Orcs’ Time Through Time

Chapter 87: End and start (top)

When we woke up, we had returned to the tribe.

I was surrounded by many people. On the left was Luo Lei, on the right was Ayuan, and on one side of them there were worried Rona and A Rui.

Seeing me waking up, everyone seemed overjoyed. Even Luo Lei's face, which is generally difficult to see by others, was filled with smiles in an instant, and even hugged my upper body: "Ano... …"

I always thought that this kind of thing was not good for everyone, so I stretched out my hand to push him away, but when I raised my hand, I found out, damn, how did Lao Tzu's hand become a hairy pig's trotter!

In fact, seriously speaking, this is not a pig's hoof, after all, the pattern above should not be a pig in any case, but who will tell me what is going on with this beast claw! This must not be human hands, absolutely not.

Fortunately, I found out quickly, and Luo Lei also let me go along my posture, or else he swiped his paw on Luo Lei's body. Isn't it a few very sharp marks? At that time, he really wasn't bitten by the Toothchewer Rhinoceros, but he was injured by one of my paws.

It's just about the paw, I haven't had time to figure it out, A Yuan on one side gave me another news that made me roll my eyes and continue to faint.

Ayuan said: "Arnold, congratulations... you are pregnant..."

pregnancy? pregnancy? ! pregnancy!

I was dizzy for a while, trying to prove that I had heard the news wrong, but watching Luo Lei smiled and surprised all the people, and then looked at the comforting expression of the high priest who was hiding far behind. Looking at the joyful faces of the tribe, I swallowed, and finally asked with difficulty: "Ayuan, are you right?"

Doesn't it mean that my physique is not necessarily pregnant? And, don’t you see what my hand looks like now? How can you get pregnant like this? Did you guys make a mistake? Hey, Ayuan, don’t get any holiday news, would anyone be disappointed, okay?

However, Ayuan had a calm face, even with a smirk in my opinion: "I'm pretty sure, Anuo, if you don't believe it, you can ask the priest of the wing tribe and Adou to come and have a look, no matter what. Say, congratulations, and congratulations to eldest brother, for having another child."

When it comes to this, how dare I say that I don’t believe him, I don’t want to offend the doctor one day, and be treated badly by him. Although I believe that I am a Xiaozheng, but Xiaozheng is also me. Suffering? So I shook my head quickly: "I believe, I believe."

God knows how I don't want to believe it.

Luo Lei beside me was full of joy. Naturally, I wouldn't be so stupid to tell him something. So, after I woke up and the wounded were bandaged, the tribe began to deal with our spoils.

We harvested four Toothed Rhinoceros and three of that kind of monsters. Of course, that kind of monster is still alive, but the Toothed Rhinoceros is dead.

No matter how bold I am, I dare not raise something like the Tooth-Eater to be a coolie. It's the big, two, and three-headed monsters that are still alive, that is, Ah Dou said that he thinks that watching us see the double incisor beast in the ancient beasts has aroused some interest in me. In any case, this kind of herbivorous animal, which is not slower than cows, does not need to be small, but is much gentler than cows. It doesn't matter if you raise a few, let alone those monsters who probably saw us kill the tooth-eating rhinos. After that, he became very well-behaved and didn't move much in the same place.

I asked the tribesmen if they could eat the meat of the Toothed Rhinoceros. After I got the answer and said yes, I arranged for the tribe to remove the meat, horns and skins of the Toothed Rhinoceros, and brought them back to prepare for the next few days. food. On the other hand, I also asked Ah Dou to take Lin Sen and the others to try to see if they could bring the monsters back those days.

Our people are very dexterous, and I also told them to eat the meat in the next few days, so after cutting into pieces, they immediately smeared with salt, and their skins were tied to two wooden sticks to make a stretcher to carry the meat. , And the horn, we also brought it back to see if it has any other uses in the future. As for the internal organs and skeletons, we buried them in a trap pit originally dug and marked them so that traps cannot be dug here in the future.

