Our Glamorous Time

Chapter 60: You back me in

Lin Qian had a dream.

In the dream, Li Zhicheng was sitting overtime in the study. She brewed a cup of hot tea and brought it to him. As soon as he reached out, he pulled her into his arms. This scene is so familiar that it has happened so many times in the past year or so that she couldn't help smiling while sleeping.

Then suddenly came to the bed, Li Zhicheng's body pressed up, and only her figure was left in front of her eyes. And he whispered in her ear: "Lin Qian...will not let you leave me in this life."


Lin Qian opened his eyes and looked at the staggered ceiling of bamboo and rattan. Still in a holiday house in Taiwan, the sun is bright outside.

It's still daylight. Strange, how could she have such a dream. "This life will not let you leave me" This kind of nasty and sensational words, Li Zhicheng will not say it. Even if it means the same thing, he is very powerful when he says it: I will not let go of the people who get it in exchange.

With a slight smile, she got up from the bed and saw Li Zhicheng sitting on the recliner on the porch outside the house.

Lin Qian couldn't help but sigh: Gee... really, as Gu Yanzhi said, they are sitting at home now to collect money. How busy the two were in the past, now one is taking a nap and the other is basking in the sun.

She put on a pair of slippers indiscriminately, walked behind him, bowed her head and kissed him in the face.

Li Zhicheng looked up at her and said, "Did you dream of me?"

Lin Qian stunned: "How do you know?"

Li Zhicheng smiled, pulled her into her arms, and sat on the recliner together, shaking slowly. The wicker chair has been a little bit old, and the wood is smooth, translucent and round. It feels very comfortable.

In fact, Li Zhicheng heard Lin Qian talking about dreams, and whispered in a shallow voice: "Zhicheng... Zhicheng..." The corner of her mouth was still curved in the dream.

But he answered, "Intuition."

Lin Qing's eyes widened for a moment, after thinking for a while, he finally nodded: "Heart is spirited." In fact, the word that came out of her mind was "the body and mind communicate." But speaking such words to Li Zhicheng is tantamount to seduce and invite. So stop.

No woman will not be touched by such a thing as "Heart is Spiritual", Lin Qian blinked and hooked his neck and asked, "How come we have such a tacit understanding?"

Li Zhicheng stared at her close face: "Because the body and mind are connected?"

Lin Qian: "..." He raised his head and blocked his lips.

After the silent and warm kiss, Lin Qian sat in his arms and looked at the pastoral, highway and factory area together.

There is tacit agreement, there is tacit agreement, they are really a pair now. Unlike a year ago, when we were together, there were still quite a few contradictions. Time is so lame, slowly eliminating the contradiction.


One of Lin Qian’s deepest contradictions in her mind was not that she was having trouble with Aito because she abandoned her son.

But three months after that, the two had a big conflict.

At that time, Ada began to secretly develop new leisure bags in preparation for turning over in the coming year. Lin Qian’s marketing team is still responsible for the marketing plan.

But no one who has a tacit understanding will ever want to go together every time. This time, Lin Qian's plan was made by Li Zhicheng, and it was very bad. Adhering to the simple style as always, he simply finalized four words: "No. Redo."

In fact, that part of the plan was not made by Lin Qianzhu, but by a very capable confidant under her staff, who worked overtime and overtime, and cooked a lot of them all night. It's a pretty young girl. After hearing the big boss's criticism at a large conference, his eyes turned red immediately. Leaders at such levels as Gu Yanzhi and Liu Tong will not take care of the emotions of employees at this level. After reading the plan, it was also a criticism.

Lin Qian looked at his subordinates with disgraced faces, and felt distressed. She originally thought the plan was well done. It is no problem to obey the orders of the superior, but she must also fully express her ideas. So she stood up directly and began to state.

You should know that Lin Qian's character is indeed as Li Zhicheng said-sometimes, he is more brave than a man. This is even more true when fighting for reason. On the spot, one, two, three, four, five, six and seventy eight points of view were put out, and all of them were diametrically opposed, proving that this plan is actually good.

After she finished speaking, the others were indeed calmed down and the scene was silent. Those who were not originally opposed were persuaded. It was Lin Qian’s eloquent talent that suddenly broke out, and a whole set of interlocking links made people unable to think of how to refute.

At this time, Li Zhicheng and her looked at each other far away, with a very shallow smile flashing in their eyes. Then the expression calmly said: "It makes sense. But the positioning of this product does not conform to the strategy we originally formulated, nor is it what I want. Redo."

