Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 738: Start tightening the noose

In addition to Lagwen Lux, this time the security team also requested the assistance of a magic institution owned by Ms. Yunokia in the free city. Several senior wizards were also invited to the scene to check pedestrians entering and exiting the black street. Prisoners escape using stealth or direct teleportation.

Before the crime scene, the 18th-level old magician Farakent, who had a side with Gravin, was also present. The old magician who looked at the corpse of the blackened detective only narrowed his eyes slightly and concluded: "The 4th level of magic magic ring of flames. ┉From the surrounding situation, the level of the opponent's use of magic is quite high, causing little movement. "

Watching the old magician speak in an appraised tone of praise, Graven shrugged his shoulders and took out a small notebook that he carried with him: "Hey, then we will go through the counterfeit shop. The owner conducted cross-examination to further identify each other. "

No magician would come to this ghost place on Black Street. Even the first-level magic apprentice would not come here. Graven can almost be sure that the mysterious magician who killed the security team spies this time has been stolen, Crimes such as arson have shaken prisoners across the free city.

"Perhaps he hasn't escaped yet, and he's now chasing like a headless fly in this neighborhood, haha ​​~ I really want to see this magic genius earlier." Compared to the arrest of the prisoner, Farah the old magician Kent obviously wanted to see the genius who almost looked at the defense as infallible.

After the fire in the warehouse area, Farakant returned to his research workshop and began a series of experiments with his colleagues, all of which were imitating the prisoner's method to break through and crack the protective matrix and magic lock, but it cost A lot of time and money. The magicians of the entire legal institution are still unable to achieve the level of the prisoner, and even some people think that it is impossible at all, but the problem is that the prisoner does make the impossible a reality.

How the opponent can easily break through the various protective law formations and how to unlock the magic lock in five minutes, Farakent has been puzzled recently. Thinking about this problem makes Farakente addictive, and the old magician feels uncomfortable all over the body without unravelling the day.

The old magician was still looking forward to hitting a genius inmate with luck today, but Gravin didn't think so. The various gangs in the black street are not fools. Most of them have dug private tunnels for escape in times of crisis. Maybe prisoners will use these tunnels to escape. In addition, the prisoners themselves had the ability to ignore all protective array detection and broke into the heavily guarded warehouse area alone. Although the entrance to Black Street has been blocked, even the magicians of the legal institutions have been deployed to assist the search, but as for whether this time they can catch the other side, Graven is honestly not at all.

However, as Gravin expected, the search did not find the prisoner. The other party escaped under the double martial law of the security guard and the armed guard, but obtained important information from the owner of the counterfeit shop.

"A wizard who claims to be Misaj?"

"Names can be ignored, anyway * is a pseudonym"

At the headquarters of the security team, Graven is analyzing the news with the captain of the security team.

In Gravin's view, the prisoner had really taken it from himself. I left too many important clues for myself: "Although the other party does n’t recognize the real thing with the mask, it looks like a teenager from the body shape. This clue can reduce the number of people we are investigating immediately, which can save A lot of time. "

"Juvenile? I haven't heard of such a young magician, and I can still treat all the defenses in the free city as nothing." A captain of the security team, a man who looks tall and big, shakes He shook his head unbelievably.

Graven quickly accepted the fact: "In addition to humans, it does not rule out the possibility of long-lived races such as elves and semi-elves. If it is the latter two, it is also possible to have a young appearance."

"The kid is really very daring. He actually reached into the free city!"

The captain of the security team said with a frown and a questioning tone, "If he was a teenager, would he be the slave who fled during the riots."

"┉While I don't want to rule out this possibility, according to the store owner's statement, the opponent's arms are intact. Moreover, the slave boy could not have changed from a ignorant slave in such a short time. A master who is proficient in magic. "

"But the orc with the boy was said to be rampant during the riots"

"What is said?"

The captain of the security team found out that he almost said something that should not be said, and quickly changed his words: "It is said that the orc seems to be using magic."

"Magic orcs? This is really strange, but it has nothing to do with the object we are discussing." Gravin shrugged and continued to look at the investigation report in his hand.

Orcs do use magic. Will use magic that is not magic!

