Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 797: Do not agree

No shadow to no prisoner!

Except for the two occasional encounters with the master of the underworld, this prisoner who has committed many thefts in the free city is like a strange robber in the other world. ) Brushing up and down, even Bu Yani as a dragon was stolen under the eyelids, it can be described as a miracle-like method, using the entire city as its own back garden. [Read the latest chapter ..]

Even if the robbery as a master of hiding and anti-stealing once lost the other party, but in the eyes of Lelouch, the other party has not reached a traceable level, obviously has an impeccable hiding power, but the goal is really Too slack left a lot of clues for tracking and analysis.

First, the identity of the other party!

At first, the mage who claimed to be Misay appeared in front of the demon demon Ji Levran, and the other party was eager to collect news about the upper zone, especially the information about Phillips and Gulkett, which immediately caused Lev Lan's attention, and then a fire broke out in the Free City warehouse area, and the several warehouses being scanned were owned by Phillips.

As for whether the identity of the other party was a child who had fled during the slave riots, or someone who hated Phillips outside the Free City sneaked into the city, Lelouch was not interested in investigating, the only thing that was determined was that the other party ’s goals were clear Just to get revenge on Phillips!

According to the investigation of the Free City, the suspect has the ability to hide from the law array and all detection methods, and can move freely in the Free City. So if this is the case, the other party can sneak in and kill Phillips's mansion, why bother to stay secretly in the city without taking any action?

Although Phillips is a powerful and powerful country among the three giants, and has a lot of talents and even a private army that is not inferior to the regular army of mainland countries, no matter how many strong men there are, Philipp Stuart is just an ordinary person. Normally, he is neither a magician nor a powerful warrior. On the contrary, he has some minor physical problems because of his luxurious life. Even if these powerful warriors and mages can guard Philippe 24 hours Sri Lanka, but in the face of such an opponent who is invisible even to the shadows, I am afraid it will be helpless. By the same token, Phillips has more life-saving magic guides in his hands, and it is impossible to wear them on the body anytime, anywhere. When the Lord Sir sleeps, bathes, and rolls the sheets with the slave girl, he should always take them off.

So why doesn't the other party do anything?

Is it because the suspect has no confidence to go undetected when sneaking into the jazz's mansion, or is Phillips hiding in a place where no one knows after the warehouse fire, the other party is hesitant in the free city The pit operation, even after diving into the upper area many times, came into contact with this stealth that ignored all detections and was found by the master of the underworld. These messages were connected in series and Lu Luxiu made a guess. The other party It is true that there is this strange stealth ability, but there may be no way to keep yourself invisible, just like some time-limited magic. After stealth, you have to contact the stealth as soon as the time comes, so you can figure out the other party. Why don't you just do it!

After thinking about the transposition according to the information obtained, Lelouch confirmed that the boy had the greatest possibility of crime during the slave riots before. He was a slave and suffered after suffering from it. It is almost as far as the big slave owner Phillips. It is the object he was born with the most hate. As for where the boy ’s abilities come from, perhaps many people in the free city cannot think that a slave child will become a magician in just a few months, but Lelouch However, a possibility was determined from the task commissioned by Yalin. A gem that Yalin wanted to find, a gem known as having great power, maybe he just used this gem to instantly become one. Magician.

The subsequent frequent thefts also allowed Lelouch to rule out the possibility of outsiders committing crimes, just as he once said to the investigator Lagwen, 'How could this world not have enough funds for activities? Just run to the conspiracy conspirator '! If it was the boy, it also illustrates his motive. He was a slave and had nothing. Even if he accidentally got the gem with great power, he also needed food, water, clothing, shelter, and purchasing information. These need money!

After a comprehensive analysis, Lelouch brought himself to the other party's thinking, imitating any choice that a child full of hatred might make under many pressures, and obtained the confidential documents in the security team through some means. After analyzing a large amount of intelligence and information, Lelouch sketched out any escape direction that Claire might choose when he was fully arrested, and finally selected a place with the highest probability.

Upper area!

There is a saying that the most dangerous place is sometimes the safest place!


It was dark as if they were entering a street in another space. Lulu Xiu and Bu Yani were facing Yunuo Jiya, looking at Yunuo Ji ’s face full of alertness and surprise, Lulu under the mask. Xiu laughed lightly, tonight he really opened his eyes!

One of the three giants of the free city, the legal businessman is actually a demon from the twisted void!

