Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1084: Mortal Verdict of Gods (2)

"Fioya's situation is not optimistic. I can't interfere with the rules of erasure applied to her. Now, Fioya is like a symbol being erased. An invisible eraser is constantly erasing her. Existence, what I am doing now is that I have continued to write Fiouya for my pen. [无 弹 窗 小说 网] "

"But the divine power is limited after all, and I can't help Fiorya to maintain myself forever."

Speaking here, Ishtar also sighed. In the eyes of the world, the gods seem to be omnipotent, but only the **** himself knows that the so-called God is not almighty. God may be very powerful and can be easily done by using rules Many miracles that even mortals cannot do, but God is also bound by the rules of this world while using the rules.

The divine power does not come out of thin air. It requires the piety of mortals to accumulate over time. Although after monopolizing the beliefs of half a continent in the years, Ishtar has stored a lot of divine power for himself, and further Condensed gods have improved their ability to believe and transform, but these divine powers are not infinite after all, not to mention these divine powers are used to fight the other four deities after completely tearing their faces with the Holy Spirit in the future.

Fiorah is now like a broken balloon. It is useless no matter how much divine power is injected, and it can only be maintained in an unextinguished state, and such maintenance is even costly for Ishtar. It's too big.

Asfield said solemnly, "Please order the goddess Ishtar!"

The judgment angel also understands that the situation at this moment is urgent. Although the goddess is powerful, it can never be such an endless and costly divine power to maintain the existence of Fiorah. As a direct subordinate of Fiorha, she does not want to see Fior Ya was completely annihilated. If it is the cause of the human boy that caused Fiorya's status quo, then finding him from his mouth may be able to come up with a way to lift the restraint of the rules imposed on Fiorya, and killing him directly or directly may be like Lift the curse as you lift the curse.

Shooting at the messenger of the goddess Ishtar, even the beloved believer is an unforgivable sin. Although the child seemed to be soft at the end and did not hurt Fiorah ... but whether it was from his original intention or he Just being persecuted by the Crystal Dragon, in short, one of the most urgent things now is to find him.

"It's difficult to find him." Isutar sighed. "Since his right hand can wipe out the power of the gods, then theoretically any magical power, magic, power of the abyss, nature of it against him. Force, and may even conceal the detection of consciousness. "

"Don't forget, Crystal Dragon also has a magic ring."

Ishutar smiled and reminded his wings.

In the eyes of the goddess, although the boy who can erase the divine power with his right hand is surprising, in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary child. Fiorja's final blow to him has revealed that except for his right hand, The other parts of his body are ordinary flesh and blood, and from observation, it is certain that it only needs to be lifted to Fiorya's body to take effect, and these are destined that this child is just a little to the gods It ’s just a threat, not even a threat at all. After all, he still has an immortal power in his mind.

As long as it is not touched by his right hand, nothing will happen, as long as he attacks parts other than his right hand, he can be hurt. If it wasn't for Fioya, the boy's right hand was lifted without knowing it, as an octopus Fiorah has at least a few hundred ways to destroy each other without being touched by the other.

Compared to the ring that allows the wearer to change his breath and hide his identity, it is a greater threat ...

Ischtal glanced again at Fiola, who was still asleep in the streamer: "Don't get me wrong, 'trial'! I won't give up Fiola, just like every one of you, you are all my children. I The wings are like no one in this world wants to cut their own body. "

"Thank you for your kindness, goddess!"

"One of the things we have called you today is to make you pay attention to this boy who has the power of eradicating the spirit. Although his body is very small, his power is very special. If this power is abused, it may cause unexpected greatness. Destroy. ”Ishtar's white, jade fingers lightly touched his chin and meditated,“ Connected to the rules of the world, possessing the power to wipe out the divine power and infer that all other forces can be wiped out, if that hand touch The origin of this world ... for example, what about the laws of the interface? "

There was a flash of cruel look in Afield's eyes, and the judgment angels clenched their fists, not only that the rest of the angels also had a solemn look.

