Our Glamorous Time

Chapter 75: Lust

The night is getting darker. The whole city is set against the lights, like a checkerboard made of reinforced concrete, criss-crossed, and there is no margin.

Lin Qian and Li Zhicheng were standing in the dark corridor of the inpatient department, looking at the black crowd downstairs.

They seemed restless, excited, and restless. The reporters hung around with cameras and cameras. As long as someone walks out of the inpatient department, they will attract all their sight and look.

Behind the reporter were a dozen or twenty men wearing blue worker uniforms. The sky is too dark to see clearly. But the banner in their hands is very eye-catching:

"Resistance to foreign acquisitions!"

"Aida high-level colluded with foreign capital to sell national brands!"

It was only for a while that they began to protest loudly again. Obviously after rehearsal, the voice is neat and loud:

"Protect the national folk card!"

"Protest against foreign investment in old Aida!"

"Get ridiculous foreign investors out of Aida!"


Hearing frowned upon hearing the words "foreign capitalist finesse".

Apparently talking about her, hum.

At this moment, although it was already night, there were still cars passing by the entrance of the hospital, and the flow of people was endless. So these people quickly attracted the attention of passers-by. The reporters did not catch the leader, but even took a snap shot of these protesters. For a time, the lights were constantly on and people were gathering more and more, so that it seemed magnificent and magnificent.

Lin Qian "hummed" softly.

Li Zhicheng supported the window sill with one hand, and supported her shoulder with the other hand. His face was very quiet, and his dark eyes stared at the noisy downstairs and asked her: "Who do you think made it?"

Lin Qian put his hands on the window sill and replied contemptuously: "Who can still be? Chen Zheng." Who is so arrogant by such influx?

This is obviously the answer in Li Zhicheng's heart. There was an indifferent look in his eyes, and he didn't speak.

Lin Qian shook his head and said, "Actually, Chen Zheng is not stupid. I used to be in Si Meiqi. I think he also has a lot of his own ideas, and the enterprise management is also very good. But this person... is too paranoid. He regards his own self as too important, and does not give up until he achieves his goal. So he always does such stupid things, he can not get on the table, and he can not get long-term. Now think about it, this person is actually pathetic and hateful, because From beginning to end, he probably didn't see anything clearly."

After saying this, she turned to look at Li Zhicheng.

Perhaps because of these days, especially today, her mood has been somewhat depressed. So at this moment, she saw a slapstick, but also a vicious attack directed by Chen Zheng, which made her sigh.

She was lamenting Chen Zheng, but it seemed that she was lamenting other things. She didn't know clearly.

And Li Zhicheng heard the words, staring at her quietly and deeply. The light outside the window dimmed in, illuminating his black hair and his face, calm and unpredictable.

He reached out and pinched her chin and whispered, "That's right. This is also his last struggle."

The cool voice revealed the chill of the waves.

Lin Qian's heart trembled slightly, and he didn't speak.

This acquisition by DG and the investment company director made Xu Yong re-admitted to the hospital; now Chen Zheng is using her to attack Li Zhicheng and Aida...

How can Li Zhicheng give up? What a ruthless person he is, Chen Zheng is probably healed and his pain is forgotten.

Now, the serial counters he has arranged are almost in place, and the counterattack is about to begin in a few months. The killer will inevitably hurt Chen Zheng.

Lin Qian looked at the crowd downstairs again. I don't know where Chen Zheng is hiding at the moment, so I look at this scene proudly?

Perhaps the next time she meets, she will give Chen Zheng's eyes only mercy.


"Xue Mingtao has arrived." Jiang Yuan came downstairs and nodded toward Li Zhicheng.

Lin Qian followed the two people's eyes and saw several buses parked in front of the hospital, and then saw several familiar faces: Xue Mingtao and other cadres, with some Aida employees, rushed off the car. They began to maintain order on the spot, while blocking reporters and protesters from the periphery.

This status quo is actually quite embarrassing.

Can't call the police, because the alarm will inevitably make headlines, small things become big things;

You can't let it go, because they will be blocked in the hospital, when will they be able to leave? Xu Yong's retreat will also be affected.

Can only use the same means-human sea tactics, in turn to suppress them. Fortunately, Xue Mingtao brought a lot of people, and immediately formed a siege, surrounding those who deliberately caused trouble.

