Our Glamorous Time

Chapter 48: Those acacias

In early April, Ning Weikai went to Taiwan.

In all fairness, he likes this place. Warm, moist, prosperous, and chaotic. This confusion is on the spiritual level, hidden under the vain and prosperous appearance. And such a place, often with unlimited business opportunities and possibilities, is where the myth is created.

However, this time he came, it was not as easy and determined as before.

Xinbaorui also has branches in Taiwan. When he got off the plane, local cadres drove to meet him. The three black Honda CR-Vs ran smoothly on the airport high speed, low-key and eye-catching.

Assistant Yuan Jun reported to him: "The sales director of South China has already visited Wang Taizhi twice."

"Still avoid it?" Ning Weikai raised an eyebrow. They said that Wang Taizhi was the eccentric old man who was the general manager of Mingde Fabrics and a former university professor.

Yuan Jun's face was a little bit stiff: "I avoided it for the first time; I scolded our people for the second time. And the matter spread."

Ning Weikai frowned slightly, and said with little emotion: "Good job. Now the entire industry knows that we want to stab behind Aida. And it has not been successful."

Yuan Jun felt embarrassed and had no interface. At the same time, he sympathized with the director who smashed the matter.

Ning Weikai also had a headache. Over the years, New Borui has been growing bigger and stronger. But Ning Weikai also slowly discovered the fact that he didn't know as much about the talents available to the company.

The business managers who followed him in the past and created outstanding miracles for the new Borui are now mostly like him, rising step by step to senior management positions.

The buttocks determine the head. When people sit in different positions, the angle and way of thinking about things will be different. For example, when he was still a sales manager, he would rule out all difficulties, use everything, even shameless or conscience, and take down the project for Ning Weikai. But when he became a senior leader, it was different. What he thinks more is: what do I want, what direction should I go, and then tell the subordinates to do it. As for the difficulties and hardships, that is not what I have to consider as a senior.

The new batch of business managers and backbones, because of the lack of hardships in the market, have not experienced the rapid growth of Xinbaorui in the past few years and stood at the top of the industry, so their ability experience is bound to be inferior to that of the older generation. . This is determined by the environment and has nothing to do with their qualifications. For example, last year's Mingsheng project, in order to maintain its price balance in other state-owned enterprise projects, Xinbaorui would rather give up this project. This is indeed rich, but it is too easy for business managers to choose a business goal.


Now, the unfavorable mentorship in Mingde has made Ning Weikai more determined—it must conduct a comprehensive inventory of the company's talent team. This is the core power that Xinbaorui can continue to grow in the future, and it is also the capital he used to resist the Zhu family.

The big idea is certain, and the difficulties ahead are not desperate for Ning Weikai. After thinking for a while, he gave the instruction: "Call two people." He ordered the person's name. Yuan Jun was a little surprised, because these two were the former subordinates when Ning Weikai first entered Xinbaorui when he was the sales department manager. These are all powerful roles that were once well-known in the industry. But now they are all the leaders of the branch companies, and the officials of Fengjiang.

"Boss, now the time is more urgent, and they are in charge of the branch of hundreds of people..."

This time, Ning Weikai did not have the same light tone as usual~ 佻, Yan Yan smiled, but looked at him lightly and said: "Tell them-within ten days, I will see Wang Taizhi."


In a flash, it entered May.

It is no good choice to come to Shenzhen this time. The huge city is hot and windless all day. When people move a little outdoors, they are sweaty and sticky and wet. Occasional thunderstorms, pouring rain, and looking scary.

But Lin Qian had to come to Shenzhen. Because this is the last stop of the two-month national market inspection.

Near noon, Lin Qian and several colleagues had a meeting with colleagues in the Shenzhen branch. After a quick meal, he drove to several stores in the city.

The sun was so hot that she couldn't open her eyes. Because of hard work for days, her face has been thinned, and her two black eye bags have not faded for a long time. Her eyes are particularly large, and she looks like a slender panda that has only been abused.

