Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 901: Oracle usurper

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaavava ~ ain!" Adriano ’s laughter echoed in the silent room for a while, madness, piercing sounds like unconscious Qing's lunatic was foolishly smirking. [..]

The biggest scandal in his heart was revealed by his own son. A king who is not worthy of a king, compared with his son's achievements, Adelino himself is also very clear, what he has done is just like the most ridiculous thing. Like a clown, like a gorilla lying in the mud and smelly water ditch compared with the tiger that controls the whole forest, even the stupidest person knows who is the wise king and who is the foolish king.

Augusta Brannis!

Adelino understands that under his son's rule the Carlsheim Empire will usher in a golden age again, or just like his son's previous presumption, he may once again become an emperor and not just a king, just like a king Garserik has become a symbol of the age and is remembered forever.

It seems that Adelino can see the future in general. His son became emperor in the cheers of the ministers and the people. He became the second emperor of the entire continent after Galserik. It is as dazzling as the sun in the sky, accepting all the best things and blessings in the world, and I am afraid that I have long been forgotten by the world in a dark corner.

How could it be possible for you to enjoy it all! !!

Suddenly, Adelino's face turned black, his eyes staring at his son were full of hatred, as if it was not his son but the murderer who took away his last hope: "You do n’t want to get all this ┉┉ you ~ you ┉┉I'll tell you everything, Augusta, you can't be a king !!! I know what you are doing quietly, you want to be the second overlord, the Holy See will never allow it, As long as I say it, you do n’t want to be baptized. You do n’t want to be king. ”

"In this way, you are destroying the Carlsheim empire, and the royal rule will be ceded to others."

"So what!" Adelino's face showed a sickly twisted expression, howling like a rogue who had lost all his chips and began to spill: "I am the King of the Carlsheim Empire and not You usurper, I do n’t want anyone who I ca n’t get. If this country does n’t let me rule, I will completely destroy it! ”

Hysterical crazy screaming, Augusta looked at the ugly father without any trace of anger and loss. On the contrary, Augusta was calm at the moment, and his father cursed and screamed like a breeze in his ears. It's as trivial as looking at his father. On the contrary, looking at the sad and abominable ugliness of his father, the only thing in Augusta's mind that was remembered was the admonition of the goddess Ischtal, and it was impossible for the great king to ensure that his descendants would Make mistakes, and these stupid descendants will cling to the power in their hands, even if they know that going is a trap to destruction, but they would rather let the countless sages spend their lives and build the kingdom completely. Destroyed, and never want to let the interests in his hands be weakened, even if it is nothing.

Isn't this sad ugly state of his father the best living textbook?

Augusta could not help thinking that if he refused the request of the goddess, perhaps his own descendants would stage such an ugly performance one hundred years after his death. Today, sitting in front of his father still has the royal family. For the prince himself, but the next day sitting in front of the king watching the ugly and spattering performance of the king may be the leader of the rebel army and the generals of other countries.

Rather than letting their foolish descendants stage such a comedy in the future, they would rather they surrender the crown without being humble and at least keep their last dignity as a virtuous king before they die.

Thinking of Augusta here, he strengthened his agreement with the goddess.

"Are you enough? Clown!"

Augusta stared at his father in cold tone and said coldly, "Today I just came to say hello to you to prepare you. I wish you could not let it go."

"You ca n’t think of it! I will never give way to you. I will tell everyone in the world everything you do. God will punish you for everything you do. I will never let you go. "

After hearing this, Augusta couldn't help but smirked. After standing up, Augusta looked at his father with a disdainful look like a poor worm, and in the end, it seemed that the thought of continuing to stir up with his father disappeared. That high look is just like how a normal person would simply ignore a wild dog barking at the side of the road.

"Spiritual gods will punish you, this arrogant **** blasphemer!"

