Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 277: Booty


Anvena and Miram couldn't help but be surprised. The attack from Gerkat was very fatal. There was only a small amount of soft scale armor from the soft lower abdomen to the neck. The tomahawk was almost cut off without hindrance. Muscles, blood vessels and bones.

Even if a terrible behemoth such as a dragon lizard is so severely hit, it cannot support it from falling down, and the eyes of the dragon lizard also reveal that it is incredible to have lived in this cold northern region for so many years. The top of this food chain exists. In this forest completely free of natural enemies, dragon lizards can hunt and kill any prey they like. Devour them, chew them, and turn their flesh into a part of themselves. However, this tiny creature has a breath that makes the dragon lizard feel terrified. Just staring at it makes the dragon lizard feel terrified. It is a sense of horror originating from the bloodline!

As a World of Warcraft dragon lizard, the mind has not yet been completely liberated from the disorderly primitive instinct, but the dragon lizard can still feel the approach of death. Under the threat of death, the dragon lizard completely abandons the only reason and completely turns itself into a violent Beast, the dragon lizard opened the blood basin and ignored the laceration of the wound, and the white light of breath began to spread out from the wound. Obviously, the dragon lizard tried to do his best to end up with the enemy before death.

"It's desperate ~ But you are too far behind the element lord!"

Falcon Kate did not budge, and lost the Tomahawk. Galcate's muscles in his arms swelled, and the skin began to darken and rows of sharp black scales grew out. At the moment when the dragon's blood basin was pressed down, Gerkat caught the dragon's big mouth. The impact power and the weight of the dragon lizard were superimposed. Under the impact of the huge force, it fell into the ground, and the entire ground began to emit an unbearable crushing sound. The small pieces of splashing stones hit the air in all directions like scattered bullets.

The breath of the dragon dragon lizard spewed out at zero distance in this way, and poured into desperately on the body of Gerkat.

An Weina and Milanm hurriedly hid behind a rock in panic. The two girls' ears only had the sound of the whistling of the gravel and the sound of the beating of the rock, and the dragon lizard's last howling! Immediately, the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground fell to silence.

"has it ended?"

After discovering that the surrounding area was quiet, he finally dared to poke his head and looked up, and instantly the expression of the female assassin was frozen on her face. An Weina also probed the probe when she saw the situation. Instantly, An Weina couldn't believe her eyes. Not long away, the dragon's huge body had fallen to the ground, and the dragon's head was divided into two halves. Judging from the wound, the upper jaw and lower jaw of this giant Warcraft were torn apart by human beings. Scarlet blood has stained the nearby ground into a pool of blood, and in the middle of the blood pool, Gelkat is standing like steel. The statue is average.

Bath baptized by dragon lizard on the front.Galcate was covered with white ice crystals. Anvena was still worried about whether Galcate was still alive.

This is the strength of the legendary mercenary Gercate. Originally, before seeing Gercate, Anvina thought that the rumors about Gercate might have been exaggerated because of propaganda, but now the girls feel that these rumors are not exaggerated. It is simply to underestimate the real strength of Gercate, a person who can kill the dragon lizard by his own strength, beyond the limits of human beings. Such a character is not to mention the mercenary king, any country will hesitate At all costs soliciting him, wealth, status, rights, and beauty will rush to him.

Not only Anvina, but also the female assassin Milanm is shocking. One person can kill Warcraft enough to compete with the army. This is an extraordinary person! If it was said that the one-night carnival Milanm with Gerkett also thought that it was a transaction in pursuit of excitement and need between each other, now Milanm only feels that he can be combined with such a powerful and terrible man, that is his own honor!

At this moment, the two girls seem to have forgotten the fact that they also participated in the fighting, or that the two subconsciously thought that their assistance was not enough.

Looking at Gerkat recovering and starting to cut the dragon lizard's chest with a tomahawk, Anvena and Milanm were both excited and got up to meet them, but they stopped shortly before long. Ten steps away from the two, Gerkat also stopped, turning and watching the two girls with a self-deprecating smile: "What's wrong? Are you afraid to see me like this?"

An Weina looked at Geerke with trembling, even the bolder female assassin had an incredible expression, even more exaggerated than seeing Geerkete killing the dragon lizard.

The whole body is covered with spiked scale armor like black rocks like dragon lizards, and his hands are transformed into the claws of a beast. The only place that looks like a human is Gerkat's head. Elkite's face was sloppy at this moment, just like a mad soldier in a state of rage, but unlike the mad soldier, Gelkat still had a clear sense.

"Gelkate you ┉┉ you are ┉┉" Anwina stared and couldn't believe what she saw. Is this Gelkate? Guess Kate himself, he really is not human!

