Orcs’ Time Through Time

Chapter 12: Preparation for winter (1)

I originally wanted to dig a cellar in the cave, but considering that the cave belongs to everyone, I gave up. I guess these potato flour and sweet potato flour will be enough for me and Luo Lei by then. Maybe we can still support the clan. After all Luo Lei and I used nearly a thousand catties of potatoes in the dark. In order to store food, I made the meat that I have allocated recently, including the winter reserve, into bacon, bacon, and cured meat. Except for a small amount of meat, we have eaten more pumpkins and radishes recently. Of vegetables, Luo Lei said he wanted to eat meat. Considering that the lion is a carnivore, I made an exception to give him half of the meat, half of the pumpkin or potato every meal to prevent him from wanting to eat me.

I also took Aman and a few more flexible females to pick a lot of **** piled in the cave during the season. Not only can **** be used as a seasoning, but it can also reduce colds in winter. When I was walking in the woods, I also found some wild peppers. Once I secretly put a few in the potato stew that Luo Lei wanted to eat. Watching him jump up and down, I thought it was really joyful, as if It's like a circus watching a lion. Well, in this generation of lack of entertainment, I admit I'm too boring. Of course, I also basically wiped out the chili peppers I could find nearby. Not many, only a bag of animal skins. I think it’s because my range of activities is too narrow, but the only thing I can do now is this. I need more. time. These sansho peppers are dried and made into dried chilies to be used in winter. I secretly thanked that there is one more thing that can keep warm in winter.

I still went to the riverside a few times, maybe because the things here are generally bigger. The fish in the river are bigger and thinner than my thighs, and the smaller ones are at least seven or eight catties. It was an excitement to see me. I thought that the fish in the river must be small, but I can see that it is not necessarily when I look at it. The universe is so great that I have to be broad-minded and not confined to fixed thinking.

After trying a few times, I found that two or three kinds of fish are more delicious, and there are a lot of them. One is the species that looks like between our bass and octopus. Later, I called them long bass. Each long bass is thirty or forty catties, which is more than enough for Roley to eat two meals, except for the middle. Apart from the spine, there are basically no fine spines. The fish soup or grilled fish cooked with **** and green onions is delicious, and there are few spines, so even children can eat it. There is another kind of fish like our big yellow croaker. It has fewer spines and tastes a lot like big yellow croaker. The big one I have caught is nearly 20 catties, and my one is 40-50 centimeters high each time. Every bamboo basket can only carry three or four such fish. There is also a kind of fish like the raphael that we usually eat. This kind of fish is relatively small, about three or four catties each. Females can eat two at a time, but they win more. They can be fished on the banks of the river. To a lot. Of course, there must be many other delicious fishes, but for a lazy person like me, these three fishes are still the best.

The females in the clan are naturally very excited when they look at it, because this is something females can also do, but when taking them to catch, I still want them to be careful when they get to the water. Because none of us can swim, and I am an absolute duck, so we must be careful when catching fish.

I asked the patriarch to arrange two males as bodyguards, and made a few large bamboo baskets and long fishing nets, and brought a few females with better physical fitness and more courage, so that they would go fishing with me in the morning. Assigned by the patriarch, basically every two or three days can be one per person. Of course I also taught them how to make salted fish. But they obviously prefer to eat fresh fish, and it is obvious that females are more accepting to eat fish than males. This probably comes from their characteristics, and they have to be transformed slowly.

I also made a big net with wild cowhide strips, which can be released very far in the river. Although it can’t be said to be very useful, it’s better than throwing around in shallow waters, and it’s much better to fish slowly with a long fishing net. If you have more After working for a while, everyone can catch one fish a day, so I also made a lot of dried fish and salted fish. Of course, what I require is that everyone can only catch fish of a certain size or more. Small ones can't be caught by any means. Unless we don't eat them, we will starve to death. This is because there will be fish in the river to catch in the future. Because of this achievement, my popularity among the clan has risen sharply, although no matter how much I rise, there are only 96.

In the afternoon, the females usually sun-dried meat, dried fish, or made some fruits together. I would lead a deer or bison with a small cart and continue to fish by the river and hunt some small prey in the mountains. Or find some harvest on the grassland. Generally, they can bring back five or six fish or a few small prey such as pheasants and hares.

