Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 384: High-profile march with the 3 giants of

After settling in the hotel until dinner time, the Lord of the Underworld finally appeared, but just stayed in the corner to report it. He didn't even enjoy the rich dinner prepared but just stood quietly, as incompatible. Like a shadow hiding in the darkness.

Dinner was enjoyed in a private room on the floor of the room rented by Lu Luxiu and others. The waiters who should have served the VIP guests were removed, and the party was enjoying the rich dinner without interruption. The charcoal grilled lamb chops were covered with tomatoes. Juicy noodles, fresh seafood, croissants and fruit are all set up at the table, making people feel appetite just by looking at it.

Here Alisa finally took off the ring and restored her original appearance: "Master Luluxiu, please forgive me for a word?"

"Ah ~ please Miss Eliza, here I encourage everyone to speak freely." Lu Luxiu said with a graceful drop of his knife and fork and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Alissa hesitated for a moment and finally reminded Lu Luxiu: "Your move on the exchange today is a bit too ostentatious. This is really for us who have just entered the free city. It's a dangerous act. "

"Of course I know." Lu Luxiu smiled in a grasping posture: "On our way back, we could have a lot of tails behind us. If I'm not mistaken, someone might not want to tonight Living."

Elisabella suddenly froze. Obviously, the teenager in front of her knew what the consequences of her actions would be. The free city used the term weak meat and strong food to the extreme. Lu Luxiu showed too much wealth on the gold exchange. In addition, his previous performance is exactly like a weak noble child who is not deeply involved in the world, which is easy to be followed by some people who have no intention. You must know that behind the prosperity of the free city, the darkness is trembling. Although there are strict laws restricting crime, most of that applies only to the upper affluent class.

In fact, Lu Luxiu also browsed a lot of information about the free city before he came. In fact, you only need to think carefully to know. Since the merchants inside the free city have gathered such a huge power through wealth, why can there still be these? The existence of assassin organizations and criminal groups that can threaten their lives. In short, the existence of these organizations and groups is a tool used by the upper affluent classes in the free city to control the lower and middle tiers. Every well-dressed gentleman needs some people to help him do things that are not on the surface, and It is this conflict of interests among businessmen that provides the soil for growth for these organizations and groups.

For a moment, Alisa smashed her tongue, but she did not expect that the young man of 15 or six years old, Lu Luxiu, saw some of the dark side of the city so thoroughly. Give Lelouch.

"I did that deliberately for the reason I did that on the exchange."

Lelouch still kept his tepid elegance. "I know what you are thinking about, Miss Elisa. I came to this city to build my own power here, but I do n’t have much time to do it step by step." Low-key, I need to integrate into this city as quickly as possible. Miss Elisa, you are also a businessman. Tell me what I need most when I come to a new place as a businessman? "

After thinking for a moment, Alissa said, "Famous."

"That's right! Now we are obscure, in order to integrate into the city as soon as possible, we need to quickly build up fame."

"But Lord Lelouch, your move is too risky."

"But you also have to admit that this is the quickest way."

"Although this is correct"

Alissa nodded helplessly, and Luluxiu did something to make sense. A mysterious teenager throws a lot of money in the eyes of the gold exchange. It is estimated that it will spread all over the streets and tomorrow, saving his wealth. There are many people who are interested in the identity of teenagers. I believe that the merchants and forces with better intelligence gathering ability will definitely try to contact Lelouch, and this young man who can spend a lot of money without changing his face. Being able to control such a large sum of money at will, I believe that this young man must be a noble family with a noble background. Smart businessmen will not miss the opportunity to win over any potential forces that can make a profit for themselves.

"In the past few days, the goods we carried were sold first, and instead of being low-key, we tried to make the best publicity, so that everyone in the city knew the best." Lu Luxiu said with all the momentum. Quickly integrate into the city and build up your own power, so that you can have enough manpower and time to find the gem of the soul stone for Yalin. The second is to make money.

In this huge city, it is impossible to find a small gem with a few people alone for decades.

"Well, if you wish, Lord Lelouch, I will arrange everything as soon as possible." Alisa no longer advised, although this approach would cause the danger of shooting the bird. But businessmen also need to seize the opportunity to win in the danger. If they do too much to think too much, they will achieve nothing.

