Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 93: Unknown Adventurer Team

The team marched slowly in the village.

Most of the houses in the hot spring village are stone houses, which are very different from the neat brick and wood houses in Galano. Barrett found that many of the buildings in the village were very old and dilapidated. Although hundreds of years have passed, the collapsed houses have been rebuilt, and the abandoned city walls have been converted into bull pens, but Barrett can still see the traces of the war on the blackened stone walls.

The brutal wars of the Age of Chaos have not completely destroyed this place, at least some of the buildings that have existed since before the Empire still stand.

Hannah casually picked a pale pink camellia planted by a nearby village house and put the flower on her head, "Is it good?" she asked Barrett.

The person being questioned turned his head to look at Hannah, the shy look on the woman's face was no different from the **** girl. Barrett wanted to tell Hannah that this kind of delicate decoration was not for you, but the words came to his lips, but he couldn't say them.

One is that her words are very contrary to her heart, and her thousands of faces can suit any dress; the other is that he does not dare.

But before Barrett could think of an answer, a warm compliment came from behind him, "It's so beautiful, Ms. Hannah, the noon sun is eclipsed by your face."

Barrett didn't have to look back to know who the speaker was. The only person the entire team could compliment so blatantly was that young kid named 'Brandon'.

"Thank you, Brandon." Hannah smiled and said behind her.

"No, this is all from my heart, Hannah." The young man seemed inspired, his tone was so excited that he even changed his honorary title, "I can give everything for you, even my life!"

He is really a young man who always thinks that as long as he sacrifices his life, he can get everything in return. Barrett shook his head in his heart, but he didn't know that his life was usually worthless.

Brandon wanted to step forward and squeeze in between Hannah and Barrett, but after Hannah gave him a faint glance, he backed away in a panic.

"The sun is eclipsed? My God, that's not a good phenomenon." Barrett heard a sigh behind him again, "Without the sun, the long night will forever cover the earth, and the cold and darkness will make everything wither, even the dark. No wheat can grow."

The sigh sounded again, "My old grandmother once told me that darkness will bring evil, and those monsters who only dare to hide in the shadows during the day will jump out at night and eat your eyes. But as long as you Close your eyes and obediently fall asleep, they will have nothing to do with you. But people can't always sleep, that kind of life is too scary. I don't like to sleep, sleep makes me feel that life is inadvertently passing by quickly , making people sad."

The sigh never ceased. "So, if there's no sunshine, maybe the dead will shout about it, but it's not good for those of us who live. Well, if I say, Ms. Hannah, you'd better pick that flower. down."

Barrett has seen a lot of weird characters in his life, but this speaker, who is called 'Melancholic Eddie', is undoubtedly one of the top three.

"Be quiet, don't disturb the chat between Captain and Lord Barrett." Burton, a good-hearted man with a rosacea nose, also said. He is the only person other than Hannah who has self-awareness of the strength of the team, so he is always worried that Barrett will run away halfway. , I hope Lord Barrett doesn't mind."

"I'm not an 'adult'." Barrett corrected, "Just call me 'Barrett'."

"Or the 'feeder'." Hannah added with a smile.

Barrett nodded and didn't deny it, that's better than carrying the word 'adult'. He always thought he was just an ordinary adventurer, just Barrett, and he didn't like being addressed by honorable titles.

Turning his head and looking behind him, Barrett found that the four people behind him had different expressions: Brandon stared at him with jealousy and resentment, 'Melancholy Eddie' looked at the sky with a sad face, and the kind-hearted Burton Showing a kind and ugly smile to him, the 'chauffeur' dutifully drove the carriage, seeing nothing but his four mares in his eyes.

Barrett once privately asked Hannah why they wanted to form such a team that was not only lacking in strength, but also did not even have enough cannon fodder, and this team didn't even have a name, which undoubtedly made it more difficult for others to make fun of.

And Hannah told him at the time that although these people have little strength and have some weird personalities, they all have the same advantages - loyal, obedient, and able to obey her orders completely.

Hannah said that it is not so easy to find a woman from the group of adventurers who is completely obedient to her and who will not be second-guessed. She also said that not even Barrett could do it.

To this, Barrett just smiled embarrassingly and did not refute. If you want him to completely obey the woman in front of him, it would be better for him to open a farm with the burgundy-haired girl and finish it quietly.

In the end, Hannah, a woman, also said, as for the issue of strength, isn't it still you?

Barrett glanced at the few people behind him again, and couldn't help but miss his dwarf companion. Although that guy is poisonous and likes to hurt others when he speaks, his strength is unquestionable, and they cooperate tacitly. There is no need for him to say anything, the dwarf knows what to do.

Um? Wait, is that true? Barrett recalled carefully again, and found that these unusable guys in front of him made him subconsciously beautify his former dwarf companion.

That guy, tsk tsk, Barrett shook his head in his heart...

"About this mission, don't you really know something else?" Barrett asked suspiciously.

The content of the annotations in the [Mission Log] made him feel a little uneasy.

This is a quest that can get 80 soul energy points. When Barrett assisted the 'Dirty Novel' adventure team to go to the misty forest to catch frost worms alive, only 100 soul energy points were rewarded. If the mission was done by another adventure team, it would have to be destroyed several times, so it can be imagined that the difficulty of this mission should not be as low as imagined.

Or, the [Quest Log] is not rewarded by difficulty? Because a normal task of returning the statue also gave 50 soul energy (the way back), and a task that only needed to go to a specific building to sleep for one night gave up to 120 soul energy (Eve's little wish) .

But the other two tasks only have a few 20 or 30 points, and I don't know why.

"Really not!" Hannah's big innocent eyes flashed, "Don't you believe me?"

"How dare you doubt the most beautiful lady Hannah!" The annoying voice behind him sounded again, "It's really..., really...," the voice was incoherent, "I'm going to duel with you. !"

Barrett stopped, turned to look at Brandon, "Are you serious?" he asked blankly.

Teaching this young man a lesson is also a good thing for him, at least it will make him mature more quickly. Barrett thought to himself, I didn't intend to do this because I wanted to vent my frustration.

"Of course, I..." Hannah glared back in the middle of Brandon's words.

"Let's go quickly," Hannah patted Barritt on the chin, "I didn't expect you to be willing to fight for me." A blush appeared on her charming face.

I..., the tall barbarian adventurer has an unspeakable pain in his heart.

"Dueling is bad, very bad," sighed 'Gloomy Eddie', "I know two people who fought a duel over the ownership of a calf, and one of them broke the other's teeth. It's really sad that this unfortunate man can only eat soup and oatmeal for the rest of his life, and can no longer eat meat. There's nothing sadder than a broken rib in the heart down the hillside."

That's not called a 'duel', at best it's just a fight between villagers, what's more, I can take care of this guy with only half a finger, just half a finger!

"Look, the castle not far away, that's Ser Yarman's lord's mansion." The good-hearted Burton shouted loudly, "I have to say, Ser Yarman hates people fighting on his territory the most. , let's hurry up."

Alas, has all my good luck run out? Barrett looked at the team in front of him and shook his head helplessly again.