Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 537: Unprecedented currency issuance

readx; did the guys come to camp?

In Ulduar, Yalin ended his conversation with Lelouch and looked at the report. The black wolves mercenary stationed at Belika fortress has so far sent a small number of light cavalry to the forest for investigation. There was no movement outside, but the garrison at Belika fortress was furious, because it was a large group of mercenaries to go out, and the amount of food stored in the fortress could not be transported to the entire warehouse. Prince Rost has sent people to negotiate with the Black Wolves Mercenary Corps for the second time, either immediately go to the forest to complete his task quickly, or hurry back from there.

The Black Wolves mercenary regiment is also dragging the word tricks to make Rost very uncomfortable, and for no reason, you must know that thousands of mercenaries are stationed in the Belika fortress every day. Those who spend a lot of money, the Saxony kingdom is not interested in providing them with food and other supplies for free. So far, these mercenaries have spent millions of rien to buy supplies from the Belika Fortress, or if it is not the Belika Fortress now hoarding A lot of food might have been eaten by these mercenaries.

"I mean it very simple, Mr. Hegel, there is not much grain left in the fort now, we can't continue to provide food to your mercenary regiment, so you must quickly decide whether to go to the forest or not. Look for so-called elves. "

The clerk sent by Prince Rost said angrily to Hegel, the deputy leader of the black wolf mercenary regiment, and Hegel just played the gold coins in his hand as if he hadn't heard them, but the female mage on the side was not Stop talking to the clerk.

Obviously, this time the officer had prepared the perfect excuse. One sentence of Belika fortress blocked the female mage, and now the mercenary regiment can't buy food even with money, and the black wolf maid The soldiers deliberately brought more than a thousand mercenaries because of this capture of the elves. The more than a thousand people not only failed to function but also became a burden.

"Miss Luna, let me tell you straight away. You do n’t even have to pay for it. Now the grain in the fortress is seriously insufficient. We must give priority to the supply of soldiers. If you do n’t leave, you have to stay. Come down and starve, do you understand? "

After leaving this sentence, the official left in a huff. The female mage called Luna was so angry that she sat down and looked at the tall deputy chief.

"Okay ~ what shall we do now? Is there any news from the leader?"

"Yes, withdraw for two days if we still don't have any news about the Xiangying Mercenary Corps."

Luna's answer frowned Hegel: "What the he-mother's leader is thinking, do we come here all the way just for camping? Now we do nothing if we do nothing. Run back, knowing that we have consumed at least two or three million riens during this time. Even if there is money in the mercenary regiment, this is not the way to burn it. "

"It's burning someone else's money anyway. What do you care about so much?"

Suddenly Luna suddenly said something that made Hegel feel inexplicable. Hegel felt that this time he came here all the way, not for the simple capture of elves, other people's money! ? Could it be that the leader is hiding something from himself.

Hegel couldn't sit still: "Who hired us here?"

"I don't know, go back and ask the leader."

After Luna answered, she stopped speaking and went out. The blizzard outside all day left the female mage in doubt. Can a creature such as an elf really survive in such a harsh natural environment?

If the female mage's gaze could look deep into the misty forest beyond ten thousand miles, perhaps she would be speechless in surprise.

The town surrounded by blizzards and crystal forests in the forest is like a green island in a white ocean. Not only is there an elven she thinks cannot survive, but it is also close to 3,000 people. It just seems very lively today. A large number of elves are gathered near the portal in the town center. They are doing transactions with many newly-built shops. A large warehouse is being built next to these shops. Many transport food, cash crops and Various spirits are selling there.

"What a beautiful cloth! Oh, there are glassware!"

"What clean sugar does not have any impurities, so I can buy some back. I have never made a good dessert for a long time, and the children will be happy."

"It's great to have pig iron. You can build more iron arrows. The arrows you sent down before are already almost used."

There are a variety of goods on the shop, from sugar, salt, pepper, star anise and other spices and seasonings, different colors and cloths, delicate and transparent glassware, to various finished iron products such as axe, saw, shovel, and Plenty of pig iron, coal, and even magic crystals are readily available. It looks like a huge department store, which makes people involuntarily buy.

Ulduar City has been preparing for a period of time and the trading area is finally open. On the first day, these daily necessities attracted a large number of high elves to try to buy, but the frost and snow elves responsible for coordinating the sale rejected the high elves to buy things. The trade model of the exchange is only willing to accept a new currency. The only way to get these currencies is to use their excess property to trade in a warehouse area.