He caught sight of the blood and nodded frequently. Others stood on Lin Qian’s side, silent. Lin Qian couldn't laugh, sat down with a stretched face, and answered lightly, "Okay."


After returning home, Lin Qian ignored her sincerity. Of course, she later understood that this approach is very immature. But there was a suffocation in my heart. Not only is the inconsistency of her own opinion, she also thought in her heart, although both of them are public and private, but she is his woman in the end, she should save face before anybody. So he ate, bathed, watched TV, and lay in bed, not watching him and ignoring him.

And Li Zhicheng? In fact, he didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all. But as soon as she returned home, she saw that the woman was angry and was not in a hurry. She began to tease her quietly.

She ordered takeaway, only her own. He picked up the takeaway list, called for a copy exactly like her, and sat next to her to eat. She hides silently, and he pulls her into her arms, making her unable to move. Finally, he can only sit on his lap and finish the meal;

She went to the bathroom angrily, and made two counter-locks, and pushed the chair over against the door. He used the key to open the door as usual, then easily removed all obstacles and walked into the bathroom. Not doing anything, just stood by the bathtub and stared at her. She wanted to get the towel, he took it first; she wanted to get the facial cleanser, he mistakenly took the mask cream. Lin Qian wanted to laugh, but tried hard to hold back;

Then go to bed.

Lin Qian still turned his back on him and ignored him, and he asked lightly: "Should I express loyalty again?" Lin Qian's face was hot: "No!"

"you sure?"


"Then turn around." He offered the exchange terms.

Lin Qian turned to face him, closed his eyes and did not look at him.

"I haven't heard this argument at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed?" he asked in a low voice.

Lin Qian: "..."

Later, he kissed and touched, and his body softened, and his will seemed to soften too...

Later, when the anger completely disappeared, she came up with an incredible trick to resolve similar contradictions in the future.

She said: "I know it is necessary to distinguish between public and private, but! I am a woman! Women always want to face, women are emotional, it is impossible for you to be so calm and rational. So I have a suggestion-in the future, I will put forward at the meeting If you want to totally deny it, don’t let it be so straightforward. Let’s set a secret code, you can touch the left eyebrow and then say:'This plan is not bad, but I also hope to see a better one.' So I understand , What you really mean is:'This plan is too bad, redo women!'"

She blinked and looked at him: "Do you think so?"

Li Zhicheng hugged her in her arms, and a heavy smile rose in her eyes.


But after that, let him touch the eyebrow on his left side, but it never happened once. Once he did say this at the meeting: "This plan is not bad, but I still hope to see a better one." Lin Qian was so distracted that he asked him as soon as he came home: "You... forgot to touch eyebrow?"

He smiled lightly: "No."

Lin Qian reacted this way, feeling completely relieved, knowing that he was teasing himself, it was awful!


But Lin Qian is actually slowly changing.

She gradually realized that sometimes the contradiction is that she did not mature. The two are both subordinate and couple relationship. If you bring home the contradictions at work, it will affect the relationship. For example, the last Aito incident, such as the contradiction in this meeting. So later she offered to propose that no one would discuss work after returning home. Li Zhicheng readily accepted.


"What are you thinking about?" The cool, deep male voice rang in his ears. Lin Qian instantly pulled back his thoughts and turned to look at him: "It's nothing, think how you bullied me before."

Li Zhicheng has become accustomed to women's right and wrong. Although her face was deliberately stiff, there was a cunning smile in her eyes.

He nodded--since his woman is missing the time of being "bullyed", he certainly doesn't mind being more in tune with her.

"I want to bully you on this chair tonight." he whispered.

Lin Qiangui's face was hot, and he whispered in a low voice: "Asshole, you!"


The afterglow of the setting sun spread all over the streets of the town. The young people on the roadside smirked idly, seeing Li Zhicheng and Lin Qian's car, and did not forget to whistle.

Tonight's arrangement is to be a guest at Wang Tai Zhijia. Lin Qian sat in the co-driver and was fine on the road, so he called his brother.

After connecting, it is still an elegant and mechanical English female voice.

She hung up the phone and looked at Li Zhicheng while driving: "My brother doesn't know what he's busy with. He has been answering voicemails when he called recently. But he didn't recognize it when he had a big project."

Li Zhicheng just laughed.

Lin Qian held his chin and stared at him: "Actually, you too." There was a fierce force that Liu Qin didn't recognize.

Li Zhicheng replied: "I am different from him."