Xue Mingtao has always been cautious in handling such matters. Although Lin Qian could not hear what they were talking about, he clearly saw that Xue Mingtao, with a few cadres, was explaining to those reporters-presumably these protesters were not Aida employees at all. The people he brought were also very interesting. Some of them were young and middle-aged, but they all stood on the periphery. There are also many old workers and women workers. In this way, they faced those who made trouble, but became a weak, true love party. If the other party dares to make trouble, tomorrow's news will inevitably become-social rogues beat up Aida employees. Of course, there are young and middle-aged people in the periphery, and these old and weak women and children will never be really bullied.

It must be said that Xue Mingtao is also quite lossy. He came to deal with Chen Zheng more than enough.

Sure enough, this trick is very effective. There did not appear to be any conflict at the scene, and those protesters had already begun to retreat. The reporters also shot around Xue Mingtao for a while, obviously he was answering their questions.

Seeing that the attention downstairs was attracted by Xue Mingtao, Jiang Yuan hung up the phone and looked at Li Zhicheng and Lin Qian: "The car drove to the side door."

Li Zhicheng nodded, took off his suit, covered Lin Qiang, and then put her shoulders around: "Go."

Lin Qian was startled.

Indeed, it is the best way to deal with the immediate situation by turning the big things into small ones and avoiding the small things.


She looked at the hustle and bustle downstairs, and then looked up at the distant night.

Although Li Zhicheng didn't say anything, it wasn't just her and him, Jiang Yuan, Xue Mingtao, Chen Zheng...Everyone knew it well. This matter-her relationship with Lin Mochen, after all, would treat both Chinese and foreign investors. The current situation of confrontation has an impact.

Li Qian, one of Aida’s top executives and a fierce fiancee, her brother is the chief investment manager leading the foreign acquisition. No matter who knows this fact, I'm afraid I will ponder something in my heart.

Has Aida colluded with DG secretly? Is she Lin Qiang a spy? These things cannot be explained at all. Especially now that the outside world is not aware of Li Zhicheng’s post moves, it seems that Chinese capital has been overwhelmed by DG-this situation will increase the suspicion of outsiders. And Li Zhicheng's counterattack will take some time. These days, he will inevitably be subjected to multiple external pressures...

Lin Qian bit her lip lightly, retracted her gaze, and calmly followed Li Zhicheng downstairs.

The side door is not far from the main door, but because of its bias and low light, when the car slowly and silently came over, it did not attract the attention of the crowd at the door.

Jiang Yuan walked first and opened the car door for them.

Lin Qian wore a fierce and sincere suit with the residual temperature of his body. In the cold night breeze, she felt extremely warm. And Li Zhicheng put her arms around her, almost protecting her whole body in her arms. As soon as Lin Qiang looked up, he saw the cold face close to him. This made her not afraid at all, nor panic.

Inexplicably, there is even a touch. Probably the night was too cold, the voices around were too noisy, and his hug was too powerful, and she was slowly moved in the heart like the wild waves and the old waves, and filled her heart.

"It's okay." She said suddenly, as if talking to herself, as if comforting him.

Li Zhicheng heard her a look.

A smile appeared slowly in his eyes.

Lin Qian immediately understood his eyes, probably because at this time, she even comforted him in reverse, making him feel interesting.

So Lin Qian couldn't help but smiled, and glanced at him obliquely, which means: You don't care about them, I don't care.

Just a short way, when no one else knew, the two stared at each other, but already knew each other's intentions.

Soon, the two had reached the car.

Lin Qian suddenly froze.

Because she crossed Li Zhicheng's figure, she suddenly saw a few familiar people in the crowd.

Things in the world are so wonderful. So many people gathered around, but she saw the few at a glance.

Those were a few old employees of Ada. I had contact with Lin Qian before because of business. Lin Qian believed that he left a good impression on them, and also made them see their abilities and efforts.

But now, they are holding banners and standing with the rogue gangsters, who are being persuaded by Xue Mingtao's people, but have not left.

Lin Qian's heart suddenly sank like this, a little bit unpleasant.

It's not a taste.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a group of white shadows flying head-on. Then she felt a strong wind hit her face, "click" a crisp sound, a sharp pain in her nose bridge eyes, the viscous liquid flowed away on the face instantly, mixed with a burst of smell.

It's eggs! Someone hid in the dark and smashed her with eggs!

Lin Qian's eyes were blurred, and his face was very uncomfortable. Then I felt Li Zhicheng holding her arm firmly, and the anxious voices of Jiang Yuan, Gao Lang and others came by: "Are you all right?"