After the release banquet, Lelouch made a lot of speculations about Yunokia ’s identity, even including that she was the last princess of the Perlasian Empire two thousand years ago. The blood race has lived to this day, but I did n’t expect that this talented businesswoman would be a demon. Had it not happened to Yunoya ’s conversation with the demon lord by chance this night, I'm afraid no one will think of this!

"Hum! What do you want to do?" Yunuo Jia snorted but didn't rush, just looked at the two men who appeared in front of him very carefully.

A man who claimed to be zero with a helmet, while another was a tall, dark-haired, brown-haired woman. It was surprising that she could not see who they were, and their breath was very messy. Sometimes it looks like a human and sometimes it looks like a blood race. Not only that, the unique breath of many different races on the continent of elves, dragons, orcs can be felt from them. Needless to say, both of them must have deliberately confused the atmosphere through some special camouflage to hide their true identity.

And the most important thing is that this generation should have been isolated into a separate area by the special space created by the fan lock, but the two can actually break the space and enter here!

The transcendent! Both are extraordinary, and at least one of them is also extraordinary who is proficient in space power!

Lulu Xiu said slightly: "Miss Yunokia, we are not here to fight against you. Even your true identity is not a big deal to us."

Yunokia frowned, showing no hostility while hinting at threats, and dared to do so on the premise of knowing her true identity. It seemed that the other party was very confident in her strength.

"Well, it seems that I did say too much today, shouldn't you be a threat?"

"I'm disappointed if you think so. I said that I didn't want to be against you."

"So what do you want!"

Faced with a truly powerful transcendent rather than claires that rely on external forces, Yunokia's tone was also slightly softer, and she obviously did not want to conflict with the other party at this time.

Lelouch pointed directly at Claire and said, "That child is my goal, and I hope you will miss you, Yunokiya."


Suddenly Yunokia roared, and the six dark element arrows had gone in six different directions like Lelouch.

Does the other person want Claire? No wonder! What I want is the gem on that boy!

For Yunokia, the most unbearable thing is that someone dares to marry what belongs to him. The great power belongs to himself and must be his own. Even the gods in this world are not qualified to hold it. That power, only yourself is the true successor of this power.

Anyone who dares to attempt to accuse this power will provoke his own anger!

When the elemental arrow was about to hit the opponent, Yunuo Jiya saw that the charming woman behind him suddenly moved to the front, and his slender hands waved gently. The dark element arrow that could acidify the steel gate in one hit was like It is the disappearance of the ashes under the strong wind.

"That's right! The magic level is very high." Bu Yani laughed dismissively.

The ring can change the look and breath of the wearer, but it will not change the true identity and all the talents of the wearer. In addition to being a demon, Yunokia is obviously a wizard who is very good at magic, but she is standing in front of her at the moment. It happens to be the nemesis of all casters-Crystal Dragon!

Only one point puzzled Bujani and Lelouch. The real demon of Yunokia had been dominated by herself and the demon, but at this moment, no matter how they looked at Yunokia in front of them, All of them are just ordinary human beings. There is no breath of a demon at all, and for this reason, it is impossible to judge whether she belongs to that kind of demon.

However, according to her physical body, at least non-solid demons such as Shadow Demon and Void Demon can be excluded.

Seeing that her magic was easily blocked by the opponent, Yunokia immediately stopped flying and flew to Claire's position. Now that there is an extraordinary person who is looking for a gem, naturally you can't waste that gem first. Get it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Capture her Buani! >

Lu Lu Xiu, who originally wanted to negotiate with Yunokia, did not expect that the other party ’s response after mentioning the gems was so great that he did not even give time for negotiation. The only thing Lu Lu Xiu could do was to abandon some Plan to quickly end the chaotic situation tonight.

The long-prepared Bujani flashed a white light and suddenly appeared in front of Yunokia, blocking the way. Although she could not breathe while maintaining a humanoid posture, she was still able to use Crystal Storm to prepare to seize the free city in one fell swoop. Big Three.

However, the ornaments on Yunokia ’s chest suddenly shone a faint blue glow, as if it were a gem in Claire's hand, and the Crystal Storm suddenly hit an invisible wall.

"How could that be?"

Bujani couldn't help but feel that Crystallization Storm had the same magic immunity and magic wear effect as a crystal dragon. Generally speaking, the magic protection methods were ineffective, but they would be blocked by the other party. (To be continued.)

