Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 385: Yunokia!

Miss Yunokia! One of the three major business giants in the top class of the free city, women like women's hobby can be said to be an open secret in the free city. Once, Alisa was fortunate to follow her father to meet Miss Yunokia, and that banquet The grand occasion made Alisa unforgettable. In the huge mansion where Miss Yunogea is located in the seafront area of ​​the free city, from the housekeeper to the servants who receive it, the gardener and the guards who trim the flowers and gardens are women. When Miss Yunogea came out to meet the guests, she was behind him Many stunning beauties almost dazzled the eyes of all the men present.

It is a pity that the strangeness of Miss Yunokia is also a headache. At least for men, this lady completely adopts an indifferent attitude. During the meeting, Miss Yunokia even sat on the screen to meet. , Surrounded by those waitresses to pass on her messages, that deed might be the king.

However, Ms. Yunokia, who was completely close to her life, personally sent someone to the door on the second day of the banquet to invite Alisa to her house to participate in the tea party. With the encouragement of her father's eyes that had seen through everything At the time, Alisa was still at a loss and took the maid to the party. After arriving at Miss Yunokia ’s residence, she found that it was not just herself who was invited. Almost all the female guests who were present yesterday were invited. The scale and sophistication of this tea party is even stronger than yesterday's banquet. It is inlaid with all the famous tea sets of Phnom Penh, pastries from different styles from all over the mainland, and there are many kinds of precious pets that look very cute. And Miss Yunokia was not as tall and completely integrated into the tea party as yesterday.

From the scene, the atmosphere of the tea party was very warm and all the girls were present. It was only for Alisa that the tea party was a little scary after the thought, mainly because Miss Yunoya learned that She is the daughter of the Marquise Angelina of the Bellarama Kingdom and has a special fondness for herself. Not only did she sit beside her, she even gave her a high-end magic bracelet. Afterwards, the Westphalian family was able to bid first for a magic technique sold by Miss Yunokia, which is said to be in their own face.

"Hahaha ~ This is really an interesting lady."

Lu Luxiu laughed softly, and Bu Yani looked at Alisa with interest, and among them, only Zou still stood silently listening in the shadow.

"It seems that you can use your face as a VIP card." Gus also uttered a rare word.

Alissa sighed with a bitter smile and continued: "Ah ~ I didn't notice anything at the time, I just thought that Miss Yunokia was very hospitable. It didn't take long for us to start the Westphalian family. Formal cooperation with Ms. Yunokia, at that time I have set up my own business group. Ms. Yunokia gave me a lot of help, and I really thanked Ms. Yunokia for I admire her very much. After all, as a woman, she can stand out as a business giant in the cruel city of Liberty City. Whether it is true strength or luck, it is really admirable to be able to achieve this achievement! However, one thing happened later It just made me have to re-examine Miss Yunokia. ”

"Does she want you to join her harem?" Levran asked with a smirk.

"Almost that, or worse!"

Alisa drank her saliva and continued to talk. Generally speaking, the Miss Yunogea gave her a lot of help. For this reason, the relationship between the two was getting closer and closer. After the Chamber of Commerce gradually became famous. Yunokia sent an invitation to the Chamber of Commerce directly to Alisa, and was very generous in terms of profit sharing.

The invitation of the Free City Big Three alliance was an incredible opportunity for the entire Westphalian family and even the major chambers of commerce. At the time, Alisa was very excited and was preparing to respond to Miss Yunokia ’s invitation. Even the nobles of the Bel Rama Kingdom also looked at Alisa as a huge opportunity for the Bel Rama Kingdom. However, at this juncture, Alisa's father directly asked Alissa to decline the invitation. Even the very hard-lined representatives rejected the offer on their own.

At that time, Elisa was very puzzled and even complained that her father thought he had lost this wonderful opportunity. Later, Elisa secretly ran to the Free City and saw Yunogea wronged to the free city girl. The merchant complained, telling her that the polite refusal was written by her father and did not represent her opinion. And Yunuo Jia didn't blame herself for listening to her complaints like a kind elder. Then Yunokia specially invited Alisa to stay and brew a cup of black tea for her, and it was from that cup of black tea that Alisa gave her first kiss to Yunokia.