This was quite meaningful, Lin Qian was a little dazed. She told Li Zhicheng about her brother's past. What he said means...

Li Zhicheng glanced at her and said, "I will never let myself lose my beloved woman."

Lin Qian was stunned and did not speak.

Actually think about it, life and humanity are really amazing. Li Zhicheng and Lin Mochen have exactly the same means in the mall. But because his brother experienced the pain of cramps and bones, he realized his sincerity.

Li Zhicheng put her heart in front of her first. It's easy to see how he gets along with each other these days, he holds her very firmly, getting stronger and stronger.

"That's not necessary." However, she responded to him arrogantly, "It depends on your future performance."


Wang Taizhi's home is in a small two-story building by the road. The streetlights were already lit, and the trees and steps in front of the house were shining, and it seemed extremely quiet and warm. Li Zhicheng took the two bottles of Maotai, Lin Qian took his arm and stepped on the doorbell.

It was the son of Wang Taizhi who opened the door, and it was the financial talent who fooled Ning Weikai. He looks much better than his father, fair-skinned, wearing gold-framed glasses, smiles and invites them into the house, and at the same time looks upstairs and shouts: "Dad, Mr. Li and Miss Lin are here. Please come in!"

Lin Qian couldn't help but glance at his side, with a straight posture and a handsome face.

Li Zhicheng and Wang Taizhi intersect with each other, so the children of the Wang family, although similar in age to Li Zhicheng, treat him very politely. Every time Li Zhicheng sits with Wang Taizhi and talks about tea, other young people will sit there respectfully.

And Lin Qian, as his woman, often sees his calm, sophisticated and calm temper beyond his peers, his heartbeat will still secretly accelerate for him.


Wang Taizhi's wife is also a retired university professor, but compared to her husband's loneliness and arrogance, Mrs. Wang is much more lovely. He was small and well-dressed, with a smile on his face. Xu stayed in the ivory tower all his life, and was spoiled by her husband. She was even naive.

At this moment, for example, a table of people surrounded the fragrant hot pot, and just after a few drinks, she asked Lin Qian: "Xiao Lin, when are you going to get married?"

Lin Qian was drinking with a bottle of juice, and he said, "Ah?" He laughed and said nothing.

On the side, Wang Taizhi came to tear down his wife's stage: "Now young people, marriage is a form. Your son is not married yet, and he cares about others." After he finished speaking, he changed the subject without a trace, and looked at his son: " When will a girlfriend be brought back?"

Wang Gongzi then also haha, nodded vaguely: "Well, Dad, I'm trying."

Lin Qian understands why Wang Taizhi wants to change the subject-only Mrs. Wang who does not understand it. It is not that such a topic cannot be discussed, but that it is too much interference. After all, I don’t know what the person thinks. In fact, men such as Wang Taizhi, Li Zhicheng, Lin Mochen, on the details of interpersonal communication, instead, pay attention to proportion.

Lin Qian didn't think much, thinking that this topic had passed. Others think so. Unexpectedly, Li Zhicheng, who has been silent for a long time, picked up a glass of wine and respected Mrs. Wang, and said at the same time: "When you get married, you must send wedding invitations to you."

Everyone around laughed. Mrs. Wang even clapped her hands, picked up the glass and touched Li Zhicheng, and turned to stare at her husband. That means: Look, how good this topic is, you are all the trouble!

Wang Taizhi just laughed.

Lin Qian was disturbed by Li Zhicheng's words, and looked up at him.

He is wearing a white shirt today, without a tie, his neckline is slightly open, and he also holds a small white glass of porcelain and white jade, which looks elegant and handsome.

Perceiving her gaze, he also looked up at her.

Xu Shi's hot steam is too steaming, his eyes look dark and converging. The light of the crystal lamp above his head seemed to fall into his dark eyes.

Lin Qian thought suddenly that when he first pursued her, he just stared at her and said: This is my first time, want to get a woman.

Many days have passed now, but he still looks at her with the same eyes.

Silently told her that he wanted to get her.

Lin Qian turned his head and smiled and continued to drink juice.

Just then, Li Zhicheng's cell phone rang. He glanced and said, "You eat slowly, I answer the phone." After he finished speaking, he got up and walked to the balcony.

Lin Qian's eyes followed him involuntarily, and everyone seemed to feel something, and the conversation was not so enthusiastic. Wang Taizhi held chopsticks and slowly sandwiched a plate of peanuts in front of him, patient and quiet.

Li Zhicheng quickly hung up the phone, opened the balcony door again, looked at Lin Qian with a glance, and winked at her.

