Owl, Your Wife Has Dropped Her Waistcoat Again

Chapter 346: Who died?

  Chapter 346 Who died?

  Xie Yanran almost clicked in, and then she saw a paragraph of text and several pictures.

  The content is that a male corpse was found in an alley in a certain area of ​​M country. When he found it, his face was **** and he couldn't see his appearance.

  At first, she didn’t care much, but when she saw the person in the photo, "Fuck!!!"

  Isn’t this... the tin foil was hot last night? !

  Although the face can no longer be seen clearly, but...isn’t this dress the same one worn by the tin foil last night? !

  And... how did he die? !

  They clearly let him go last night, how could he die?

  Tan Yi was really brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Hearing Xie Yanran's swear word, she poked her head out, "What's the matter?"

  Xie Yanran didn't speak, got out of bed and ran to the next door.

  Because they are going back to China today, everyone is sleeping late. Because Wen Jiuqing has the habit of sleeping late, she hasn't gotten up yet.

  Xie Yanran rushed in, "Ajiu Ajiu, something big happened!!!"

  Wen Jiuqing heard Xie Yanran's words, did not get up, just turned over.

  Xie Yanran came to her and said while pulling her quilt, "Ajiu, how can you not afford it? Get up quickly, something really happened!"

  Wen Jiuqing then slowly turned around, without opening his eyes, and asked lazily, "What's wrong."

  Xie Yanran couldn’t bother to say so much to Wen Jiuqing directly, "You get up and check Weibo first!!"

  She is dying of anxiety now.

  Wen Jiuqing actually still sleeps so soundly.

  Xie Yanran waited for Wen Jiuqing’s reaction. After a long time, she only heard Wen Jiuqing’s faint "Oh", then turned over, "Look at it later."

  Of course, the most important thing now is to sleep in.

  Xie Yanran was about to laugh, and there was no sign of the chance. Xie Yanran directly opened the mouth and said, “Weibo said that after finishing the tin foil, she died in an alley near our hotel, beyond recognition!”

  Sleeping Meng Yunshu heard these words, opened his eyes, and asked in confusion, "Sister Yanran...what did you just say!?"

  She actually heard Xie Yanran say who is dead? !

  Xie Yanran glanced at her, "The kid goes aside."

  Meng Yunshu: "..."

  After a while, Wen Jiuqing sat up in a "teng" position, and asked uncertainly, "Who did you just say died?"

  Xie Yanran: "...!"

  Are your reflection arc too long? !

  Xie Yanran gritted her teeth, "The tin foil is hot, just last night!"

  Xie Yanran said that the tin foil was hot, and Wen Jiuqing suddenly understood who she was talking about.

  She picked up the phone on the side and opened Weibo, and she saw that news about this incident has taken the top spot on the hot search list.

  And many netizens have started to comment on this news.

   "Oh my god, who is too brave to commit crimes in the street?!"

   "That's right, I don't dare to go out alone in the future. I am too broad and afraid."

   "Me too, look at that picture, it's bloody, it's really horrible, I have goose bumps now!"


  Wen Jiuqing irritably grabbed the messy hair, then opened the picture and took a look, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  Is him again? !

  Wen Jiuqing put his gaze on Xie Yanran's body, "You go first, I will solve it."

  (End of this chapter)