"You gave a first kiss to a woman!" Bu Yani smiled reluctantly: "Haha ~ I can't see it. I didn't expect you to give a first kiss to a woman in a dignified and mature manner."

Alisa bowed her head and blushed, looking very grieved.

Gus smiled heartily: "What's the matter, anyway, you are all women kissing without loss."

"Mr. Gus, if you kiss Mr. Kenjiro next to you now, don't you think it's not a loss?" Alissa stared at Gus with a grievous grin.

For a while, Kenjiro shot innocently and Gus faced each other, and Gus waved and waved as if he didn't say anything.

"Is there a problem with that cup of tea?" Lulu Xiu saw the problem at once.

Alisa nodded and her face became more dignified: "It's not just that it's as simple as a problem. Later, although I was cut off from Yunokia on the surface. In private, I still quietly set up another concealment with her help. The caravan cooperated with him. At that time, because of inexperience, I occasionally encountered some troubles. It was Yunokia who helped me through the difficulties. Every time she visited Yunokia, she would personally help me. Make a cup of tea for me, and every time I drink, I become more dependent on Yunokia and don't even want to leave her. Sometimes I often dream of her when I'm at home. "

"I said Alisa, shouldn't Yunochia's black tea be poisoned?" Luluxiu asked with a puzzled look.

"Drugs? You mean things like narcotics extracted from plants?"

"It's almost like this."

Alisha sighed and shook her head: "If it was narcotics, I would have noticed it, Lord Luluxiu, you should also know that narcotics is addictive, and once a person is addicted for a period of time, they will be covered It was uncomfortable. However, although I was in private with Yunokia at that time, I still had to go home every so often. I definitely stayed at home more often than Yunokia, even when I was at home. I will not show any strange signs if I do n’t drink the tea made by Yunokia, except that I will miss her more deeply in my heart, just like I ca n’t suppress my feelings in my heart. ”

Speaking of here, Elisa paused, her expression was like dreaming the most terrible nightmare, and finally Elisa sighed softly and continued in the eyes of everyone, "I even started to think about the worst time of that period Disengaged from the family and moved directly to the house of Miss Yunokia, and Miss Yunokia hinted to me privately a few times, but I was still struggling a few times and almost attached to the action until my father found out by accident After this incident, I was imprisoned at home desperately, and immediately invited the royal court mage and pharmacist from the royal family to check for me, only to discover that the black tea that Yunokia gave me was a crystal of magic. A liquid crystal produced by directly concentrating and substantiating magical power is completely a new jurisprudence technology that has never been seen before. "

At this time, everyone's eyes changed, a technology that has not been condensed to achieve materialization. I can't believe that this technology will be developed by a businesswoman in a free city. See The Miss Yunoki was here to prepare Alisa as a testament to new technology.

"At that time, the royal court mages and law schools analyzed the magic crystals remaining on me, and I was surprised to find that after entering the human body, the magic crystals would re-form into a kind of spiritual magic according to the preset effect. Unconsciously bewildered by the magic of magic and fall in love with the caster, until the end she was even willing to do everything for her. The law school invested a lot of manpower and material resources into this unprecedented new type of magic, but it took a lot of money. It's been a long time before I can fully analyze the principle of operation ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It's terrible. "Lu Luxiu muttered.

"It's almost like a nightmare, do you know, Lord Luluxiu! Several times during that time, when I went to the house of Miss Yunokia, I also found some girls from other families, and they also suffered from you like me. The invitation and help from Miss Noggia, one of them was a friend I knew at the Wangdu College. At that time, I didn't pay much attention or even jealous of them. But I later learned that these girls include my friend Siye. There are actually many people who have announced that they are detached from the family and some even went to Yunokia with some property, and I have never seen Sienna since. "

Said here that the corners of Alisa's eyes were a bit wet: "I cried and kept crying when I was imprisoned at home, and even almost cut my wrist to commit suicide. Thanks to my mother's constant waiting As I slowly accepted the treatment of the court mage and pharmacist, I gradually got rid of this magical effect and returned to normal. Only then did my father tell me many terrible rumors about Yunokia. It is said that the tyrant was two thousand years ago. The last emperor of the Perlasian empire founded by Garceric, and his favorite concubine is also called Yunokia! "(To be continued ...)


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