"Is it a big boy? I like your character very much ~ Lord Luluxiu!" Ji Lefulan, a magical monster, smiled charmingly. As the leader of the "Black Rose" organization, Levran hidden in the dark and shadow is also the favorite way to quickly and decisively. Accompanied by the minimum cost in exchange for the maximum benefit.

At this time, Alisa suddenly noticed that the team she belongs to is not from a secular existence. Everyone in the team hides a powerful strength. The dangers in the free city may not be considered dangerous to everyone at all. . Therefore, the young man now has a character like a gambler, and is a gambler who mixes caution and madness.

"Miss Eliza, might as well take this time to introduce us to the structural framework of the city, especially the most prominent figures in the city." Luluxiu said aside, after eating, Although I have browsed a lot of information about Free City, there is some information that needs to be understood in detail.

Alisa nodded her head and sorted out her thoughts a bit, then said, "Okay ~ Well, as the mainland ’s most prosperous commercial autonomous city, the free city is roughly divided into three classes, the slave class, the middle class, and the rich class. Slave Needless to say, all bankrupts and debtors will be identified as slaves and lose their freedom of life in the first place. The middle class is a class that constitutes the main part of a free city. Craftsmen, small vendors, and attendants are all only It can be regarded as the middle class, and most of the rich class are aristocratic families and business families from various countries in the world, but this class is also divided into three or six or nine because of the different financial resources and strength of each family. Some lower families are in this class. There is no right to speak in the city. "

Levran interrupted here and asked, "Alisa! What family do you belong to in the Free City?"

Elisha thought for a moment and replied: "It is considered to be a middle-to-high level of the affluent, and has a seat in the business council of the free city."

"What is that business council?"

"The administrative organization of a free city is similar to the government department. The decision and direction of the entire city are issued by the Commerce and Trade Council. The top three business giants in the free city are the main players. The main participants are all the rights in the free city. Powerful big businessmen, although the rules are passed by resolution, but the actual control is in the hands of the three giants. "

Lelouch nodded: "Does one of the three major business giants in your mouth have the Lawrence of the Chamber of Commerce?"

"This is of course." Alisa nodded surely: "Mr. Lawrence Wick's power is spread throughout the free city. He has almost monopolized more than half of the transportation industry in the eastern part of the mainland, except for ordinary transportation fleets and business groups. It also has more than 700 airships of various specifications, and it can be said that even the strongest Emperor of the Salman Empire cannot compete with it.

"That's what a rich country can mean!" Bujani said, tilting her head in an envious tone.

"And the remaining two of the three major business giants are the big slave businessman Philippe Kanter and the law businessman Miss Yunokia."

Lelouch suddenly noticed that when Alisa said the name of Philippe Kanter's name was obviously disdainful and disgusted, and said that Miss Law Yunia, the law merchant, couldn't help picking Picked, as if I remembered something not so good in an instant.

"The great slave merchant Philippe Kanter is the most notorious businessman in the entire free city and even in the entire continent. He has enslaved an innumerable number of slaves. He also owns a large number of estates and mines. Only after becoming the Big Three of the Free City, one-third of the defenders of the Free City in the military force are the private forces of Philippe Kanter, whose strength can even destroy some small countries. "

"please continue."

Lelouch's expression became a bit subtle, but he soon recovered.

"The last Miss Yunokia has a very special identity. She is far behind the top two in terms of wealth, but she is in charge of the operations and inspections of the various legal formations throughout the free city. She even owns a privately run research institute and The School of Spells is known for selling various legal knowledge and technologies ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The most important thing is that it is said that Ms. Yunokia herself is also a high-level mage, with hundreds of mages working for her. Although the power Not the biggest, but the influence is not lost to the first two. "

"Women? It's really admirable to be one of the top three giants in this city." Luluxiu was somewhat interested in Yunogea: "Do you have any information about her?"

"Her Excellency Lelouch, do you want to know Miss Yunogeia's information?"

"Anyway, let's talk about her family and her personalities."

For a moment, Eliza suddenly became restless, and seemed to want to say something but was embarrassed to say it. Under Lelouch's smiling eyes, Elisa settled down or said: "There is a point that needs to be raised It was Ms. Yuno Kiya, who is a half-elf, and I ’m not sure about her family background. As for her interest in Ms. Yuno Kiya, she has a special hobby. She only likes women. (To be continued)



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