As the captain of the city security team naturally knows some of the inside story of that riot, some orcs like the magic flow in the orcs during the riot. No matter how the armed guard attacks it, the wounds on the orcs will heal quickly, Even after being beaten several times in the face of Arena champion Gelkete, he can still stand up and continue to fight. In the end, the orcs even turned into some kind of monsters like demons. There were too many riots that night. It can no longer be described by common sense.

Because of this, all the guards and their officials who participated in the suppression of the riot were warned to not disclose any news, but after all, there were too many people at the time and it was unavoidable that they leaked some to cause the free city to spread all over the place. Rumors of the riot that night.

The captain of the security team chose to remain silent. After all, the high-levels of the Free City are terrible, but this little captain can't mess with it.

Graven, silent in his analysis of the clue, didn't notice anything. Instead, the investigator kept marking the city map as if he were addicted to his favorite things. From time to time, there are still words in the mouth that seem to have completely forgotten the surroundings, until Graven draws a circle on the map again.

"All the shops selling food in this area send spies to keep track of them." Soon Graven issued his first order.

"Do you want everything?"

"All! No one can fall."

The captain of the security team twitched, but nodded and agreed. The area designated by Graven is not small, but the number of shops and restaurants selling food is not large. It is within the range of the security team's personnel. Moreover, this is a free city. The important cases here, especially Sir Phillips, who was the victim of the arson case or one of the three giants, had to give the prisoners priority, regardless of the other cases.

During this time, the stolen goods stolen by prisoners can be roughly divided into three categories. Some books, gems, and materials used for magic research and learning, followed by cash that can be used directly, and finally various kinds that can be used for sales. Gems and jewelry.

If it is said that the prisoner can go in and out of any kind of protection law without any detection, then the free city is completely a huge toy box for the prisoner. He can take whatever he wants, since this way steals cash For what?

Of course, Graven does not rule out that prisoners will go to places where money is needed, such as casinos and pavilions. However, after further analysis of the prisoner's crime time and law, Graven judged that the property stolen by the prisoner should be used for food and household goods On the purchase, and during the period when the prisoner committed the crime, he did not receive too many reports of theft of food stores and restaurants. Apparently, the other party only locked the target of the crime in the wealthy large chamber of commerce in some aspects and did not align it. Lower class hands.

In some ways, the prisoner should be considered a kind of rich hatred, or some conscience.

The origins of the lower-level areas in the free city, even if they are not native to the free city, should be of a similar class. Graven also inferred the possible identity of the prisoner, but how to think about it still has some inconsistent misunderstandings. If the prisoner originally was humble and later worked hard to become a master of the magic circle, then sneaked into the free city to destroy and the target points directly Phillips.

As for why he wanted to deal with Phyllis Graven, the slave trade in the hands of that jazz master had a lot of enmity across the continent.

If so, it may make sense, but the question is whether there are people who don't even have enough funds to run to run the conspiracy?

Graven couldn't help recalling the words of the young president of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce. Since the other party can become a magician and a master of the magic circle, as long as he hands over some of the skills in the magic, he can exchange them. Come a lot of wealth, so why does the other party go to the free city to engage in such a thief, isn't this exposing themselves in advance?

However, Graven drew a smaller circle: "This river is undergoing a careful search ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The river has been searched last time without any clue, and the prisoner is not even a mage. Sleep in the water. "

Graven suddenly pulled out a river-like design drawing and said, "I have browsed the river's drawings, and according to the drawings, a storage room for materials and tools was opened in the river at that time. The prisoner was extremely likely to use where to hide."

"Storage room! Are you sure? Mr. Raven!"

The captain of the security team was a little puzzled: "If there is a storeroom, our personnel will definitely not look away, and no suspicious dead zone is found in the river."

"Don't forget, the other party is a mage, and it is very possible to arrange a phantom circle to deceive. In any case, carefully search the river."

After recording all of Graven's requirements, the captain of the security team quickly began to anxious his subordinates to assign work, while Graven remained in the office, looking at the marked map showing falcon-like eyes, he had a kind of The prey to be caught is getting closer and closer to itself. Now the noose has been tightened, but there is another important issue to consider. (To be continued.)