Golkert shook his head and turned to continue his work: "Just as you see, do n’t ask me any questions, I ’m not interested in answering it, dragon lizard's heart belongs to other parts of me, if you want, take it . "

Both Anvena and Milanm stood on the spot. It was already true that Gelcate was not a human. The two thoughts in their hearts for a while, unexpectedly broke such a big secret by accident. After being surprised What followed was fear, would Gelkate kill it? After all, this is the eastern part of the mainland. Under the preaching of humanism in the Holy See, not many people will allow a alien to exist beside themselves. Both elves and dwarves are persecuted and fled, let alone look like monsters at the moment. Gulkett, like the devil.

After cutting through the chest ribs of the dragon lizard, carefully taking out the huge heart and putting it into the space ring, Gerkat also accidentally found something. The dragon lizard actually had a magic core condensed in the body, and it was still very high quality. The magic core is as large as a basin.

"It's really good luck this time!" Regardless of being covered with blood, Gerkat took the magic core out of the dragon lizard and placed it on the ground.

Looking at Gulkate cleaning up the dirt on the magic core, the monster-like body began to gradually return to normal. Anvena stepped up the courage and stepped forward and asked softly, "Her Excellence, you are so stingy."

"I said I wouldn't answer any questions, do you want any other materials? The dragon lizard's leather and scale armor are treasures." Golkert raised his head to restore his previous cynical look.

The maidservant Assassin settled down and stepped forward to pull Anvina behind her. After taking a deep breath, Milanm smiled and said, "Since it's so embarrassing, I'm trying to make a leather armor. I don't know how the material of a dragon lizard works."

"This dragon lizard is a little weird," said Gerkat, looking at the white and tan-colored magic core. "And I won't peel it. I will only take away valuable parts. The rest may be cheaper for the Saxony kingdom. "

那么 "I'll take away some of the teeth and bones of the dragon lizard. I heard that the dragon lizard's teeth are a good material for creating excellent daggers."

As Milan talked, Anwena, who was somewhat uneasy, whispered, "Don't become like a naive bird. Regardless of his identity, he is him, we are us. Since he doesn't care about himself, Identity, you care so much. "

‘Little Fox’ Anvena has a lot of ghost ideas, but she ’s really not as mature as Milan ’s. Anvena, who was shocked by Gercate ’s identity, quickly recovered at Milan ’s order, indeed! What is Gelcate's identity is completely irrelevant to himself. As long as he is the leader of the Split-Tooth Tomahawk, he is the legendary king of mercenaries in the free city. Even if the Holy See had to heretically judge Gercate, it was the Holy See's business, and it had nothing to do with it.

What's more, if you have a close skin relationship with Gercate, whether you can have a good life in the second half of your life depends on whether the Toothaxe Mercenary Regiment can continue to maintain the title of "strongest". The Tomahawk Mercenary Regiment, of course, has to help Gercate keep secrets.

Perhaps ┉┉ Even if you say this time, nobody will believe it.

An Weina quickly joined the operation to search for loot after being open-minded, and Gelcate noticed the expressions of the two girls and smiled slightly. At first Maggie didn't look like this. An Weina politely cut off some internal organs of the dragon lizard. The girl is very clear that many alchemists and pharmacists need to use Warcraft internal organs as materials, not to mention that this is still the strongest dragon lizard on the mainland! Just taking a little out is enough for countless pharmacists and alchemists to break their heads.

Milanom used a knife to divide the dragon lizard's leather, but the dragon lizard's leather is very strong and there are many scale armors on it. The non-professional skinner's Milanm did not divide well, but the female assassin really didn't want to be cheap. Kingdom of Saxony. This dragon lizard is simply a living Jinshan! But now I don't have enough pockets to take this golden mountain away. After rough cutting a complete piece of skin, the female assassin still paid attention to the dragon lizard's teeth and began to pull out the mouth. After repacking everything with precious materials, I looked at this huge dragon-like lizard like a hill for a while and wept for nothing. If only I had a space ring, I knew I would encounter such a good thing, even if I borrowed the most unscrupulous loan shark.

Soon the bags of Milan and Anwina were already filled with various materials. Even the space ring of Gerkat was fully loaded, but 80% of the dragon lizards were not broken down. For the first time, Anvena and Milanm have experienced a serious sense of loss. These living materials need special treatment to be stored for a long time, otherwise they will rot over time. Watching a golden mountain turn into dust, the two girls felt bleeding in their hearts!

"Okay, it's time to go back. It's enough to take so much."

Gerkat came over, and just went to explore the dragon lizard's lair, and found that the three dragon lizard eggs that had not yet broken shells are still intact. Gelkat originally wanted to break these eggs to prevent the future, but thought back I thought it would be better to personalize the Saxony kingdom. The egg of the strongest Warcraft dragon lizard, this should be a very valuable treasure.

Taking Milanme and Anwena who lingered, climbed out of the dragon lizard's lair, took a deep breath in the fresh air, cut a few branches to make a simple shelf, and pulled a lot of treasured materials The three embarked on the return journey.


PS: Community circuit repairs ~ power outage!