"The interface is reversed ~ No! It should probably crash ..."

"If the law of the interface collapses, wouldn't that be the case!"

"The demon in the void will lose its continuous flow into the main material plane, and the world will be completely destroyed."

"Not only the demons in the void, but also the elemental creatures in the elemental spirit world."

The angels could not help but imagine the situation like the last day. The law of the interface is the most important barrier to protect the plane of the main material. Although the law of the interface cannot be determined with the naked eye, the law of the interface is Demon and even the limitation of the gods are obvious to all. It can be said that the reason why this world has not been destroyed under these terrible monsters, the reason why this world can rely on each other to rely on the laws of the interface Protection, of course ~ can also be said to be restricted.

That's right! The restriction of the interface's laws on the gods is also a key point to maintain the balance of this world.

Ishtar, who is a goddess, is also well aware of this. Otherwise, if the gods can freely interfere with the mortal world of the material plane without any restrictions, how many gods can suppress the dark side of the heart? Will you still cherish the mortal as a believer? In my opinion, the mortal loses its value as a believer in the eyes of the gods, and its only purpose is to please its own playthings.

The period of the second generation, because it is because there is no restraint between God and God, interfere with the main material plane, it seems that the terrible day of God's fall!

The operating method of the law of the interface is not well known even as the goddess Ishtar, but as a **** linked to this world rule, Ishtar can clearly feel that there are indeed rules in different interfaces. It never stops running, and it all gathers into a focal point. It should be the center of the operation of the interface law, but it is also a place where even the gods cannot go. Where is the interface law strong enough to connect itself and the abyss? The powerful demons dominate and the king suppresses, but what if there is a hand that can erase everything? What would happen if that hand touched this focus?

Ishtar is afraid to imagine the result. Even if the boy's mortal body enters the center of the interface, the probability is only one in a billion and the danger cannot be ignored.

However, in the final analysis, it is not the time to consider these matters. In contrast, solving the problems of Fiorah is the first priority.

Ishtar waved his hand, and as the stream of thoughts that originally surrounded Fioria gradually disappeared, the body of the female angel that had lost its divine power suddenly dimmed again, even if so much divine power had been injected After Fioria's self-disintegration is not over.

"The rules imposed on Fioria are to wipe out Fioria's existence from this world, and now as long as Fioria does not disappear, the rule will not stop."

Ishtal touched Fioria's gradual collapse of his body. This rule seems to take effect only through the boy's right hand. Now even if he touches Fioria, the power that can erase the divine power does not apply to himself. : "Even I can't stop this rule. The only thing I can do now is to follow the rules and make 'Fioa' disappear once."

"Ishtar, do you mean to deceive the rules?" The ten-winged angel representing wisdom said,

"Yes, this is one of the reasons why I summoned you." Ishtar smiled and gently tapped his fingers to draw a little divine power from each angel: "Since the rules must stop when Fioria disappears, ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I just made Fioria disappear once in accordance with the requirements of the rule, and have replaced the way to meet the requirements of this rule. "

Ten-winged angels are not just powerful in the angel army directly under the goddess. They are also the earliest angels who have received transformation and success. The remaining transformed angels are almost all transformed by seven ten-winged angels. Made of it, now Ishtar will use the original power of six of them to create a substitute for Fioria, an empty shell with the same power but no soul.

The creation of the avatar was very rapid, and after completion, Ishtar slowly integrated this same shell angel that was the same as Fiora's body, and then replaced the erased Philip while the rule was being erased. Oya's body, after leaving the goddess's blessing, the angel used as a substitute quickly dissipated like snow and ice in the sun, completely, purely, without any delay.

If you want to rank a different kind of power in this world, then the divine power must be one of them. No. 1 is the best among all the other powers such as magic power and natural power. However, the most powerful divine power is in this rule. The erasure disappeared instantly, which surprised the angels and even Isutar.

Touched by that right hand, I am afraid that even the gods will really follow in the footsteps of Fioria.