Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 687: Concentrated Superman

The change in the plan of Penn Lucia is not so much that it only needs two divisions to act, because the cultists are always followed along the way. Obviously, the penetration of the Kingdom of Zegus is very serious, so Penn Lucius will carry Princess Haidai. The keepsake went directly to Wang Du to contact the princess's minister, while the saints were temporarily stationed in the bluebell territory waiting for the news of Patel's son. `` ``

If no news came from Patel in the time since Penn Luce sent the message back, then the saints escorted the princess to Wangdu and started planning.

Regarding this behavior of Pernous Luci who made himself risky, the saints did not hesitate to say it, but the great knight Captain Bellum raised a difference. After all, in the eyes of the big knight, whether it is Pennius or the five holy The fighters are all outsiders, no matter how Princess Haidai trusts them, Bellum still believes that there should be trusted people in the Kingdom of Zegus to handle this.

‘Are there 100% trusted people in the Bluebell Territory? ’

However, Haidai's words made Bellum dumb. Now the Bluebell Territory is headless and has been infiltrated by cultists before. Bellum can't guarantee to find an absolutely loyal. Candidate.

Haidai now has absolute trust in Penn Luce. Moreover, formally, she can't distrust each other. Although Penn Lucus's identity is mysterious, at least she is definitely not a cultist, and he has enough wisdom and strength to be able to Taking on this task may even be better than doing it yourself.

Until now, the great knight captain Bellum probably knew some things. The princess was attacked, the cultists penetrated into the kingdom of Zegus, and some royal family members colluded with the cultists. Any of these things is an extraordinary event, and Now, after the failure of attacking Princess Haidai, the other party is likely to squeeze the entire kingdom of Zegus directly before the arrival of the holy capital, and then leave after a turbulent and chaotic Kingdom of Zegus.

The assassination of the Bluebell Territory and Earl Raymond is probably the prelude to the entire operation. The only thing the princess can do now is to grab the entire country into martial law before the opponent starts, and then clear it through the holy capital. A cultist is simply a coup!

I usually see that when talking about nobles and lords who are in high positions of power, they are extremely taboo about the word 'coup'. After all, it is a game of gambling on their lives. If it is the past, it is not so much love. The chief knight of political affairs would not agree too much with Count Raymond's participation in this kind of gambling that is rich or rich. But now the assassination incident has shown that the other party has taken the entire Bluebell Territory as an existence that must be cleared. There is now no other way than to gamble on this with the princess.

If the cultists really win, let alone the Bluebell Territory is whether the entire Kingdom of Zegus can continue to exist or not.

Bellum was thinking, but now it is important to find Master Patel. During these times, the guards originally dispatched to find the young master were dispatched back. After investigation, it turned out that many people with suspicious faces and suspicious identities appeared, just as the man named Penn Luc thought, the other party was really prepared. Killing.

"Then we will use the mirror spell to communicate. Will there be a water mage in the Bluebell Territory who can use this spell?"

"There is a mage who can. I will commission him." Bellum said after thinking about it.

Due to the urgent time, Penn Luce was going to leave today, but before he made the final preparations, El Cid found Penn Luci and took out something in the hope that Penn Luce could help himself to see it a little.

"This is a new magic weapon that the communication magic weapon hasn't seen before, do you carry it?" Looking at the magic weapon that El Cid handed over, Pernulus asked.

"Do you know how to use this thing?"

"of course."

Upon hearing this, El Cid explained: "I tried to use it in the city called Qom that we met for the first time, but there seemed to be something wrong. No matter how it was used, there was no signal, only some strange ones. Noise, I don't know if it's the wrong method or the thing is malfunctioning. "

Speaking of this, El Cid has also carefully handed Yalin his full set of user manuals to take a look at Pern Luce. The other party looked at nothing and began to observe the communication magic guide.

El Cid has been troubled by the problem of the magic guide. None of the five of them understood the working principle of this thing, nor did they know if it was broken or the way they used it was wrong. I also knew some magical things, so I quickly took out the magic guide to see if the other party could help me to do this.

After observing for a while, Penrius returned the magic guide back: "Broken, the magic crystal and carved circuit inside were damaged due to overload."

