Owl, Your Wife Has Dropped Her Waistcoat Again

Chapter 36: Am I not cooperating?

  Chapter 36 Am I not cooperating?

  Shen Wanting secretly rejoiced as she watched Wen Jiuqing being taken away.

Xie Yanran asked, "Shen Wanting, why did you say that just now?"

   "Ah? But I'm telling the truth... Did I say something that shouldn't be said?" Shen Wanting asked, somewhat puzzled.

  Xie Yanran gritted her teeth when she heard the words, "You...!"

  W.E Consortium.

  When Zuo Hanxiao received Tan Yizhen’s message, he didn’t even mention how worried he was.

At this time, Zuo Linxiu slammed open the door and hurried in, "Brother, have you read the headlines on Weibo? I don’t know who told the story of the future sister-in-law being taken away by the police. Wei Bori has exploded!"

  Although Wen Jiuqing's reputation is very small, she used to be Lin Jiuqing after all, so some people have picked out her former identity.

  Everyone said that a murderer like her is not worthy of being the daughter of the Lin family, and deserves to be robbed of her identity by Lin Mengyue.

   Zuo Hanxiao's eyes became cold, "Who released the news?"

Zuo Linxiu shook his head, "I don't know, it should be a trumpet."

  "First seal the number, and then let the technical staff check the IP address as soon as possible!" Zuo Hanxiao commanded coldly.

  He wants to see who dares to move him!

  Police station.

  Because he is a suspect but has not been determined to be a prisoner, Wen Jiuqing was taken to the conference room.

  The policeman asked, "Where were you last night?"

  Wen Jiuqing, "Ye Lily Club."

  Police, "When did you leave the Yelily Club?"

  Wen Jiuqing shook his head, "I don't know."

  Police, "What is your relationship with Zhang Daqiang?"

  Wen Jiuqing still shook her head honestly, "I don't know."

  The police said, "It's the man who died in the alley near the Ye Lily Club last night."

  Wen Jiuqing gave a faint "Oh", and then said, "I don't know."


  Suddenly, as a policeman, I felt frustrated for the first time.

  Is this frustration actually because of an underage girl? ? ?

  The policeman's face was a little ugly, and he tapped the desk with his pen, "Student Wen, please cooperate with us in our investigation."

  Don’t ask three questions!

  Wen Jiuqing raised her eyebrows, “I’m not cooperating?”

  She thinks she is already very cooperative, okay? !


  A few minutes later, a middle-aged man in police uniform walked in from the outside, and the two policemen quickly stood up, "Deputy Bureau Zhang."

  Deputy Bureau Zhang walked in, pointed at Wen Jiuqing and asked, "What's the matter?"

  The police told Deputy Bureau Zhang the matter, and Deputy Bureau Zhang saw that Wen Jiuqing's expression was a bit complicated.

  Are the current students so bold?


   "Hey, have you watched Weibo, Wen Jiuqing from Class 7 is the Lin family's daughter!"

   "No way, isn't the Lin family's daughter Lin Mengyue from Class 3? How could it be Wen Jiuqing?"

   "Who knows, I heard that it was Wen Jiuqing and her mother's junior high, but she was kicked out by her original partner."

  There were constant discussions in the school. Xie Yanran said coldly when she passed the girls, "Are you all right to do it, chewing other people's tongues is a sense of accomplishment, right?!"

  The girls just wanted to refute, when they saw that it was Xie Yanran from Class 7, she shut up and left.

  Shen Wanting said, “Yan Ran, you don’t have to be familiar with them, they just can’t see that others are better than them.”

  Xie Yanran coldly snorted, "False feelings!" Then she didn't even look at Shen Wanting, and entered the seventh class classroom.

Behind her, Shen Wanting clenched her fists fiercely, her eyes filled with unwillingness and joy.

    If there is no accident every day, three chapters will be updated (updated from time to time). Four chapters may be updated every day after the release.

     I hope you can rate and comment on this book, that is my motivation, I will write the book seriously



  (End of this chapter)