Otherworldly Supreme Summoner

Chapter 485: Gift of the ancient tree!

"Hey, let me out!"

Chu Tian yelled a few times, but no one responded. Chu Tian could only sit on the ground helplessly. At this moment, Chu Tian saw that this is not a place like a study room, but a forest.

"You finally came……"


Chu Tian cried out strangely, and an old voice said such words, enough to make everyone scared, Chu Tian hurriedly looked in all directions, but did not see anyone.

"Don't be afraid, I am the ancient tree of life..."

I saw a white light flashing, and an old figure slowly came to Chu Tian's side. The old man was wearing emerald green clothes, but he had a white beard dragged to the ground, and the skin under his body was called a fold. It seems to be how old and how old.

"I have seen seniors..."

Chu Tian hurriedly saluted, but was avoided by the incarnation of the ancient tree. Chu Tian hadn't thought that the incarnation of the ancient tree was quite flexible...

"Master Chutian, I dare not accept your gift..."

The ancient tree waved his hand quickly, and Chu Tian was stunned. What was the situation? He had no status and no strength. How could the ancient tree not be able to stand a big gift from him?

"Cough cough, forget it, no need to be polite, no polite, let's sit down and talk, sit down and talk..."

Seeing Chu Tian's weird eyes, the ancient tree smiled awkwardly and stretched out his hand. A series of wooden piles appeared under the ground. Although they came out of the mud, they were very clean.

"Sit, sit..."

Chu Tian always feels that this incarnation of the ancient tree is very polite to him, does he know me?

And from the words "you are here" in the incarnation of the ancient tree, Chu Tian can conclude that this ancient tree does know himself and is still waiting for himself.

"Is it a mistake? Think of me as someone who looks the same as me?" Chu Tian squinted, but the ancient tree seemed to see through Chu Tian's thoughts.

"Suspected, what I'm waiting for is you, Sword Saint, Summoner, also called Chu Tian, ​​a person whose identity is even more mysterious than that of a demon..."

Chu Tian's face changed drastically in an instant, and in the next second, Lord Ancient Tree suddenly stretched out his hand, and in the surrounding forest, countless green auras were suddenly injected into Chu Tian's body.

"Senior, there is only so much I can help you. I can't support the old man for a long time. It's up to you to fight against the undead..."

Under Chu Tian's stunned gaze, the ancient tree's body slowly disappeared, but for Chu Tian, ​​countless energy poured into his body madly, which made Chu Tian extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Chu Tian's mind shook, and then the whole person passed out in a coma. When he was in a coma, the energy around him was madly injected into his body, his soul, and Chu Tian's body. The three holy crystals began to spin frantically.

But the most important thing is that in Chu Tian’s mind, very subtle crystal nuclei began to appear suddenly, and as long as those crystals are formed in a row and finally merged together and fixed by the domain, then Chutian’s summoner will also Enter the holy level.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of swelling. In Chu Tian's subconscious, Chu Tian frowned. Chu Tian subconsciously frowned. He seemed to dream that his body was getting fatter like an inflatable ball. This made Chu Tian very much. Is sad.

Suddenly, at this moment, an astonishing pain caused Chu Tian to wake up directly. He subconsciously felt his body, and he was shocked.

I saw that the power in his body had actually expanded dozens of times. If Chu Tian's body hadn't been strong enough, Chu Tian would have exploded like a bursting balloon.

However, when the expansion reached a certain level, the body actually began to contract again, but the contraction was more uncomfortable than the expansion. Chu Tian only felt that all the flesh and blood on his body was squeezed out of the body, and that feeling was more uncomfortable. How uncomfortable. The expansion, compression, and repeated times made Chu Tian feel abnormally uncomfortable in his body, but it seemed that he was bound by something, and he couldn't move even when he moved.

Chu Tian didn't know that he was in an astonishing stage of evolution, and this stage was even more painful than evolving into a saint. It can be said to be the easiest among all creatures, even the dragon race from youth to adulthood. That is to say, when he arrived at the sacred beast, he had never undertaken such a painful process.

Swelling and compressing, over and over again, Chu Tian only felt his body being constantly tossed, and suddenly Chu Tian felt a tingling sensation in his body.

As the tingling sensation appeared, the pain of expansion and compression began to decrease obviously, but Chu Tian became more depressed next. Although he could not speak, his consciousness could still clearly feel the changes in his body.

Chu Tian only felt that his muscles seemed to be resurrected, and they began to shake slowly, and then the speed and frequency of the shaking became faster and faster, and finally even the bones began to tremble violently.

At this time, Chu Tian had tried what it was like to feel pain. The jitters of his muscles could still be tolerated with his current thick nerves, but when the bones moved, the pain was extremely intense, especially the bones and bones. The friction made Chutian unbearable.


Chu Tian subconsciously let out a cold, painful snort, but the muscles all over his body seemed to be looking for the most suitable position for them. They were constantly changing, and that kind of pain really made people unable to resist.


But it didn't take long for Chu Tian's bones to make a "kaka" sound, and then the whole body began to float slowly, slowly floating in the air.

"damn it!"

Chu Tian gritted his teeth. If you say floating, let’s float, but the Dou Sheng Power in the body joins in the excitement, countless Dou Sheng powers began to flow frantically, like a wild horse, under Chu Tian’s skin, it can be clear. Seeing a wave of fighting sacred power, it scurried around like a mouse.


Chu Tian couldn't help it anymore, he let out a scream, that fighting power has exceeded Chu Tian's control, madly attacking Chu Tian's body, Chu Tian's body unexpectedly began to collapse.

Under the impact of the powerful force, Chu Tian's body was decomposed, then repaired, then decomposed, and repaired again, but the strong adaptability in the repair actually made the body continue to grow stronger.

Chu Tian understood now, this is not for his own life, this is for strengthening his body, but this strengthening technique is also low-level, is it too frustrating?

It hurts!