"So can I fix it?"

"I have never seen this new communication magic device. It takes a lot of time to understand the internal structure if it is to be repaired, but I don't have this time now. If you are willing to give me this magic device temporarily. I can Take a moment to see if it can be repaired. Honestly, I am also interested in this new structure and the use of legal technology. "

El Cid said that he was helpless. After all, this magic device was donated by Yalin, and he must bring it with him whether he can use it or not. Otherwise, damage is a problem, and if lost, it is another problem.

Regarding the departure of Pern Luce, in fact, I do not know why, El Cid always vaguely felt that it was not as simple as helping Princess Haidai to contact the close relatives of the capital. The holy warrior Philin and the Knights were on the road overnight, and it is expected that they will reach the Bluebell Territory in two days.

And just when El Cid and others temporarily rested in the restless territory of the Kingdom of Zegus. Behind them, another team sent by Yalin to search for the sons of the stars also quietly entered this troubled country.

The white dragon, Aleksis, was entrusted by Yalin to carry the dark elf, Celian, who also had the power of a child of the stars, and set off on the journey to the western part of the continent. The original order that Alexis received was to try to bring it back after finding the Son of the Star. If it was not possible to bring it back, also ensure that the Son of the Star was not attacked by other forces.

There is Celian who can sense the son of the star, and she also holds a magic guide that can automatically identify the position of the son of the star. Allyxes is taken along the way ~ or she is secretly followed by Selian Behind El Cid and others, but compared to Saint Seiya, Aleksis as the dragon does not need to forge any identity certificate, the dragon's flying ability can operate unhindered in the sky, but taking into account the holy capital After all, it is the site of the Emerald Green Dragon and Dragon Alliance. After entering the sphere of influence of the Holy Capital, Aleksis still had to restore the human posture and put on 'sincere deception', and then proceeded step by step.

Although the wind and the streets lived along the way, the strong physique of the dragon made Alixis feel innocuous, and after becoming a priest of the Holy City, Celian was considered to have undergone many hard trainings, which was already used to this.

After entering the sphere of influence of the Sacred Capital, although Aleksis tried to avoid the crowds and towns along the way, sometimes there were inevitable situations. At least when he needed to reach more distant areas, he needed help. The transportation system in towns, and in some towns, when Celian saw the temple worshipping the five Most High Gods, he couldn't help but have some ideas.

Celion really wanted to go to the temple desperately to expose Aleksis's dragon identity, but when she thought of her companion, he was also held hostage by the White Dragon King Yalin in the Yanod Mountains. Not only that, the soul contract in his own body also firmly bound himself. Before the departure, Yaling, the king of the white dragon, gave himself to obey the order of Alexis, and it was because of this command that the soul contract in his body was along the way. Follow the order faithfully.

Originally thought that Celia might find some contract loopholes after staying away from the white dragon king Yalin. At this moment, it was sadly discovered that Alex Heath had replaced Yalin as his new master. The power has caused the Dark Elf girl to suffer a lot along the way, and Cyrian can even swear that the king of the white dragon Yalin used the contract in his body to be vicious and terrible and powerful enough that Rose, the spider god, had to give up.

"It's best not to think about things you shouldn't think about, if you haven't eaten enough yet."

"I know."

Familiar lines sounded in Celian's ears ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The Dark Elf girl could only answer with a bitter smile.

The two people walking on the road, Celian deliberately wore a robe and a veil in order to cover his identity. Although the teachings of the Holy City do not discriminate against believers who would belong to the goddess of the moon, Elistri, but for thousands of years The Dark Elves do accumulate too many bad reputations in this world, sometimes they can reduce some necessary troubles and reduce the number of good ones.

The opposite Celion also envied the ring worn by Alexis. A powerful dragon became a human in a blink of an eye after wearing that ring, and the atmosphere from the inside to the outside completely changed. Humans, even if they walked next to her, could not feel the power of a little dragon.

A ring with perfect camouflage and deception capabilities is incredible.

And just as Celian was thinking about it, she suddenly felt that Alexis grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, and the feeling seemed to be seeing some kind of threatening enemy. And not far in front of the two, a man, two women and three people were slowly approaching the two. (To be continued.)


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