On the grassland, I found a lot of large white radishes, a piece of wild wheat, a piece of wild barley, and a bunch of beans that resemble soybeans and peas (I still call it soybeans, it feels more like soybeans, although the seedlings are like Peas, but its pods and fruits are more like soybeans), a bunch of garlic and some flax and ramie, and some cotton and rapeseed. I am not very familiar with flax, but I am very familiar with ramie because we have a The place where the branch is located is specialized in the production of summer cloth from ramie.

The wheat, barley, and soybeans have matured and they are just about to be harvested. It’s just that many people in the tribe don’t even have clay pots or oil. Naturally, there is no way to eat them, and there are not many of these things. Everyone does not believe that this thing can eat. So I had to put away a small portion of wheat and beans by myself, and planned to make a stone mill to grind flour when I was free in winter. I also received a few wooden boxes for this kind of things, and it is estimated that even the fewest soybeans are also available. Fifty or sixty catties, wheat and barley each have a hundred catties. The rapeseed has matured, and even at the beginning of the pod, I collected a bag of animal skins, which is about 30 or 40 kilograms, but unfortunately, there is no time to sort it out, and there is no grinder to grind.

I first collected some radishes and cooked them and ate them. The males who came to eat at home actually liked it, probably because it was more refreshing, and it was easy to get tired of eating meat every day. The garlic has been smoked, so I naturally pulled some back to make seasonings, and left some to wait for the seeds. I need to observe to know how to transplant the plants here. I have to be patient. I cut a lot of ramie and flax, and brought them back in an ox cart. For the time being, I threw them on the grass behind the tent and let them eat. When there is nothing to do in the cave in winter, I plan to spin and weave some cloth. As for the cotton, I also collected a lot of basking. Then I spun the cloth to see if I can make a cotton gown. I can also walk out in winter. However, before I had time to make cotton gowns in the winter, I still made two animal skin jackets from animal skins allocated by the clan, and stitched an animal skin blanket from the animal skins we usually collected.

The small females who cannot go out of the clan’s daily task in the clan are to collect the fur of the prey after the distribution is finished, and then hand it over to the clan chief for unified distribution. One is to let them learn from the experience, and the other is that they can be in the clan. Do something, just as the little males in the clan can follow the patrol team to patrol the clan. I'm very fortunate that the people here are still kinder and less jealous. When they see the things I received, they know that they don't know it, and they never ask more.

I also dug a few traps on the plains, naturally with the help of Luo Lei. When he saw the traps for the first time, Luo Lei was surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect my prey to come like this. I also thought about it, their females didn't have much chance to face these animals, so I never thought of trapping them. As far as their males are concerned, their instinct is to hunt, use their own instincts to hunt, trap or something, it is still far away for them.

However, because of my wish, Luo Lei also accepted my request to dig traps, and he also discovered that using traps can save more energy. Although it is also by luck, it is almost a harvest with little effort. The prey is guided into the trap in a planned way, and the harvest can be quite rich. Luo Lei was really scared by me running around alone. He invited Ying to the patriarch to be our bodyguards, more certainly to be my bodyguards. However, if the females in the clan go to fish, they must be guarded, so the patriarch agreed.

Luo Lei takes me to the grassland every day, because he takes me to drive and carry the prey. I am only responsible for guiding by the side, but our harvest has always been quite fruitful. Although we have never caught bison in our trap, we have caught a lot of wild sheep. And I’m tired of waiting for prey near the trap, and then go to the trap to fetch the prey, so the matter of picking up the prey in the trap and driving the prey to the trap is left to Luo Lei, Xin Mu, and several other hunters. .

Of course, I also made a refined bow and arrow for Luo Lei, because Luo Lei is very strong and smart. After a few trainings, he can almost get a 90% shooting rate, which is also used by other people who follow him. They are all equipped with long forks, which are naturally improved. In fact, I also know that the crossbow is more powerful, but I think that you should hold a bow and arrow to see the temperament of Luo Lei. I have a strange obsession with temperament matching. I even substituted Luo Lei into those me to 27-8. From the image of the iron-blooded soldier in military uniform in the cartoon that I still love to watch, what I want to say reminds me of a certain lion heart, of course it is temperament, and Luo Lei is also a lion. In fact, Luo Lei's well-defined, three-dimensional face and height may indeed be suitable. But just think about it. After all, dreams and reality are still very distant. In the past, my dream was to become a person who criticized Fang Yao and pointed the country like someone did. Since I can’t do anything, I began to think that maybe Luo Lei could become that kind of person...