It was almost noon, and we had a meal of roasted rhinoceros on the spot. Everyone has always been very afraid of this kind of animal. In the past, if you could eat this kind of meat, most of them paid a great price. Maybe some people swallowed it while crying, but today we just got a slight injury, and we got four. Of course everyone is very happy about the rhinoceros.

So, listening to everyone eating and talking about the heroic actions of Luo Lei and I, when Luo Lei landed, I didn't know how to beastized except for the paws of the saber-toothed tiger, and I held the horns of the toothed rhinoceros with both hands. We buffered time, and Luo Lei took advantage of this buffer to take out the bronze knife from his body and the bronze knife from my waist, and pierced it into the tooth-chewer rhinoceros’s head while using him. My body supported me and backed up together. At that time, Luo Lei also slammed hard, and almost cut off half of the tooth-chewer rhinoceros head at once. The half of the head with the big horns fell to the ground in an instant, and the giant beast, even before it roared again, crashed to the ground. And because of the beastization, I fainted with too much energy. According to the tribe, of course, I was taken to the safe rear by Luo Lei, who was still beasting with wings at that time.

Because of our cooperation, the people laughed at us, of course, it was just kindness. Among them, Ayuan, Adou, and Aman are the most. Even Lux, who has never cared about anything, squinted at us for a long time.

I can't say anything at this time, so I have to make them laugh. Anyway, with my hands now, I have to feed Luo Lei even to eat.

It's not that I don't want to move. It's really not easy for two paws to grab a bowl and a wooden spoon, and the top is fluffy. If I want to grab the meat and eat it, I feel sick. Even with my own hands, I treat them equally. So Loray, who had washed his hands, had to help me hold the roasted meat with a wooden stick for me to eat, and then fed me soup with a wooden spoon before it was his turn to eat by himself.

A Rui really wants to try the taste of Hey Ahma, but his father is obviously not happy. As for me, of course I am not happy. If you want a child to feed me, I won't be unable to move, OK, if you want him to feed me, I would rather not eat anything. Of course, I would never admit that this is my little self-esteem.

After lunch, we packed up our things, let the powerful and non-fighting tribesmen carry those things, changed people to drove our bullock carts, and we continued to move in the direction of the new tribe.

I remember Luo Lei said that Toothchewer rhinos generally don’t work in groups, because they are too big and eat a lot, but seeing seven of them at once is still a spectacle. It shows how much the flood has brought about. , We can only hope that they will not be in groups in the future. But for our gains, we are absolutely not dissatisfied.

One afternoon, Luo Lei was by my side. Although there were immobile children in this ox cart, only this adult who needed special care, but because I insisted that I lie on the cowl and let the children sit In the car, Luo Lei had to drive the car by himself and let me sleep with my head on him.

My hands have not recovered yet, and I don’t know what’s going on. I clearly remember Luo Lei and the Wing Clan people saying that after I was transformed into a beast, as long as I fainted, my hands would recover, but now my hands are still two saber-toothed tigers. Morphology of the paw.

This hand is very powerful, I know. After all, even if it’s just the two horns that can hold the Tootheater for a while, in Gunan’s words, it has more strength than a traveler, and it can be seen from this, of course, Arnold It is definitely not a rumor to help his Abba temporarily hold the Tooth-Eater Rhinoceros. As for Arnold's Abba as the first warrior in the clan except for the patriarch, there is definitely a reason for it to stand up. It's just that I am not hunting for a living now, this hand has always been like this, which makes me a little anxious.

Ayuan also said that if she was pregnant with a baby, it might be a little laborious to look like this.

But, I really don't know how to change these hands back. I don’t even know how these hands changed. Of course, how to change them back is also useless...

A Yuan and A Dou were winking at me not far away. I know these two guys have been screaming that one day they will watch my good show. I ignored him to see what he was interesting, but when I saw them, I remembered that A Yuan said that there was something in my stomach.

I have seen several children born here, and I have seen a man with a big belly (OTZ) here, but the premise is that this person is not myself. And now, Ayuan said, it's my turn.

On the one hand, I am also a little happy. After all, for me and Luo Lei, after so many years, there is finally news, which is of course good news. But on the other hand, I felt that the news came too late. My two hands are in this state, and I don’t know if it will affect this child. Moreover, I have a child in my stomach. With my earthly mind, I'm still a little bit like in the clouds.