Colleagues teased her, saying that she was desperately doing Xishi. Slowly this nickname actually spread. Almost all the branches in the country knew that there was a desperate Xishi in the headquarters. They were capable and beautiful, and they were well-connected. They branched around the branches to guide and chatter.


Outside the surging store, a deputy general manager of the Shenzhen branch accompanied Lin Qiang and others to stop and watch at a dozen steps. The vice president said with satisfaction and pride: "This week, the Shenzhen company will surely win the number one sales in the country, and we are very confident."

Lin Qian and others smiled and nodded. Lin Qian said: "Shenzhen's business environment is very good and unique. And the colleagues of the Shenzhen company are really the most inspirational I have ever seen." This said everyone nodded frequently, because indeed, even when the Ada Group slid down the bottom The Shenzhen company also maintained relatively decent performance, showing the resilience of its overall team.

The two sides also briefly discussed the room for improvement. Several managers at the headquarters pointed out the small problems in the Shenzhen company's internal operations and after-sales service. Lin Qian also said that they can be more flexible in marketing activities. After some conversation, the guests and hosts enjoyed it, and it was a perfect conclusion for the market inspection at the headquarters. The deputy general manager of the Shenzhen company said: "We are really happy that the headquarters can send people over. To be honest, since the company's poor performance in the past few years, our branches have become unmanaged children. Now, the headquarters I made such an excellent product and completely turned the battle. In the past, we saw the people of Xinbaorui and Si Meiqi, all walked around the road with their heads down. Now? Is it that they are going to detour!"

Everyone laughed, and the vice president looked at Lin Qian again, and said with a smile: "Manager Lin, please also ask Mr. Li to come to Shenzhen for inspection?"

He asked this because he knew that Lin Qian was Li Zhicheng's assistant, and now he has become an assistant president of the subsidiary, and he is regarded as a celebrity around the leadership. Lin Qian listened to him mentioning Li Zhicheng, and his heartbeat slowed down a bit. He smiled and replied: "I must convey your invitation to President Li." He paused and said, "I think he must like it very much."


Lin Qianding's flight back to Lin City was at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and landed at 4 o'clock.

Because he was too tired, several colleagues did not speak as soon as he got on the plane, and each of them buried himself in sleep.

Lin Qian couldn't sleep. She was sitting by the window, looking at the golden light hidden in the clouds, thinking of being sincere.

Why at noon did she tell people in Shenzhen company that Li Zhicheng would love Shenzhen and Shenzhen branch? That's not polite words. He is tough and purposeful. This is exactly the business atmosphere in Shenzhen.

——For any topic related to President Li Zhicheng, she seems to inadvertently say a few more words.

Lin Qian's eyes closed slightly, leaning against the seat. Thoughts were like flying kites, flying through the clouds and drifting to the place where she had been dreaming for more than two months.

After leaving Lin City on a business trip that day, she entered another state of life.

Busy, completely busy, so busy she was about to vomit, still busy day and night.

This process is passionate. She is young and in an important position. This time, she followed the senior elites of various departments and traveled across the national market. Like a sponge, she desperately absorbed all kinds of knowledge and experience from market to after-sales, from internal operations to comprehensive management. It felt like it was a reinvention of the furnace, after a lot of hard work, it was inadvertently reborn.

She also showed her talent without any scruples. Treat everyone in any branch with sincerity and make every effort. Because of the deliberate operation, she made many friends. Whether true or false, friendship has been established. At first, she didn't know what kind of mentality she was holding to dance in all directions and long sleeves, because she was not particularly enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

Later, I gradually realized that the motive hidden in my heart was for sincerity.

He can only take the overall picture and sit at the tip of the pyramid. Then she went to walk around for him to see what he is like today. The public-private relations that he has built, and an in-depth understanding of the national talent team will always be helpful for him to better master and lead the entire group in the future.

Those who are close to Zhu are black and those who are close to ink are black. She unknowingly thought so deep and so far for him, but he didn't know yet.

For more than two months and more than seventy days, Lin Qian is also suffering. Because she and Li Zhicheng didn't even see one side.

