Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 723: Breakthrough point

c_t; Warlord-level demons are powerful demons with the ability to command the army in the twisted void, and each Warlord-level demon has his own special power. At the beginning, the Saints and the Samurai teamed up to fight the skeleton demon, or It's more or less people despise the other side. In many people's eyes, the terrible demon in the legend is not immortal, nor is it a monster that can destroy the world. As long as the tactics are proper, it can still rely on the power of mortals. Send them down.

But for the paladin and the chief priest who have touched beyond the power of the world, he knows one thing. The demons are not weak, let alone warlord-level demons.

It was clear to Paramé that he played against Warlord-level demons. The demons are bound by the law of the interface and cannot directly come to the main material plane, which is the present world. Even if they come to this world through the intersection, they will still be affected by it. The size of the meeting point determines the strength of the demons that can enter the world. The junction just widened enough to accommodate the warlord-level demon. Even if the demon comes, it will not exert too much power, just like a muscular boxer. If he was locked in a small cabinet, he would not be able to show his full strength.

At first when the power of the main altar was not enough, the Warlord-level demons naturally could not exert all their powers, but now with the Lord of Thorns Berezette agitating the power of the abyss, the demon masters began to project the avatars. In the main altar, The strength of the three Overseer demons also gradually climbed, almost returning to the strongest peak period.

As a belligerent, Philin, Tokney and Saint Seiya gradually felt that the enemy in front of them was getting stronger and stronger.

┉Stupid mortals ~ You are destined to die here! >

┉I will tear your bodies and separate your flesh from your bones! >

The two heads of the demon are screaming, one side can spit black flames that can freeze everything, and the other side is red smoke that can decompose flesh and blood. The demon's strength and agility like beasts are also invincible. The skeletal demons that everyone had fought against were several times stronger.

El Cid and Philine did not seek to be able to defeat the other, only to be able to drag them, and Parami, who was protected by several Templars behind the crowd, was anxious and began to connect with the worldly channel. The fluctuation of cyan divine power, the red nebula that originally covered the altar began to gradually disperse. The roads of the corpses that had been walked before were reappeared.


After opening the passage, Parami hurriedly instructed the knights around him: "Hurry up! Leave now. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and much faster than regular stations. There is no advertisement in full text.]"

"Her priest, how about you?"

"I want to continue to maintain the channel, you guys leave immediately, read quickly ;!"

The High Priest of the Storm God said without hesitation. Several Templar knights nodded quickly and walked towards the twisting and shaking scene. At the moment when they entered, several Templar knights found themselves as if they had walked into a hundreds of long passages. At the end of the passage was the previous one. An eerie passage.

"Filin ~ Arrange everyone to evacuate quickly. The power of the abyss around is strengthening. I cannot maintain this passage for too long."

The crown of green wind blows a cyan light. However, Parami's forehead was full of sweat. Obviously, the blockade by the power of breaking through the abyss to open a path to the present world was extremely troublesome.

Tokney had to step forward to stand up to the demon, and Philin immediately began to arrange for the personnel to gradually leave the altar. It was surprising that the first group Philin arranged was the five Saints.

From the perspective of the saint warrior of the **** of fire, the saints are outsiders after all. They were forced to be involved in this matter and have proved themselves during the time they have been together. As a god, the saint warrior should let These brave soldiers evacuated first, and if their side ran away first, it would be too shameful not only to violate the doctrine of the gods.

This kind of dangerous moment lets one party withdraw first.

Feilin's move raised El Cid's favorability for the Holy City, but El Cid rejected Feilin's kindness. Now the demon in front of him is entangled by a group of people. If he and Kaludia flee first, the Templars who fight together in the later retreat will pay great death and injury, Elxi Germany does not want to see this.

For this reason, El Cid just let Alurugo and Olofi among the silver saints first withdraw, and Perseus' Aluguel temporarily lost the shield of Medusa. In the previous battle, the string was woven into a sharp blade to cut off the devil's tail, but the price was that he was hit by the devil's claw. Fortunately, the silver garment absorbed most of the impact and saved Olofi's life. However, the fracture of the ribs made Oluffy unable to continue fighting even after drinking the healing potion.

"Sir Alubioni, won't you go?" Aluguo, who supported Oluffi, looked at Alubioni, who seemed to be preparing to leave.

"You go first. I'll stop here."