Lin Qian replied: "It's okay..." Reaching to touch your face. There was a hand on her side that was faster than her, fell on her face, removed the remaining broken eggshell, and gently wiped the egg liquid with her fingertips.

Then his angry voice came from the top of his head: "Is it okay without looking at the injury? Don't move."

Lin Qian immediately stopped, and Li Zhicheng's face was seen in a vague and sticky line of sight. There was no more smile on his handsome face, and he was very tight. The black eyes were dark and heavy, staring firmly at her, a sharp emotion seemed to be coming out vigorously.

This look made Lin Qian's heart so gripped. The empty brain suddenly gave birth to uncomfortable emotions.

At this time, I heard several sounds of "pounding" and did not know where the egg was hit. Li Zhicheng was quick-sighted and tucked her into the car, then turned to look at Gao Lang and others: "Catch me! No one can run!"

Lin Qiang stared at him with a ruthless expression in the night.

Outside the car window, the light and shadow flickered and were very dim, and I could not see where the people who secretly hid them attacked them. Just as he screamed angrily, a clutter of footsteps sounded behind the low wall opposite his side, and Gao Lang, who was furious, immediately led a group of people out.

Li Zhicheng also sat in the car, "Bang" closed the door with a bang, turned to look at her. The black eyes are so deep, like looking into her body.

Lin Qian's face was no longer painful, and there was no blood on the wipes. She looked at him and said softly, "It's okay, not hurt."

Li Zhicheng nodded, stared at her for a few seconds, and reached out to buckle her into her arms. His palm was actually sweaty, holding her hand, slightly wet and warm. Lin Qian leaned against his chest, across a thin shirt, listening to his powerful heartbeat-thump, thump, thump...

The car quickly bypassed the chaos ahead, drove towards the entrance and exit of the vehicle, and left the hospital.


When receiving the news that Lin Qian was attacked, Lin Mochen was sitting in the office, checking the US stock market news.

And when he put down the phone, his light and relaxed face had completely sunk. He was silent for a moment, and did not make other reactions immediately, but opened the web page and browsed industry news.

Sure enough, the real-time news has been updated and it is all about tonight*. Some said that Ada employees were dissatisfied with the sale of the national brand, which was in conflict with the management; others said that the gangsters gathered to make trouble.

However, in the various speculations of the media, the sibling relationship between "Ada's female senior" and "MK investment company's senior" obviously became their key interpretation points.

There are even many forums, and there are a lot of unwelcome posts. Mostly around "Ada Lin X senior executives", insinuating that it is an internal response of MK Investment Company and DG Group. After seduce Ada Group senior executives, the unspoken rules are high, which led to this acquisition. Some words are very unsightly.

Lin Mochen turned off the computer and stood up, his face darkened like a cloud. He pushed open the door and went out. The secretary at the door stood up quickly: "Jason, what's the matter?"

Lin Mochen waved his hand and walked straight into the conference room not far away-the team responsible for Ada's acquisition was meeting in it.

He knocked on the door and didn't wait for someone inside to say "comein", he just pushed open the door and went in.

Everyone looked at each other, looking at him in doubt.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked coldly at his colleagues and friends. Throw the phone in front of them, and the news above is about Lin Qian.

"What's going on?" he asked coldly. "I said, never use my sister as an essay. When I signed a cooperation agreement with DG, I also reached a consensus that the two sides would avoid this layer of personal relations. Now who can Explain to me?"

The head of the group was a Hong Kong man. He glanced at the other colleagues for a few seconds and stood up: "Jason, this matter is not ours. This is the idea of ​​DG China, Charles and Chen Zheng. We Just watch."

Lin Mochen looked at him without speaking.

Probably because he was staring hard, Hong Kong people had to continue to say: "Actually Jason, as far as I know, this matter has been acquiesced by many people, and there are more than one participant. In addition to DG China, there are those who have Sold to our Aida shareholders, as well as companies in the Chinese industry who want to sell their brands to DG... Jason, the Chinese are not united, your sister has many enemies.

We took into account your position, so we did not participate. However, the acquisition of Aida has not been smooth, so we can only acquiesce, and we cannot inform you in advance. I think we have done this right, and I hope you can distinguish between public and private..."

The author has something to say: touching the chin, as a sweet essay of the full text of no abuse, this chapter should be regarded as the most abused chapter of the full text, poof~~ compared to my previous hostess, this hostess is too lucky , Just smashed an egg~~

Yesterday everyone's encouragement I saw it. Thank you all. I will work hard to close it. The state is slowly recovering~~ Do you feel it?

See you tomorrow night~