Otherworldly Supreme Summoner

Chapter 541: Buy one get two free, Yan Wanglong famil

Time flies quickly, under the crush of Chu Tian's countless summoned beasts, the undead are more proficient, but they can't escape the unlimited Chu Tian.

After all, nearly 10 billion small shield crabs finally ruined the entire city. Qilin also defeated the bone dragon very honorably, but was also injured. However, under Chutian's treatment, he recovered within a short time. strength.

Holding two five-star undead crystals in his hand, Chu Tian fell into contemplation. The three summoned beasts are now for Chu Tian to choose. Chu Tian feels very difficult, but after thinking about it, he is now in the underworld, so It is still based on the summoned beasts that can restrain the creatures of the underworld.

"In this case, let's Yan Feilong!"

Chu Tian gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. When he stretched out his hand, the two undead sacred crystals immediately turned into fire elements, and then they were thrown on the ground by Chu Tian. A huge magic circle appeared on the sacred crystal.

Immediately afterwards, countless firelights erupted from the magic circle, and with the appearance of the magic circle, an extremely rich smell of sulfur radiated from it, Chu Tian frowned involuntarily, and countless undead auras around him, It was actually pushed back by the smell of sulfur.

It seems that sulfur has some effects on the undead.


Suddenly, an incomparably immature cry appeared from the magic circle. Chu Tian was taken aback. He quickly saw that in the flames of the magic circle, a bright red and fluffy little guy kept screaming inside. NS.

For the unfamiliar smell around, the little guy is probably frightened.

Chu Tian was completely dumbfounded.

"This is Yan Feilong? Your sister? This is just born, right?" Chu Tian said incredulously, but the next second, there was a voice in his mind, and Chu Tian immediately narrowed his eyes.

"Detection is turned on. When the chaotic incoming summoned beast enters the different plane, the summoned beast's strength is weak. It only needs to pay 100 million mental power to become the current summoned beast. Should you pay?"


Aside from Chu Tian, ​​one hundred million mental power is no longer a huge number for Chu Tian. Now Chu Tian is surprised that this little guy actually came here...



With an astonishing roar, countless small shield crabs actually crawled down completely. Chu Tian quickly took a look, all the small shield crabs around, as if they were terrified, actually squatted on the ground motionless.

However, the guy who came out of that huge magic circle was shocked by Chu Tian.

"Damn, my whole body is bright red...Where is Yan Feilong, Yan Wanglong!"

"Detection is turned on. When the chaotic incoming summoned beast enters the different plane, it is because the summoned beast is powerful, and three choices are provided!"

"One, give up the summoned beast..." "It's impossible!" Yan Wanglong's appearance was also a chaotic entry, which shocked Chu Tian, ​​but the first choice was to give up. For Chu Tian, ​​it was. impossible things.

"Two, pay one trillion mental strength to control the summoned beast. At the same time, the summoned beast's strength is maintained at 100%, and extra super adaptability is given..."

"One trillion..." Chu Tian took a deep breath. Although Chu Tian's mental power is very high now, he can only summon Yan Feilong at 500 billion, and it takes one trillion to summon Yan Wanglong. But carefully. Think, the more powerful the creature, the more adaptable it is, it is also a huge sum of money!

"However, one trillion, within the acceptable range, but there is a third option..."

"Three, kill the summoned beast. After success, the summoned beast will be lowered by one level and will be given to the summoner for free..."

"Isn't this the original Tail Hammer's plan?"

Chu Tian squinted his eyes, three options, the first one is definitely excluded, the second price Chu Tian can only say barely accept, after all, now that you are old enough to say that you are energetic, but not very energetic.

As for the third one, Chu Tian really didn't like the downgraded Yan Wanglong. If it was downgraded, it would be better not to. Although I got one for free, it would be very troublesome to upgrade in the future.

"In that case, choose the second one, pay one trillion, keep the Yanwang Dragon, and turn on the super adaptability..."

As soon as Chu Tian's voice fell, there was a burst of emptiness in his mind. One trillion of mental power was extracted at once, and even Chu Tian would take a breath of air.

The power was taken away, and the Yan Wanglong who was planning to attack Chu Tian suddenly shook his body, and then crawled to the side of the magic circle, affectionately licked the little Yan Wanglong.

And then, a Yan Feilong covered in blue hair finally walked out of the magic circle, took a look at Chu Tian, ​​then looked at Yan Wanglong, and actually walked up and rubbed Yan Wanglong affectionately. He licked Xiaoyanwanglong's head, and Xiaoyanwanglong yelled happily, and then searched for his own food source...

A certain part of Yan Feilong...

"Damn, it's actually a family?"

Only then did Chu Tian react. This buy one get two free is actually a family, and his own five-star sacred crystal of the fire element actually summoned the family of Yan Feilong. This was extremely exciting for Chu Tian. Try it.

Yan Feilong, five-star primary, Yanwanglong, five-star intermediate, Xiaoyanwanglong, one-star peak.

A little Yan Wanglong is so powerful, Chu Tian is really desperate for this world, but he is more excited.

With a sigh of relief, three holy beasts were added to his side, especially two five-star ones. Now even if he encounters a demigod, Chu Tian is no longer afraid.

Squinting his eyes, Chu Tian watched as the countless small shield crabs had begun to move again. In front of Chu Tian, ​​the pile of crystal nuclei was undergoing a very sad process.

Division of labor.

Here, the countless crystal nuclei are of different sizes, so Chu Tian needs to separate them all, and at least score them into two parts, the ones below level seven and those above level seven.

Because for Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian didn’t care much about the summoned beasts below level 7, but Chu Tian cared a lot for those above level 7, especially the Blue Fire Dragon and Sakura Fire Dragon. Chu Tian still needed them. To unlock the call of the truly powerful Golden Fire Dragon and Silver Fire Dragon.

Fortunately, despite the large number of crystal nuclei, Chu Tian has many subordinates. Chu Tian summoned millions of white cats and black cats, and used the size of crystal nucleus to distinguish the level of crystal nuclei. Send it to them, and then let the white cat and the black cat start to classify.

Suddenly, the entire city was occupied by Chutian's cats. Countless white cats used small shield crabs as transport trucks, carrying grade crystal cores, and stacked together outside the city.

And the black cat piled up the crystal nuclei of the same level, and then waited until Chu Tian came to exchange it in one go.

For Chu Tian, ​​it doesn’t matter what type it is converted into, what matters is the quantity...

As long as the number is large, Chu Tian's strength will become stronger and stronger.

For Chu Tian, ​​five hundred fire dragons are not enough...

Fifty thousand is Chutian's goal!