At first, she also hoped that she would fly back to Linshi to meet him occasionally on a weekend. Or maybe he was free someday and came to visit her station. Although it would be a bit untimely for the president to do so, it was really something he would do. He silently followed the United States, and in Taiwan he did not hesitate to send her to his side. So Lin Qian thought that no matter where she went, she would not stop the two from meeting soon.

However, if Aida, which runs at high speed and plunders the market at this moment, is a huge machine, Li Zhicheng is the heart of this machine. If Lin Qian is an important component on the machine, then Li Zhicheng controls the operation and vitality of all components.

He is busier than her. All market news and incurable diseases were sent to his ears through them. Then he will make a quick decision with the headquarters controllers. The workload at this time was more complicated and huge than before Aito went public. Like a sophisticated chess board, he is the highest standing chess player, and he has to weigh the measures whenever and wherever he wants.

So he couldn't get away. Lin Qing understands that during this time, he must be fully absorbed in the chess game, because everyone is relying on him. And he never mentioned coming to see her. This fact made Lin Qian feel lost uncontrollably. But again, he should be like this, this is what she likes him.

So she can only slander in her heart: Li Zhicheng, you make your woman feel lonely again!

But I just thought about it, not even mentioning him.

But although I didn’t meet, in fact, these two months, the two people communicated very frequently, such as mail, telephone, online meetings... 99.9% of them were due to work. But it is also enough to make Lin Qing chat to comfort.

And in the process, she didn't see her clearly, but she felt that she and his heart, as time went by, as the distance was far apart, they moved closer.

Because they always have a lot of cooperation. As a subordinate, also as a commander and vanguard officer. She was keenly aware of market and management problems and gave him feedback as soon as possible. And after a short period of meditation, he always stripped off the cocoon and gave a very sharp decision. This way of cooperation made Lin Qian feel very comfortable working. Because Li Zhicheng is a person who sees things quite clearly, she will give her a clear direction, and will not make her feel at a loss.

So when she just listened to him on the phone, the deep and gentle voice, she would feel that she loved him more and missed her more deeply.

And Li Zhicheng is not completely unresponsive. He first said to her "I miss you", more than two weeks after she left Lin. That day she was in the Suzhou branch, and communication with local employees was not smooth. Back to the hotel at night, grieved. When he called to report to work at night, his emotions were inevitably lowered.

Li Zhicheng asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Qian did not want to mention it to him, nor could he mention it. She distinguished these things clearly, and it was her business to have conflicts with colleagues in the company. Because her boyfriend is the president of the company, she cannot talk to her boyfriend now.

So I just answered softly: "No, I'm a little tired. I'm busy for a day, but really... every day is a harvest." Every day... I miss you.

And Li Zhicheng just answered lightly: "Well. That's good."

At the end she said, "I haven't finished my work yet, so I'll hang up first?"

When he responded, he was silent.

Lin Qian: "Am I hanging?"

He spoke quietly: "Lin Qian."

"what's up?"

"miss you."


These two simple words, these little bits of love, tacit understanding and lovesickness, made her unknowingly spend more than two months. Although at the moment, she was sitting on the plane returning home, remembering that before leaving, the two were entangled in her home, as far away as the things of the last century.


At four o'clock, Lin Qian arrived at Linshi Airport.

On Friday afternoon, the airport is always very busy. Lin Qian took the luggage and said goodbye to some colleagues-she lied that her friends were picking them up and let them go first. And they no longer have to go to the company today, they all went straight home.

Yesterday, Li Zhicheng told him the flight by phone. He was silent for a moment, and only whispered, "Okay, I'll pick you up." I missed him for so long, and I used to spoil him on the phone. But now it's really time to reunite, Lin Qian is inexplicably reserved. Hearing that he wanted to pick it up, he only answered softly: "Don't come if you can't walk away. I'll take a taxi back to the company soon." He just smirked.

As a result, this morning, the colleague in charge of booking found out that the early flight had seats, and he helped everyone to change the ticket altogether. Moreover, the original flight arrived at six o'clock in the evening, the road would be blocked. This adjustment is very reasonable.

