Orc’s Crystal

Chapter 44

Chapter Forty Four

The author has something to say: Let me have a few words

I was entangled in the previous two days. I didn’t feel the fight that I originally envisaged (inspiration came fast and went faster), and suddenly I couldn’t write it. I found this problem yesterday, and I found it even more today. So I planned to skip it in a hurry, anyway, many pros said they didn't like to watch it.

I covered my face and said that I concentrated on skipping this paragraph and did a good job of codewords. In the end, I wasted a day. I sang with my friends in the afternoon. Today, I probably wanted to have no quality or quantity. Forgive me.

Don't look at it, everyone, let me jump over it first! Let me go to the next chapter! Ahem...

Brisk, relaxed, light joy, warm, petting, everything starts again from the next chapter...

Stretch out, let my little Jiang live a happy life in this world!

(No more tangled, write as you want!)

By the way, wipe sweat...

My post hasn’t started to use meat moo. Yesterday, a friend informed me that "The Orc’s Crystal" was reported as **** on the homepage.

Yali is really big!

Now it's called pornography. What was reported when you got on the meat moo?

Finally, to clarify one thing, I am not the author of Mermaid.

I mentioned a mermaid article earlier, and I am also an innocent reader of that pit, probably because I mentioned it, and then people who saw it thought I was advertising for that article (it did have this effect, many people listened to me. Ran over)

It means that I am really not the author of that article, and that although I am the author, I am also a reader, and I have the right and fun to follow the article.

Said that I do not shy away from mentioning other people’s articles. I don’t think this will lose my readers. It’s not self-confidence, but I feel that everyone is coded, friendly and progressing together, and I don’t cherish a kind of colleague who is an enemy. Thoughts.

At the same time, I said that I don’t know the author of the mermaid essay.

Finally, I said that the text is now very thin, only more than 50,000 words, and not necessarily weekly, not necessarily half a month. A pro in front of me was curious about it because I mentioned it, and then I was scolded and cheated.

I hope everyone is cautious when jumping in the pit, don’t be curious about jumping back in the pit and jumping back, cough!

Waterfall Khan, the readers of that article were anxious to update, they came over to try to grab my code word when they heard the rumors... It means looking to the sky! I'm really not the author of that article, I really didn't favor one or the other (under the mermaid article, I actually said that I was only more crystal, and accused me of not being more mermaid. I was so wronged that I could not speak).

Jiang Junlin couldn't find Wen Ted after looking for a long time, so he had to ask Yu Sen, "Yu Sen, have you seen Wen Ted? Where is he and how is the situation?"

"It's okay." Yusen stared at the court intently, and didn't have time to pay attention to Jiang Junlin.

"Minika, have you seen Wen Ted?" Jiang Junlin really couldn't see the situation on the court. Yu Sen didn't tell himself, so he had to put his hope on Minika.

"Huh?" Minika squinted halfway around the court.

"Minika?" Jiang Junlin increased the volume.

"Ah, uh, what did Ajan ask?" Minika lowered her head apologetically and asked Jiang Junlin. Wentd handed the person to herself, and Minika felt that she should take care of all aspects of the person in her arms.

"I asked where Wen Ted is, what's the situation now? I can't see clearly." Jiang Junlin was helpless.

"Isn't he the one in the field?" Minika hugged Jiang Junlin higher and pointed to the messy group of people in the middle.

"...Why can't I see clearly?" Jiang Junlin tried hard and worked hard, but he could only see a bunch of people in high-speed movement, and couldn't tell who was who.

From time to time, orcs were beaten out in the field. The closer the orcs were in the middle, the faster they moved, and Jiang Junlin could barely see the afterimages of their movements.

"Uh, you are young, probably your eyesight hasn't developed well. But don't worry, Wentard is very strong, and all the opponents around him have been defeated by him." Minika comforted him.

"Oh, okay, I'll see for myself." Jiang Junlin blinked, thinking that his eyes as a human being on this earth are probably not the same as the eyesight of this world!

At first, there were too many people than in the arena, and I couldn't see clearly. After most of the orcs were beaten out, Jiang Junlin could barely see clearly. Wentd's green hair was familiar to him, and it was very conspicuous.

Vented's height is considered tall among the orcs, no one in the field is taller than Wented, and the four orcs surrounding Wented at the moment are about the same size as him.