Maybe it was because I was thinking too deeply, I almost had to put my hands on my belly and touch it according to my habit to prove that there was really nothing in my belly except what I had just eaten. Unexpectedly, Luo Lei grabbed my hand: "Don't move..."

Fortunately, he grabbed this one in time, or else he would use my tiger paws to touch his belly, not to mention the intestinal puncture, and the skin should be broken.

After another afternoon, we finally reached our destination.

Because it is not the first time to rebuild the tribe, the tribesmen are still comfortable. It’s not easy to do anything at night, so Canaan and Loray arranged food and evening rotation, and they came to me to discuss the tribe reconstruction plan starting tomorrow.

My suggestion is that the tribe can let some males go hunting around. On the one hand, it is to wipe out the dangers nearby, and on the other hand, it is to increase food. Because it is the end of August and it will soon be winter. This year we must rely on hunting and fishing Meet our food needs. At the same time, the males with strong strength can cut the wood, and the work of collecting paint nearby can be used by the females of the bird race because they are good at jumping around on the trees, even if they are carrying clay pots, there is no problem; tidying up; The work of preparing trees and preparing firewood can be done by some young females. In addition, active males and females are responsible for collecting soil and burning kilns, and start preparing to build houses. Older females can be responsible for staying with children in the clan to collect newly grown wild vegetables and add a little food. Older priests and Adou can take care of the children of the clan.

Although what I said was only a rough idea, Luo Lei, Canaan, Gunan, and Lin Sen had arranged everything soon after dinner.

Luo Lei did not watch the night today, because he had to guard me, so after eating, we sat a little farther away from the campfire. As for Rona and Ari, they finished their food early and got mixed into the group of children.

In fact, there is no rule of not being intimate in public. On the contrary, the people here are almost natural. Even Ah Dou and Lin Sen want to hug or hug, or kiss if they want to kiss. On the contrary, I probably came from a big family in the country. Our old revolution, who came from a scholarly family, is very disciplined, so I am always a little unaccustomed to being intimacy in front of others. I didn't even let Luo Lei hold my hands, so of course now. It is to hide behind a little bit.

I have the habit of scratching my stomach and digesting food after eating. I can't do it now. Of course, I have Luo Lei's help. Although it is a bit itchy, I am also drowsy after scratching. I have been too tired for these two days.

It's just that, if Luo Lei helps me scratch my stomach, my hands are still restless. Before I was grasped by Luo Lei, my hand was about to scratch my ears, which made Luo Lei very grateful that he grasped it in time, or maybe there were a few marks on my face. I was embarrassed and stuck out my tongue at Luo Lei. I saw him smile and let me sit by myself. He didn’t know where to get a piece of animal skin and sat next to me. Both claws are wrapped in animal skins from the wrists: "You will forget it at once. Be careful to cause trouble to yourself. Use this to wrap first..."

I also know his good intentions, but this kind of hot weather, and I am really worried, in this state, is what Ayuan said is really appropriate, so I am also a little worried.

But Lorei saw me with a worried expression, patted my hand and asked me to sleep against him, while saying: "It's okay, I'll teach you."

Male animalization has their instincts, and they also know how to take their animalization state back, otherwise they have to wait for exhaustion. I was exhausted all of a sudden, but I don't know why my animalized state has not changed. It seems that exhaustion is useless. So when I was fainting, even the high priest came to show me, and finally discussed that it was best for someone to teach me how to beastize and disarm it, to see if it worked.

I originally said that I don’t have instinct, but I will always learn? But I didn't think that this thing is not so easy.

During the day, Luo Lei would take people to hunt or prepare clay pottery, but I had nothing to do. Because I am inconvenient to move, and belong to a special protection group, Luo Lei told me what to do at night, and I have been in contact during the day.

Because I didn’t have this kind of function in the first place, now it’s compulsory learning, so it took me more than ten days to get a rough idea, and finally learned how to get in touch with the animalized state, although I tried it for ten days later. When I was animalized again, I didn't have much success, but I always felt that there was more hope.