Lin Qian was busy at noon and sent a text message to Li Zhicheng telling him that the flight was changed and he had to arrive at the airport two hours in advance. He was busy, and after a while, he replied two words: "Received."

Lin Qian walked towards the exit of the pick-up step by step. There was a crowd, and many people were holding signs. She subconsciously looked for the familiar figure in the crowd.

To be honest, it may be because he has been in the market for so long before returning to him. At the moment she was calm and happy, and she didn't immediately feel too strong emotions. She also felt that she had deposited a lot, and she could face her feelings more calmly.

Only the heartbeat, not under her rational control, revealed the truth, becoming clearer and faster.

Soon, she saw a familiar figure.

But not sincerely. It was Jiang Yuan who stood behind the crowd and smiled at her: "Manager Lin, you are finally back."

Lin Qian walked over with a smile, but his eyes turned to him naturally. It really came alone.

The heart is faintly lost, but there is nothing on the face. Jiang Yuan took her luggage: "Get in the car first."


The car drove fast on the airport highway. Jiang Yuan sat in the co-pilot with a smile on his face. The driver Xiao Tang didn't know who was affected by his emotions, and he laid joyous and unrestrained music all the way, and he heard people's hearts stretched.

Shouldn't he be able to get away temporarily? Lin Qian thought in her heart, after all, her flight was temporarily adjusted, and he was always in a hurry.

After a while, as if she could perceive what she was thinking, Jiang Yuan spoke naturally: "President Li is very busy these two days. He compressed the work for the next few days to the two days. The same is true today. There is an important meeting at six o'clock in the afternoon, it will be several days. Didn't it just hit your original flight time? He informed me last night that he was temporarily advanced to three o'clock in the afternoon, and dozens of people who attended the meeting also followed him Forcibly adjust the time...As a result, Mr. Lin changed your flight today and came back in advance. There was a lot of yin and yang. At this moment, he couldn’t walk away, and he didn’t eat lunch.

Lin Qian listened, silent for a while, and slowly smiled: "Oh, that's fine. Thank you."


After a long absence, goodbye to the familiar Aida Park, Lin Qian's mood was a long absence.

And many other feelings seem to be slowly recovering with her return. For example, when taking the elevator directly to the top floor, his face uncontrollably appeared in his mind, his every move in the past; for example, he was sent to his office by Jiang Yuan, and while waiting for the time, he watched the two of them sit and kiss In the sofa, it feels as if it is covered with a layer of yarn, entangled. Many things that are pressed deeply into the bottom of my heart and under the busy and intense work seem to start to sprout again. It was a very comfortable feeling, and it began to torment people faintly. Pushing her to think that she is so veteran a lot of heart, a little bit of work.

After sitting for a while, his meeting was not over yet. Lin Qian went directly to the big conference room where others were not far away. Jiang Yuan, who was sitting in the outer compartment, looked at her back and continued to work when she didn't see it.

Gently push open the back door of the meeting room.

In the evening the sun was dim, and the warmth in the meeting room was shining. At the dark brown copper paint long strip conference table, many people were discussing heatedly and devotedly. Because there were many people in the conference room, Lin Qian came in lightly and not conspicuously.

She found a chair against the wall and sat down softly. There were several familiar managers beside him. When she saw her coming back, she was surprised and immediately nodded and smiled. And she looked up after sitting down, and at a glance in the black crushed head, she saw Li Zhicheng sitting at the top of the long table.

The weather is already hot, he is not wearing a suit. Only wear simple shirt trousers and dark tie. The most silent, but the most eye-catching. He lowered his head, listening to the discussion of his subordinates, while reading a document. The dark black eyebrows were calm and focused, not realizing that she had returned to him.

The author has something to say: Gee, you still say that I am a stepmother, do you have such a good mother-in-law, reunite after a separate chapter. I thought that in the past, my hero and heroine would separate a roll and upgrade to fight monsters!

There is another short today, writing, probably before 5 pm, everyone~

Don't forget to spread flowers! ! There have been very few comments lately, is it to fight my double passion? Turn your head!