While in the desert grassland, Jiang Junlin saw Wentd hunting.

Wentard's palms are very wide, and can hold his waist with one hand and lift him from the ground easily. At the same time, his hand strength is so strong that he can lift a car-sized prey with one hand and throw it far from one end to the other.

When Wentder was hunting, his hands were open, his fingers were slightly bent, and there were no obvious fingernails that were shining coldly, but the small animals in front of Wented were like tofu with a few blood holes.

Even bigger prey, Wentd rushed forward like lightning, a few punches can be smashed to death, ordinary fighting, often seen in Jiang Junlin Wentd's moving afterimages, it is over.

At this time, the other orcs in the field were cleared out, and the orcs beside Wentd were also beaten out of the field. Now the three orcs, including Wented, were facing each other.

However, after this pass, it was already dark, and some people around the battlefield began to light a bonfire.

Looking at this atmosphere, the people in the tribe don't take this competition as a serious matter, but instead treat it as a lively event, and they watch it with great joy.

"Hey, Yusen, why don't they seem to have moved anymore?" The flames were all around, and Jiang Junlin could hardly see the situation.

"Wait." Yu Sen also frowned.

"Waiting for what?"

Jiang Junlin was puzzled, but as soon as the voice fell, the three black shadows in the battlefield scattered under the fire light, and one of the tall black shadows came towards him.

"Yu...how can it be done like this, fight..."

"It's not over yet..."

"The winner is divided, the winner is divided..."

Seeing this, the people outside the venue made a long "call" in dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Junlin squinted hard, looked at the people who came by, and said, "Wanted not to fight anymore?"

"Well, I don't know what's wrong with him, so I suddenly decided not to fight, and I will make an appointment to fight again." Yusen shrugged helplessly. In fact, he also wanted to watch the excitement!

The black shadow who walked against the firelight quickly approached, leaped easily onto the stone platform, walked to Minika, stretched out his hand, and said, "It's late, there are still important things today."

"What's the important thing?" Jiang Junlin was handed to Wentd by Minika, and he tilted his head to think, but couldn't think of anything else.

Wentd touched Jiang Junlin's somewhat chilly face in Yefeng, and said to Yusen and Minika, "I have something to do, let's go."

"If you don't do big things like Bidou, what else can be done in the tribe." Yusen looked at the figure of Wentdd walking away without turning his head and shook his head.

Jiang Junlin was hugged by Wentd to leave the arena, and he was still thinking about what important thing would make Wented leave resolutely.

Wentard began to insist on fighting, isn't he talking about the dignity of an orc warrior?

Isn't it worse to be dissatisfied with so many people when you leave so suddenly?

Jiang Junlin didn’t know the so-called important things until Wen Ted was familiar with him and carried him into the Holy Land.

"Wented, just one night, can't it be done without soaking?" Jiang Junlin was really depressed at this place.

"Last night." Vented shook his head.

"Just because of this, did you put something as important as fighting to a close?" Jiang Junlin didn't understand and was speechless.

"Very important." Wen Ted nodded.

What about the unfinished competition?

Jiang Junlin didn't have time to ask this question, because he was in the Holy Land and couldn't open his eyes. As for after the night, he did not forget about it, because...

"Woo...Wentd, it's so uncomfortable." Jiang Junlin was lying curled up on the white bed.

"What's the matter?" Wen Ted leaned over and fished Jiang Junlin into his arms.

"It looks like a bug biting me in my bones. It's aching, sore, and itchy." It was the second day, and Jiang Junlin almost suspected that he was in the holy land last night, and a bug got in his body.

"Does it hurt?" Vented frowned.

"It's not very painful, but uncomfortable, unspeakable uncomfortable."

When I woke up this morning, my body somehow recovered some strength. Jiang Junlin twisted his body in Went De's arms and curled himself up even harder.

"This is the white milk at work and it will be fine." Wentd could only comfort Jiang Junlin in this way, and he was helpless for the uncomfortable Jiang Junlin showed.

"Woo...but it's uncomfortable now, I can't stand it." Jiang Junlin was so uncomfortable he wanted to hit the wall with his head.

"Hey, bear it." Wentd embraced the person in his arms, pressing his big hand on Jiang Junlin's limbs gently, hoping that this would make the person in his arms more comfortable.