Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 951: Patriarch's intention

"I have no more flesh and blood. From the moment I made the choice to be the ambassador of the goddess Ishtar, I had been sublimated into another existence under the goddess's power!" Pern Luce watched in his hands The fruit, the whole red juicy fruit has been transformed into light by the speed of the naked eye into the hands of Penn Lucius.

This time, Tiffa was surprised. The power of the Son of the Star can also fully element his body. He has avoided certain magic attacks or increased spell power, but this change is temporary. The situation is a kind of irreversible transformation. The whole body has been completely lost to the light element. In theory, it is no longer a creature that is the main material, but it should be attributed to the elemental creatures of the elemental spirit world.

"It's painful."

Tiffa murmured to himself, immediately after the transformation of the elements of the whole body, he felt that the senses of the whole body would be alienated. In addition to being able to more clearly sense the corresponding elements, the transformers would find themselves less like The flesh and blood creature is as if thrown into the void and filled with this endless sense of nothingness.

It was a feeling of extreme depression, a little longer enough to drive a normal person crazy.

"I have adapted. Although I initially felt that I might be driven crazy by that endless sense of nihilism, the divine power of the goddess Ishtar helped me maintain my self-awareness and retain some of my senses, such as food "Pen Lucius smiled:" At least I can eat the corresponding taste in my mind now, how much can help me make up for some regrets. "

Tiffa's expression looked sad: "Is it worth losing so much?"

"worth it!"

The answer from Pern Luce was extremely firm: "I never regret it, even in the most painful adaptation period, I have never regretted my choice, I just blame myself for not being able to suppress the pain in my heart, and this body Let me get rid of the shackles of time, as long as I am willing, as long as my consciousness does not collapse, I can live forever, which allows me enough time to realize my obsession. "

"Creating a perfect world in your heart?"

"Yes! This is my only wish in this life, and the obsession to keep me alive!"

"Soul materialization spells in undead spells can also achieve similar effects, and it can save you from losing your flesh and blood, and from being missed by many beautiful things in this world."

Tiffa reminded Penn Lucius: "I can help you transform again. Believe me, it is not difficult for me, at least it is much simpler than resurrecting a dead person completely."

"Thank you for your kindness ~ Son of the Star!"

Penn Luce shook his head and did not accept the good intentions: "I need a body with sufficient strength. The legendary soul entity magic spell invented by the Necromancer is magical, but in order to achieve my obsession, I need a strong enough The body, and the flesh and blood body and those beautiful things will also make my spirit corrupt, even now this body has been suppressing the dark emotions that grow in my heart for many years, and I ca n’t accept your kindness. "

Tiffa sat on the ground with both hands holding her legs and looked at the angel in front of her, a person who could even abandon her body for the sake of obsession: "I'm very puzzled ~ what is the reason that drives you to make such a great sacrifice, why You are willing to sacrifice yourself to achieve the happiness of others! If it is me, I just want a peaceful living environment not to be disturbed by others, and I think I will not make such a large sacrifice, because those things and I have nothing to do. "

"No one will force you to do Tifa, and no one is qualified to force others to do what they do!"

Penn Luce patted Tiffa's small head gently: "I never consider myself a saint, nor do I think that what I do will be accepted by the world, but that is my obsession, my desire- Hope, like countless ordinary creatures and countless desires, is simply because I long for this world to enter the right path, and continuously advance and improve from all aspects rather than backward. "

"Thank you ~ Pernius!" Tiffa enjoyed the touch of Penn Lucius with a sigh, "I always think that if you have my power, I believe you can use this power ratio. I do better. I used to only curse my destiny and this power. "

"Don't curse the destiny. Although some people always stigmatize injustice, in my opinion, only everyone's actions and choices affect the change of destiny. Destiny cannot dominate others. Only the weak will yield to fate, and strong He will choose destiny! "

The most powerful wing of the goddess, known as the only Lord in the world, comes from outside the sky and lives with the sons of the stars who transcend the power of the gods. No matter who they are in the room, the two are extraordinary, but at this moment they are Like cubs that add wounds to each other, they talk to each other's emotions and seek answers to each other's problems. At the moment of ascension into the 'redemption angel', Penrius always believed that with his unparalleled strength, he could Destroying all the sources of evil brings a beautiful future to this world, but it is not until long ago that the redeeming angels knew that their power could not redeem everyone, and the son of the star who was born with power beyond the gods found that this power brought him disaster. Rather than being lucky, after bearing the sacrifice of the sacrifice, he knew after hating and cursing this world. It turns out that there is also a compatriot with the same destiny who has survived and worked hard to break his shackles.