As the master of the Bronze Five Little Andromeda Moments, Alubioni is much stronger than Moments in the manipulation and use of the chains, and even if the chains of the Silver Cloth can be destroyed by demons, it can be continuously regenerated. As far as Arubioni is concerned, he is a good player in field control and assistance. In the battle with demons, they can often be caught off guard.

With the pressure of the Templars leaving the battle to become more and more intense, Philin and Tokney have begun to fight against the warlord demons around El Cid and Kaludia.

You thought you could stop me, ridiculous mortal! >

The entangled Overseer Demon became angry, and two heads pointed at El Cid and sprayed flames and mist at the same time.

After coming into this world, the powerful Overseer Demon thought that his main enemies were the chief priest of the gods and two samurai, although the chief priest called on God to entangle the other two companions reads ;. But in the face of two paladins, it only takes some time to destroy the other.

However, after the battle, the demon found that, compared to the paladin, the other five mortals wearing gold and silver armor were more difficult to entangle, or can not be described as mortals, whether it is a golden sword that can be cut by both hands. Qi is still the pain that seems to be caused by the poisonous needle. Mortals cannot have such power.

Samurai! ? Or the Holy Knight of the Holy See?

In the battle with the Holy City and the Holy See, the Overseer Demon did not remember the power that the **** can give to his followers. Although everyone in the Holy See ’s knights has a different fighting method, the strength of the Holy See ’s knight is still after all From the goddess, the origins are the same even if they are used in different ways.

"Kaludia! Can you do it by attacking its eyes?"

"This big guy is more agile than I thought. I'll do my best ~"

El Cid ignored the screams of the demons, avoided the flames, and broke into the demon's lower abdomen under the cover of Kaldia's scarlet poison needle, vowing to cast himself into a golden blade of a smashing sword. The sword gas broke through the scales and cut into the flesh. The devil's rancid blood began to fall from the body. Although it succeeded, El Cid knew that the damage of this attack was not enough. The other person's flesh was really It's too thick, and the demons don't seem to have internal organs. The so-called blood in their bodies is different. Most of them are the same as lava, with a foul and hot liquid.

Before the demon's huge body was pressed down, El Cid had taken a step ahead and took another sword on the opponent's flank.

The Warlord's demon howled, not because he was injured, but because he was constantly fooled by the mortals in the eyes of El Cid and Caludia.

The Templars passed through the twisted space one by one to return to the present world. Parami's face was a little pale but still hard to continue to maintain the passage. On the other side, the **** of the storm, the **** of Belshes, had already Enemy II, even if the power of the Overseer Demon is constantly increasing, the Wind Giant still firmly holds the initiative and the bone demons that have recovered again become a pile of bones that cannot move.

However, almost when the Templars retreated, suddenly the blood pool in the entire altar erupted completely, and the blood inside it spewed into the air like a volcano, and the blood flying in the air appeared. Twisted human faces, countless mourning and screaming sounded throughout the altar, and the tortured soul defenses on the six towers around it began to emit the extremely unknown **** light.

For a moment, Parami felt invaded by a powerful force in his spirit. Even sacred objects could not completely stop this consciousness. For a moment, Parami felt as if he had fallen into a sea of ​​blood. A screaming and screaming soul frantically, and a huge shadow in the storm of souls stared at itself with endless malice.

The whole mind instantly fell into chaos, and the sudden pain made Parami scream screaming and then fell to the ground to read ;.

"Paramy!" Tokney, the orc paladin, desperately ran to Parami and lifted up the opponent.

"It's awful ┉┉ lord ┉┉ lord demon lord has burst into this world ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Parami gritted his teeth and tried to stand up pale, but his feet were weak and could not support them anyway The body, and at this moment, two thick vines suddenly flashed in the boiling sea of ​​blood, different from the previous green, but more weird and dazzling blood red. The vines seemed like huge iron clamps with endless power. Hold on to the wind giant.

The God of the Storm God made it possible to fight back without being able to guard it, and the shrunken vines were smashed into two sections from it.

"The game is over mortal!"

In the blood pool, Lord Thorex, the thorn lord, stepped out. Compared with the previous body, Beresett's body seemed more scary at the moment. Countless red vines were scrolling like tentacles, and Berezette's voice changed To be true, no longer seems to come from another space as before.

In the blood eruption behind Bereset, the phantom of Mosta, the master of pain, also appeared. (To be continued.) For mobile users, please visit m

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