The elves are not ignorant of financial and currency transactions. When they lived on the mainland, the elves also used the main currency of the Lynn currency for transactions. Now they have become the original transaction method of exchanging goods for money. The main reason is that the property is not abundant after having a habitat. Now, with the development of elven towns, the properties have gradually increased. By retaining sufficient food, various by-products are also increasing. It is natural that Yalin and Schnauzer launched their monetary policy at this time, and there is not much opposition to the new currency elves. After all, they are still under control, and the new currency also has a stable credit value. Anyone can use the new currency to exchange equivalent food, salt, and sugar on the exchange.

Soon the elves mobilized, and a large amount of excess food and cash crops, as well as medicinal materials, fur, ore, and various poultry collected from the forest were all sent to the exchange. This time, I was very busy with the frost snow elves who were responsible for trading in the exchange and the deputy head commander Luini Shacuri.

A long blue hair with a big sister's temperament, always showing calmness and calmness, and Lu Yini was at a loss at this moment: "The sixth and seventh trading areas began to identify gems and minerals after three hours. The ruling Ulduar sent several gemologists to come, and priority will be given to medicinal materials identification after 30 minutes in the 9th trading area. "

"Miss Rouini, there are only 300 kilograms of sugar and pepper left. Will you approve another three tons?"


"The second warehouse is full and the convoy of transport personnel has not yet returned."

"For the time being, classify the goods as being outside. The population of this town is not large, and the quantity of goods is not very large. You can deal with it temporarily."

Lu Yi Ni as the chief commander coordinated the work smoothly. After the introduction of the currency, the higher elves reacted more enthusiastically than expected, and every day many elves send a variety of things to exchange money, such as various sculptures, semi-finished leather, various exotic herbs, and even There are also gems that the elves accidentally picked up in the forest, so many different people are needed to value these things. It is because of these accidentally picked gems that the frost and snow elves also found an open-pit gem mine with extremely low mining costs as a clue. Mainly have been sapphire and emerald. The Crystallized Forest is north of the Yanod Mountains.

Frost Snow Elves and Dwarves have begun to evaluate this open-air gem mine, and mining operations will be carried out after the planning is completed. Workers at Yalin decided to hire high-level elves to work as much as possible, one is to effectively use labor, and the other is Accelerate the speed of currency implementation.

In the lively trading area, various cloths and iron products are the most popular things, followed by seasonings and spices such as salt, pepper, sugar, etc. On the contrary, most of the elves on the food are self-sufficient. With the help of the summoning system, The function of the magic farm, whether it is Ulduar or the elves' habitat, has always maintained a very high yield. Except for basic crops such as rice, wheat, and potatoes. Subjected to the population, the elves did not open up more agricultural areas. For this reason, the elves' ingredients still seemed very scarce. Sometimes the fruits such as wild strawberries and apples collected by the elves in the forest would become rare.

Today, a large number of agricultural and sideline products placed on the commodity counter have become the things that the elves are rushing to buy. After all, it doesn't matter that the elves can eat meat for a month or even a year, but they do n’t eat vegetables and fruits for a week. That is definitely an unbearable thing.

When the trading area was busy, the portals began to shine with magic again. Now that they have become accustomed to the frost and snow elves who use the portals, the high elves will no longer carry the portals as they were originally. This kind of awe-inspiring attitude, when the convoy responsible for transporting the goods slowly moved out, the elves in the trading area were still busy with their own affairs ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ only after a few figures came out with the convoy. Some elves still looked quite surprised.

"It's so lively! It looks even more lively than in Ulduar!"

With a long pink hair and a girl with a beautiful face equal to that of an elf, she is looking at the crowds around her with a gentle smile. The young girl was followed by a teenager in a military uniform and a petite and cute girl in a sarong. The reason that caught the elves was that all three seemed to be human.

It was just that when some elves noticed the true face of a pet-like animal held by a girl with long pink hair, the elves suddenly did not dare to show up. Everyone took a step back almost subconsciously to try to keep themselves away from the girls.

Because the girl's arms are not pets. Although she looks really cute, a little knowledgeable elf can feel the white scale armor covered with a pair of small wings like a lizard. The same creature exudes a breathtaking atmosphere. It is not a pet or a lizard. Although it is small, it is completely sure that it is a young childish dragon belonging to the dragon family! (To be continued.)

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