Lin Qian then smiled and got up and walked over. Wang Taizhi was also about to be "hearted" with him, and also got up and walked over. A young man and a young man stood on the balcony, Wang Taizhi smiled first: "There is good news?"

Li Zhicheng also had a faint smile on his face, and the whole person looked extraordinarily tall and handsome in the night: "You are as good as God." A glance at them said, "Zhu issued a new board resolution-Ning Weikai did not Re-in charge of Xinbaorui, transferred to the newly established Internet subsidiary as CEO. However, a large part of Shaying's equity is still in his hands. Xinbaorui is now managed by Zhu's second younger."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Qian and Wang Taizhi both calmed down.

Despite this year, the new Bao Rui casual bag market shrank. But even if Ada launched a large-scale frontal attack, they were prepared to be a tough battle-because Xin Baorui had Ning Weikai, the hundred-footed worm died rather than stiff.

But now Xinbaorui lost Ning Weikai as if an eagle had cut off its wings. Although Zhu's second young man is also a talented man in a shopping mall, he is still a few steps worse than Ning Weikai. What's more, he just took over, there must be some rectification. By the time he has passed this period, Aida has already taken off!

Why didn't Li Zhicheng think of it? He looked at Wang Taizhi and said with a smile: "Wang Lao, our leisure series bags under the Aito brand can be produced and listed immediately."


From Wang Tai Zhijia, back to the holiday house, it was already more than nine o'clock at night.

Li Zhicheng drank a lot of wine, and Lin Qian drove back. But although his cheeks were flushed, his eyes were clear and he was not drunk. As soon as he entered the room, he leaned back on the recliner and rubbed his forehead gently.

At this time, Lin Qian is still a very virtuous woman. I made him a glass of sober tea and brought a hot towel.

Li Zhicheng was holding the tea and drinking it slowly. Lin Qian rubbed his face while asking, "How much did you drink?"

"Seven and eight."

Lin Qing nodded, unbuttoned his shirt again, and wiped his neck for him.

Just now, I was in the house of Wang Tai, probably because of the good news, the men are more alcoholic. Seeing him and Wang and his father and son having cup after cup, Mrs. Wang occasionally inserted ~ to come in to give a few cups. Lin Qian is not worried or admonished.

How to say, it is not how amazing his wine is, but his self-control is so strong that he does not need anyone to stare at the edge. Some men drank too much without knowing it. But he will definitely not. If he feels that he is drinking about the same, he will stop by himself.

Lin Qian had never seen him drunk, at least his face was a bit colored, and people were a little tired, but he would never get drunk. At this point, Lin Mochen was exactly like him. Perhaps this type of man habitually asks himself to keep a clear head at all times.

After his face and hands were wiped, seeing him leaning back in his recliner with his eyes closed, Lin Qian asked in a low voice, "Go to bed and go to bed?"

"Uh." He whispered.

Lin Qian reached out to help him, he stood up, the weight of half of his body pressed against her. Lin Qiang just helped him to the bed. Someone pulled him into the bed when he pulled him.

"What are you doing?" She smiled. "I want to take a shower!"

Li Zhicheng turned over, pressing her under him.

A faint smell of alcohol sprayed on her face, and his eyes were dark and abnormal, and he fixedly looked at her.

"Lin Qian." He said, "Tell your brother-Li Zhicheng is about to reach the top of the industry. You will belong to me completely in the future, and you will be free to marry and no one else can interfere."

Lin Qian was stunned and smiled.

In the end, the wine is not intoxicating, people are drunk. Even Li Zhicheng, who has always been calm and calm, has revealed a bit of madness and wantonness.

She put her arm around his neck and whispered his words: "Okay, I will be thorough and willing to belong to you in the future." Suddenly added, "I will only be your woman and stay with you for life. We will always be together." , So happy every day, so intimate every day, okay?"

Li Zhicheng looked at her deeply.

"Okay." He said slowly, "It's settled."

Lin Qian's heart throbbed and Li Zhicheng kissed down. Somehow, maybe it is because after tonight, the future is already flat and uncontrollably inspiring; maybe it is because the alcohol in him is too intoxicating and sensational... her body and heart seem to be extremely excited. The two were entangled in silence and warmth, and in the room of the moonlight, only she was panting like a satin.


On the same night, many people were happy, such as Li Zhicheng, Lin Qian, Wang Taizhi, Gu Yanzhi, and all the cadres and employees of Aida...

There are also many people who are not happy, and many people are pregnant.

