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Chapter 59: Xiaoqing

The multiverse is simply too large and complex, and all kinds of messes can exist. The undead who believe in the Holy Light, the kind-hearted devil, the dwarf more than three meters tall, the drow who yearns for the sun, and the ogre who does not eat people...

But, are there any vegetarian frost bugs in this world? Maybe there is, maybe not, I'm afraid even the wisest mage can't answer this question with a positive tone.

But no matter how tricky the problem is, there will always be "people" who will know about it. Xiaoqing knew the answer to this question because it was the answer.

Well, Xiaoqing is a well-behaved, vegetarian-only frost bug.

When it hatched from that snowball-like egg, it never saw its parents. Of course, this is nothing in the frostworm species.

After the female frost bug lays a pile of eggs like ice and snow, she will leave on her own, not to take care of its offspring's growth, nor to care about their offspring's life or death. The newly hatched frost worms have to take care of themselves, and that is their most vulnerable period.

However, the newly hatched frost worms are not without any means of self-protection. Although the sarcomas on their heads are only a little big, they can already make that shocking vibrato. Although the vibrato produced by the juvenile frost worm is not very powerful and has a very small range, it can barely be used for protection and hunting.

But Xiaoqing doesn't have this awesome ability, because he is a deformed child.

Xiaoqing doesn't have a sarcoma that can make a vibrato, and she doesn't have that pair of giant jaws like pincers. Even if she's an adult, she won't have that kind of powerful frost breath like the breath of a white dragon.

The difference between it and the silkworm is that it is bigger, and the difference between it and the meat maggot is that it is colder than the latter. Although Xiaoqing has no sticky sarcomas, no sharp jaws, and no cool breath attacks, at least its body will naturally emit that kind of extremely low-temperature cold mist around it. This is Xiaoqing's The only way to protect yourself, if you don't count it rolling and squashing the opponent with its body.

Xiaoqing has never eaten any meat since he was a child. Because he is not very good at hunting and has no means of attack, he just eats leaves and bark like a silkworm baby, hides in Tibet, and survives carefully.

Even so, Xiaoqing has brushed past death countless times. After all, the foggy forest is not a friendly place. It had been trapped in the body by the blood-sucking vine, the wicked vine that pierced countless spikes into its body and sucked its blood. But because the blood temperature on Xiaoqing's body was extremely low, the blood-sucking vine was frozen to death just after taking two bites. Those sturdy vines hung with white mist, became fragile, and then cracked, allowing Xiaoqing to escape.

Xiaoqing was also attacked by hordes of winter wolves. Fortunately, her body was not as fat as it is now, and her slender body allowed her to climb up tall fir trees like a snake and escape from the claws of the wolves.

The wolves surrounded the fir tree for three days at that time. When they found that Xiaoqing had no signs of going down the tree to find food, they slowly dispersed unwillingly, while Xiaoqing stayed on the tree for a whole week. It is not picky eater, even the rough bark and needle-like leaves of fir trees can be eaten with relish, so it is not worried about food problems.

Xiaoqing is a coward, a coward, afraid of wind, rain, and thunder.

Because of his timidity, a little bit of wind and grass will make Xiaoqing rush up to the nearest fir tree, which makes his body very flexible at that time, and the speed of squirming is like the wind, which is not much more than that of the winter wolf. Let. It also has the unique ability to climb trees, which is especially useful when escaping. Therefore, although Xiaoqing is not moisturizing, he can only eat bark and branches and leaves to barely satisfy his stomach, but at least he does not need to worry about losing his life.

After all, people will have a day of transition, and wild lily will also have its own spring, and Xiaoqing is no exception.

Its days in hiding came to an end shortly after it reached adulthood. This is not because Xiaoqing's body, which is already six or seven meters long, has enough deterrent power, nor because it has evolved some kind of powerful ability. Xiaoqing is still the little Qing who has no talent, but it has found A really great treasure!

The vegetation on this treasure land is very monotonous. Except for Xiaoqing's shelter - fir trees, there is only one kind of fluffy low plant - azure moss.

Not only does this moss grow all over the body like a parasite, but it also tastes bitter. When Xiaoqing first came here, he found a litter of seven ferocious rabbits, and their parents half a circle bigger than a calf.

But those rabbits were covered with fluffy azure-colored moss all over their body and their fur. They were not so much big, violent rabbits as they were moving tree spirits. In short, it felt very weird.

Not long after Xiaoqing came to this area, the pair of rabbit parents left with their children. After that, various creatures often break into here, but those intruders usually leave after a short stay, except for Xiaoqing.

The lack of species here means a lack of food; moss will parasitize on the body, and after a few days, it will take root and sprout, making the parasitic itching unbearable. So this is not a good place.

But none of this is a problem for Xiaoqing. The low-temperature cold air that its body naturally emits can effectively resist the parasites of those moss, and Xiaoqing is never picky about food. Although the taste of moss is not good, at least the amount is full, and it tastes better than fir trees. The bark and branches are more tender. And if you chew the moss repeatedly and taste it carefully, you can still taste a hint of sweetness from it.

In this way, Xiaoqing lives in this area without any worries. In addition to eating and sleeping, it will continue to burrow into the ground, creating a large nest deep underground for itself.

Xiaoqing has lived here for a long time, UU reading www. But it can't remember exactly how long it has been. Anyway, its body has grown from more than six meters when it first came here to nearly twenty meters now. The diameter of that round body is more than four meters. It's a behemoth.

Now Xiaoqing still has no effective means of attack, and because his body is too large, he can no longer climb trees like before. But in the same way, because of such a huge body, no creature dares to provoke Xiaoqing again.

until today.

The weather is fine today, the breeze is blowing and the fir branches are rustling. Xiaoqing wandered around on his own site as usual, crawling and eating these "delicious" moss.

Xiaoqing eats a lot, but the moss grows faster, so he never needs to worry about food.

Going forward, Xiaoqing suddenly found a few guys walking on two legs broke into her territory. Xiaoqing has seen such creatures before, but it doesn't care, it won't take long for them to leave anyway, unless they, like Xiaoqing, are resistant to moss parasitism and can endure eating dry moss every day.

If they really have the ability to resist parasites and can endure eating moss every day, then Xiaoqing doesn't care.

Xiaoqing is a coward, but not stingy.

Just when Xiaoqing was going to ignore these intruders and continue walking while eating in another direction, it found that one of these two-legged guys seemed to be slowly approaching him. Xiaoqing is much stronger than before, and his courage has also increased a little. It stopped in place, tilted its head and looked at the strange guys who were slowly approaching.

What are you going to do? Xiaoqing was full of doubts.
