Owl, Your Wife Has Dropped Her Waistcoat Again

Chapter 433: Excessive (explosive)

  Chapter 433 Too much (explosive)

  But she was afraid that Wen Shuangyi had any thoughts, she had to guard against it.

  Lin Mengyue shouted, "You bitch, who made you talk to my mother like this?!"

  The words fell, "pop!" A heavy slap was ushered in.

  Lin Mengyue covered her face with one hand and looked at Wen Shuangyi incredulously, "You...you dare to hit me?!"

  Her cheeks hurt, and they should have been swollen. Her eyes stared at Wen Shuangyi angrily.

  No one has beaten her since she was a child. Is this old witch Wen Shuangyi really too much? ! ! ! !

  Wen Shuangyi's tone is cold, "I'm talking to your mother who has a broken leg. What are you talking about?!"

  Who taught her to talk to her elders like this? !

  One bite, one bitch, where did the Lin family daughter’s education learn? !

  She originally thought that Lin Mengyue was just a child and didn't want to be familiar with her, but she couldn't think that Lin Mengyue was even more exaggerated than Wu Qiulan!

   always likes to make trouble for her daughter, not only that, but she dare to frame her daughter on the birthday of the old lady Zuo.

  Is she dead when she is a mother? !

  Wu Qiulan's face is very ugly, "Wen Shuangyi, don't go too far!"

   Come to her home without a word, dare to bully her daughter? !

  Lin Mengyue also stared at Wen Shuangyi angrily, but did not dare to say anything more.

  Wen Shuangyi slowly came to Wu Qiulan and looked at her condescendingly, "Excessive? That's too much? It's not a bit worse than you were four years ago."

  She is too much?

  Are they too much as they were four years ago? !

  They told her that Wen Jiuqing had been sent to Country M, and she quickly bought a plane ticket for Country M.

  Wen Jiuqing, she is actually still in China!

  They told Wen Jiuqing that they were in country M, so Wen Jiuqing also arrived in country M.

  She could not imagine that if Long Shen did not happen to rescue Wen Jiuqing that day, the current Wen Jiuqing should still be tortured in the organization that did the experiment!

  If it weren't for Long Shen, she wouldn't be able to meet Wen Jiuqing again the next day after going to Country M.

  Now she actually said that she was too much? !

  Did she forget the things she did to her and Wen Jiuqing back then? ! !

  Wu Qiulan's face suddenly whitened, and then she tried to make a smile, "Anyway, the Lin family’s wife is now me, and you are just a **** being swept out of the house!"

  The words fell, Lin Mengyue also rushed in front of her, "That is, I don't want to look at yourself, but dare to grab our place!!!"

  Wen Shuangyi laughed out with a "pouch", "Why, rich people become addicted, have they forgotten their original identity? Have you forgotten how this status came about today?"

  Being a rich man for four years, have you learned to deceive yourself? !

  I really thought that I was a rich wife, who spent the whole day basking in the sun, and lived a very comfortable life! ! !

  No one knew that one of the maids was holding a mobile phone to record the screen under the cover of other maids...

  They just want everyone in China to see the vicious faces of Wu Qiulan’s mother and daughter, and they don’t want those people to be deceived by them again!

Lin Mengyue put her arms around her chest and sneered, "My mom and my dad were in love with each other sincerely. It was your appearance that made them have to break up. You are the junior, and your daughter, who is only worthy of being a junior, is shameless. The bitch!!!"

  (End of this chapter)