When he heard the hysterical curse of Adelino, Augusta laughed, and Adelino couldn't help stunned for a while, his son laughed very proudly and smugly, just like the sentence just now It was praise, not a curse, that seemed to him to be enjoying the sanctions that God had given him.

A moment Augusta put away a laugh and shook her head, saying with a disdain tone like a wild dog pitying for mercy: "One thing you are right, I am indeed punished by the gods, goddess Isho I must dedicate my life to the Carlsheim Empire for my profane sanctions, even if every drop of flesh must be dedicated to create a new era. "

"What !? What are you talking about !?" Adelino stared at his son with horror and anxiety.

Augusta spread his arms as if the winner proclaimed: "You will publicly announce your abdication, and at the beginning of this great era will not tolerate fools like you."

At this moment, a silver streamer flashed behind Augusta, the figure of the half-elf Tenaya suddenly appeared aside, and with a dignified and beautiful appearance, Adelino saw God for a moment, compared to his eyes. The half-elf beauties who have the best looks and are extraordinarily dusty in temperament, the maids in this harem are just as vulgar as vulgar.

Huh ~

Turner snorted coldly, apparently disgusting the half-elves so arrogantly by the stupid king. From the point of view of Tanya, Adelino is indeed a veritable stupid king. In this case, still Innocent living in his own fantasy is unwilling to face reality, even after seeing his appearance, he will so easily commit himself to look at himself with profanity, instead of thinking that his life has entered The final countdown.

The angel with white streamer wings quickly appeared in front of Adelino's eyes, and the holy light seemed to cut through all the filth and uncleanness in this room, even the distortion that enveloped Adelino's heart. And morbidity was also burned! Turnia's silver-blue flirty, piercing her eyes with a deep look was like trying to pierce Adelino's soul, and the king of Carlsheim's Empire completely collapsed to the ground for the first time.

Even if he was trying to curse his son, Adelino found that he was poor and he could not find a curse in his mind. His son betrayed himself, his confidants abandoned him, his own people left himself, and even the gods abandoned him and chose Augusta as the son.

Adelino wanted to insult the female angel in front of him as an evil god, but the moment he was clenched tightly in the heart by that holy power, Adelino found that he was forced to look directly at what happened in front of him. I want to escape to the unreal world that I built in my heart. I ca n’t do it. I ’m not real in the real illusion. I am also true in the illusion. The truth is better than eloquence. There is no place for me to escape. ,everything is over.

"Finally quiet." Turner looked at the king who was slumped on the ground like a dead man and said lightly: "Honestly Augusta, I really can't see any blood relationship between you and you. Yes ~ they are too far apart in appearance. "

Listening to the words of the goddess messenger who still did not change the nature of the poisonous tongue, Augusta sneered: "But his blood is indeed flowing in my body. This is irrefutable, even if it makes me very disgust."

"I can fully understand your mood." Turner ’s fingertips gathered a white spot of light and said with a playful smile. "After all, you talked to him for so long, from beginning to end. He was never called by his father once. "

"Father ~ Huh! This old **** doesn't deserve this great title!"

Augusta snorted and then turned away, leaving no interest in what happened to his father ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In the cold tone, there was no trace of warmth except indifference.

He has no father since he was a child, but only a mother and sister who depend on each other!

At the moment when he stepped out of the room, the screams of the king's screams were heard. For no reason, Tanya didn't deliberately set up a soundproof enchantment. The king's last sorrow made many disturbing maids in the palace Both the pets and the pets heard it, but when Augusta stepped out, no one dared to stop it, only to respectfully let the way to watch His Royal Highness leave.

Augusta took a deep breath when stepping out of this father's harem under house arrest. Now he is no longer his prince. From today he will be King Augusta Brannis of the Carlsheim Empire. His Majesty.

Although he started to fulfill the king's role very early, and now he just changed his name, Augusta knew that his king's Majesty would not be carrying on the plans that now seem to be a trifle. Then, letting this continent return to the rule of a will is the next challenge! (To be continued.)


