost worms in the misty forest. Barrett thought maliciously in his heart.

He found the appearance of the frost worm in front of him, which was obviously a lot weaker than before. Not only is it very weak to twist and move, but even the screaming voice is much lower, and even the dwarf's continuous attack on the sarcoma on its head did not make it so unbearable. Obviously, this powerful breath attack is also a double-edged sword. Once it cannot effectively hurt the enemy, it will tire itself.

It seems that it should be almost certain, Barrett estimated the situation of the battle. Holding his 'Iron Bride' tightly, he turned to the side of Frost Worm's body and stabbed in it with a sword.
