Otherworldly Supreme Summoner

Chapter 530: Five thousand explosive bombs!

The heavy crossbow in Chu Tian's hand was immediately filled with bullets. After a while, Chu Tian was ready for everything, and walked directly to the demon king octopus. For comparison, the octopus was imprisoned here, but it just couldn't perform. Physical strength.

In addition, the seven or eight sword gods on the side used the domain together, completely squeezing the demon king octopus's domain power back, and such a result was what Chu Tian was happy to see.

Chu Tian went directly to the entrance of the hole, stuffed the barrel of the gun, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation, a large amount of white smoke filled the small black room in an instant.

And Chu Tian also summoned two Sleepy Dragon Kings and sprayed hypnotic liquid into the cave together, but the Demon King Octopus was not only powerful, but also very outstanding in willpower. It took half an hour before he fell into a coma.

"So I fell asleep?"

A group of sword gods looked at Chu Tian incredibly, and Chu Tian smiled faintly.

Indeed, the strength of the Demon King Octopus is very powerful, but don’t forget that the essence of the Demon King Octopus is a wild beast with slightly higher intelligence than a wild beast. Although it has eaten a god-level and several holy-levels, its intelligence has improved a lot. .

But in essence it is still a beast.

The style of a beast is that it goes straight, or walks based on feelings. Now Chu Tian directly uses hypnotic gas to make it sleep. The potent hypnotic potion plus the old tiredness make it naturally. Fell asleep.


"The effect of hypnosis is only a few minutes, and the next time it will be more difficult to hypnotize, so at this time, we can't stand up and attack the Demon King Octopus while it is sleeping. The damage it receives will be multiplied by several times, so you have ideas. No?" Chu Tian smiled and looked around.

"What you are waiting for is your sentence..."

The Dragon Sovereign and the others looked at each other, and several magic gods walked over. Although the surrounding elements have recovered a lot, they are not enough to support them to release the joint super forbidden curse, but it is enough to release the single forbidden curse. .

"In that case, everyone prepare and attack in one minute!"

Chu Tian also began to prepare. The octopus was already asleep, and Chu Tiankai was his next step. A series of wooden barrels were summoned by Chu Tian. A group of sword gods looked at Chu Tian incomprehensibly, and Chu Tian smiled. He picked up a wooden barrel and threw it straight toward the sky, and then the lightning in his hand popped out lightly, blasting on the barrel.


A huge explosion shocked everyone. The barrel was filled with gunpowder. Once it was exposed to flames, the explosion would instantly occur, which was very shocking.

"Good fellow, do you have this kind of thing too?"

A one-meter-high wooden barrel, half a meter wide, and full of flames, as long as it explodes, the power is quite amazing.

"Hehe, what else, do you think this is over?" Chu Tian smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand, only to see countless bullets falling to the ground. These bullets are actually crossbow bullets, but they are also fired by the impact of guns. Development shot.

Moreover, once it is subjected to high temperature and violent collision, it will have an effect, and Chu Tian took it out...

All shots!

Originally Chu Tian planned to use the penetrating bullet, but although the penetrating effect of that thing was good, it might hurt others, so for everyone's safety, Chu Tian gave up.

Chu Tian's purpose is very simple. When the time comes, he will put the bullets into the explosive barrel, and then stuff it under the belly of the octopus, and then wait for a group of magic gods to be angry and majestic.

In the end, a dozen sword gods went up together, and a series of fields stunned it. Before it reflected, shut it up again, and then hypnotized it again, directly following the above steps to do it again.

Just do it, Chu Tian picked up a large number of barrel bombs, and then loaded a lot of shotguns into them, and finally asked Kurad to move the barrel to the octopus under the careful watch of countless people. Chu Tian even put more than a dozen barrels on the octopus's mouth boldly, and the group of sword gods and magic gods who watched was frightened.

More than two thousand barrels...

Putting it together, enough to cover a large playground, everyone looked at Chu Tian in horror, not only Chu Tian put a lot of explosives, but Chu Tian could actually put bullets into explosives in one minute. Inside the barrel, and then put the dynamite barrel next to the octopus.

This speed and flexibility are simply invincible...

"Okay, the octopus will wake up in a minute. Although the hypnotic agent is powerful, it is not unlimited. The stronger the creature, the faster the antibody can be produced. Hold on!" Chu Tian Said quickly.

"We've been prepared long ago, the magic gods' forbidden spells are all ready, just waiting for you..." The wild lion war **** gave Chu Tian a blank look. Here he has the best relationship with Chu Tian.

"All done? Then I will put some more..."


A group of sword gods watched silently as Chu Tian actually took out a lot of explosives. The huge demon king octopus, the whole body is as big as four or five football fields, but it is shrunk under the ground, but there is only one football field. The size, the others are squeezed into a ball.

And now, beside the Demon King Octopus, there are piles of bombs...

"Chu Tian, ​​lunatic, is this going to blow up the spirit kingdom to the sky..." The Dragon Emperor covered his head, and he really couldn't interrupt Chu Tian with so many bombs.

Althea didn't speak, he could only look at this side in amazement, Chu Tian was too perverted, so was Althea, she actually played with Chu Tian...

"Everyone is ready..." Chu Tian put everything away, finally left the cave and came to everyone. Everyone felt that inside the huge cave, surrounded by countless steel, the barrels were exuding death. Crisis.

Everyone glanced at Chu Tian. They thought they were the most hated here, but they didn't expect that Chu Tian was the most brutal of all people...

More than 5,000 explosive bombs were also displayed at the expense of him...

A group of magic gods took a deep breath. Suddenly countless magic circles gathered in the sky. After a closer look, they found that there are all of them, but they are all the most powerful five-star single forbidden curses!

Any of these forbidden curses can kill Chutian in seconds, for everyone, it is an unstoppable move!

"Forbidden Curse!"

"Forbidden Curse!"

"Forbidden Curse!"


With a series of low roars, I saw the magic circle in the sky burst out endless fluctuations in an instant, and at this moment, when Kullard stretched out his hand, the steel on the octopus disappeared instantly, and whose comfortable giant octopus was suddenly exposed. In front of everyone.