At this moment, Lin Mochen sat in Wall Street's office. He had just finished an important investment project meeting. He was tired and looked at the noisy city outside the window, rubbing his forehead.

Taking out his phone, he saw Lin Qian's missed call. He looked up at the clock on the wall. It was midnight on the mainland. So he threw the phone on the table, picked up the newspaper on the table, his long legs overlapped gently, and looked at it slowly.

At the same time, Ning Weikai, who has just resigned, has left the New Borui Building. Tomorrow will be the last day of his work here. After the handover, he will be transferred to a new management position.

Chen Zheng, who was in Lin City with him, was still in his office at the moment, contemplating. The news that Ning Weikai was "exiled" also reached his ears. This year, Shaying penetrated not only the market of New Borui, but also the entire market. Si Meiqi's casual bag market has suffered serious losses. Now, this president who has been in trouble for the past year has finally smiled. He felt his chance to turn over finally came.

The author has something to say: La La La, there are two chapters in this volume, and we will enter the last volume~~~ Do you feel my joy~~

I changed 6,000 words today, and sent a small theater. See you tomorrow noon~~


Drunk in a small theater

(Originally written in the text, but later I feel too happy, not with the text, so change it to a small theater)

Before Li Zhicheng was thirty, the only time he was drunk was on his wedding night with Lin Qian.

That night, the guests were full and fighting frequently. Li Zhicheng's comers refused to let all the provocators defeat. Lin Qian had never seen him drink so fiercely, and was a little worried. It can be seen that although his face was crimson, his eyes became clearer and clearer. Don't worry about it.

Later, he entered the cave.

He fell on the bed and Lin Qian took off his shoes. Just took off one, and suddenly his waist was tight, he was embraced in his arms. Lin Qian smiled and pushed him: "Release!"

Li Zhicheng looked at her lightly: "Why? Not willing?"

Lin Qiang's eyes widened in surprise.

Ai? What is this sing? He was not so aggressive at ordinary times.

Seeing the seemingly absurd smile in his eyes, Lin Qian immediately understood-tease her!

So he smiled slightly: "How can I? I don't want to! Your shoes haven't..." He didn't finish talking, he suddenly sat up and looked up at her: "Since you want, sit on me."

Looked at him in a daze.

Suddenly... a little bit understood.

Isn't he... drunk?

"How many glasses did you drink?" she asked.

Li Zhicheng didn't answer.

He dragged her hand directly and hugged her sideways, and she was lying in his arms.

He looked down at her under the soft and fascinating light. The handsome and strong as always, but between the eyebrows, seemed to be a little more lazy and relaxed.

It's kind of like meeting him on the train. It's a little less mature, and a little more unruly.

Lin Qian laughed suddenly and reached out to hook his neck: "Drunk?"

He still stared at her: "Not yet."

Not yet? Lin Qian felt that there was something wrong with this sentence. Ah, yes, how is it? Who knew she had just realized this, Li Zhicheng said again: "The moonrise is bright, outstanding bureaucracy. Shu Yang is correct, and the labor is quiet."

Lin Qian: "..." did not understand.

Okay, he is drunk.

Lin Qian's reaction to the drunkenness of BOSS was shocked at first-he could not control himself!

Then there is relief-presumably with her, with old friends who have known each other for a long time, so if you don’t defend, you will drink more.

Finally... there was excitement and joy in her heart.

Fuck, BOSS is drunk.

Is there a better time to tune~ to play with him and ride on his head than tonight?

He was overjoyed, but he turned over and pressed her against the bed while staring at her, and said lightly: "Fight against the gums, fight with each other in secret. The cauliflower drama butterfly **** the stamens, the honey mad butterfly Hidden Honey Nest."

Lin Qian: "..." did not understand, but it feels a bit wrong.

She grinded for a while, and when he tossed her so low that she began to read the second song again, she finally understood.

"Dark Fang drives hardships, but the spring at the entrance is shallow and deep. The green trees bring wind and waves, and the saffron rains through the heart."

BOSS is drunk, calm, natural, read, obscene, poetry!


Although Li Zhicheng's drunken incident only happened once, Lin Qing understood that his cultivation of Chinese studies since childhood was too deep. Although he was still drunk during drunkenness, he remained calm and calm. But those **** words are simply hand in hand, jumping out sentence by sentence.

What kind of wine is he drunk? She, a clear-headed person, didn't take advantage of anything at all, but instead he used this ancient, subtle and naked ~ naked way to pick ~ amused with red ears...