One desires to redeem the world, one desires to be redeemed, and the two are deeply attracted to each other like magnets attracting each other!

At this time, there was a footstep outside the door. Penn Luc gradually disappeared, Tifa hurriedly sorted the clothes to maintain the orcish form and sat on the fur. The door was pushed open and covered by some kind of An orc woman in a robe made of beautiful toba came in. When she saw the girl in the room who had a very similar appearance to 'Kumana' but had ears and tails that represented the characteristics of the orc race, the female The orc froze slightly, but quickly reacted and bowed slightly.

"Are you alright? Kumana!"

Tiffa nodded: "I'm a good priestess of Tiama, is the ceremony going to start?"

"An hour left, but Patriarch Luminas wanted to come and see if you were ready."

It is said that Tiumama made a 'please' etiquette slightly sideways and backwards, and an elderly orc woman came in slowly under the protection of the orc female guard.

Hidden by the side, Penn Luce looked at the patriarch of the incoming Mother Earth tribe. The female orc named Luminas occupies an important position in the heart of Tiffa, the son of the star. What kind of character is she? When Luminas walked in, Penn Luce found that the other party was more ordinary than she thought. According to the division of the orc herself, she was regarded as a royal orc. Her face was a bit like a cat, and she was more mad than her appearance. The male orc gives people a kind of look. In terms of age, it is almost like a human in his fifties. Wearing an orc-style robe, although the style is not good, the materials and workmanship are very delicate and the orc is perfectly supported. The unique wild beauty of the clan makes her look like a lion king commanding the lion group, except that the lion king is a lioness.

At the level of power, Penn Luce can be sure that the orc patriarch is not an extraordinary person. Although she is extraordinary, her body has suffered serious injuries as Tiffa said. Although healed, she remains Some sequelae are just more serious than the scars on the body.

"Patriarch Luminas ~" Seeing Lumina Stefa also became regular.

Seeing the orc look of Tifa is also quite unexpected, but not too surprised, after all, Tifa's power can even regenerate the withered dealer, let the river flow backwards, and even make it hard. Steel has become more fragile than glass, making soft fur into indestructible steel, which seems to be able to manipulate the power of all things in the world to change Tiffa's own appearance. It is even simpler.

"It's so cute, Kumana! It's like a little fox, let me hug you."

Luminas hugged Tiffa, who was exclaimed. Petite Tiffa was really like a young child in front of the tall orc patriarch, and she was gently stroking her forehead, and when When Luminas gently squeezed the furry tail, Tiffa's face blushed. After transforming into the shape of the orc, the whole body was completely transformed, and the orc's tail was like the ears of the elves. It is also the most sensitive part of the whole body. It is rude to grab each other's tail without permission in the orc etiquette. Once Tifa himself caught the tail of the priestess Tiama under the influence of curiosity. Tiamar blushed and reprimanded herself, but today her adoptive mother scratches her tail like a toy.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, the Luminas triumph prince!"

The flushed Tiffa immediately protested, and Luminas smiled and put down the adopted daughter who was curled up in her arms like a kitten, and Rumi was watching this Tiffa. There was a strange tenderness in Nas's pupil.

After finishing his tail, Tifa lowered her head and asked, "Is there anything wrong? Patriarch Luminas."


Watching Tifa ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Luminas was silent for a while and then signaled the female guards behind to leave.

When the guards closed the door, Luminas said solemnly, "Tiffa let you attend the Thanksgiving this time, do you know why?"

"I don't know, but listen to the command of the patriarch?"

"I hope you can truly become a member of our mother clan, no longer an outsider, but a member of this orcish steppe orc." Luminas said quietly.

Tiffa was a little surprised, but said uneasily, "But I think I'm human!"

Luminas pinched the ears above Tiffa's head: "You look like this, I am afraid that even if you are a human being, no one will believe it. Tell me Tiffa, if you want to, you can keep this form forever?"

Tiffa hesitated for a while and kept this form forever. It was not difficult for me, but at this moment I didn't know how to answer. (To be continued.)