Paintings of Terror

Chapter 170: Scarlet Beast 17┃Change Beast.

When everyone heard about the incredible even-numbered dates in this city, everyone said that they were unreasonable. Xiao Qinxian's reaction was the fastest: "If that's the case, then we don't have 13 days at all! Now it is two days into one day. Ever!"

Yu Ji also said in surprise: "13 days should be split in half, and that is 6 and a half days! Throw it away today, we have 5 and a half days left!"

Xiao Qinxian's face paled again: "If we die at the rate of two people in one day, we can kill 12 of us in six days. In the last half day..." Xiao Qinxian looked at Luo Wei who was sitting in the corner, "Probably it was reserved for outsiders. of."

Luo Wei didn't notice a sneer, this woman was at this point, and she did not forget to release her malice.

"Let’s eat first, there are a lot of things to discuss together after the meal." Qin Ci has already started to eat, and he does not forget to remind everyone, "Don’t drink the wine here. I don’t know if it’s the wine problem or the city has changed people. Now, a little bit of alcohol may make you drunk."

"This city is really intoxicating." Weidong ate the spring cakes rolled in his hands, but his hands trembled slightly-no one can predict who will leave tonight.

Maybe it's because of a worry, everyone hastily finished eating.

Qin Ci looked at Mu Yiran, and said to everyone: "I think everyone's most concern now is: How can we get 13 kilograms of scarlet beasts within the specified time; if the beast in someone's body is murderous tonight, What can be done to prevent it from being killed."

Everyone's expressions were in favor, including the picky Xiao Qinxian.

Mu Yiran then said: "If you change to a more understandable term, the first problem is that everyone must try their best to get 13 kilograms of beasts from outside our group. The second problem is..."

Before Mu Yiran's words were finished, everyone had already expressed surprise. After careful consideration, this was the only feasible way.

No one is willing to pay for the beast in his body at the expense of sacrifice, and besides, not everyone in the member group has the beast in everyone.

Ke Xun looked at Mu Yiran beside him, unable to believe that such a fierce truth would come from him.

Yu Ji subconsciously looked at the guests around him. Fortunately, no one noticed this, so he lowered his voice and said, "Fortunately, we have Luo Wei. He can see if there are animal marks on other people’s faces. It’s that simple. Why didn't we think of it earlier! Why do we have to wait for the beast to tear its own body?! We have Luo Wei and Doctor Qin. We are so crowded, we can pick a role."

As Yu Ji said, he was frightened by his own ruthlessness, and couldn't help but shudder excitedly because of this thought: "The big guy is the big guy, and he is sure and ruthless when he strikes!"

Ke Xun didn't want others to misunderstand his boss in this way, so he said to the boss, "Yan, what's your idea? How can we get the beast from the people around us, and we have to be legal."

"What's the legality to consider? We are now at a time when our lives are at stake!" Yu Ji was a little anxious, looking at the darkening sky outside the window, his fear of death became bit by bit in his mind.

"We are now located in a city with law and order. The police station is opposite to this restaurant. No one will condone us to behave like this." Zhu Haowen said.

Mu Yiran looked at Qin Ci: "I read some information in your office this afternoon. The beast, as a wealth resource, is allowed to be bought and sold. Some family members do not agree to sell the beast in the dead to the government. A small part is for collection, most of them want to wait for the peak season to sell for a good price."

Qin Ci frowned as he listened, "Which book still contains this?"

Mu Yiran faintly smiled: "It is not the content of the book, but the advertisements on the back cover of some magazines, the propaganda of various auctions about the Scarlet Beast, and how high the price of the special beast is. There are instructions in the advertisement."

"Oh my god, this is simply a famous antique painting in our world!" Su Benxin couldn't help feeling, "Mr. Mu, you mean we sell the two beasts in our hands..."

Everyone gasped, but they couldn't hold back their excitement. This excitement was somewhat evil.

Mu Yiran looked at Zhao Yanbao: "I hope this topic will not make you unhappy."

Zhao Yanbao: "Chi Lei has let go. The beast is like a container full of negative emotions. It doesn't make sense for me to store it for the limited five and a half days... If I can really save more people, Chi Lei's Spirit in Heaven will also agree."

Zhao Yanbao looked at Mu Yiran: "Is there any information in those materials, what value are these beasts worthy of people chasing like this?"

"It is not written clearly. People only say that these scarlet beasts are the symbol of the entire heart city, so they are precious." Mu Yiran's expression was slightly teased, "Even in our world, people spend high prices. Is it really worth the money if you chase it?"

"What are you going to do specifically?" Ke Xun asked this time, "Try to sell the two beasts in our hands at a high price, and then use the money to buy a heavier beast?"

"That's almost what it means, or we can find a more direct beast trading market, and directly trade beasts for beasts." Mu Yiran also thought this was not a comfortable topic, but had to continue.

"You mean that the value of the beast here is not determined by weight?" Ke Xun asked.

"Yes, the heavier is more precious than the heavier, but if you encounter a stranger, the buyer will not value weight so much." Mu Yiran was unwilling to show his commercial side to Ke Xun. As a last resort, "In short, the beast with accessories is very rare, and I believe it will be more valuable."

"What is a beast with appendages?" Wei Dong didn't understand.

Mu Yiran further explained: "For example, the snail shell of Zhichun's beast, and the rope that used to tie Chi Lei's beast, such beasts would be more expensive if they were auctioned together with accessories."

Everyone gradually understood. Yu Ji was sweating from his excitement: "Yes, the old policeman asked us to find a 13kg beast. He only asked for weight and nothing else! We can supply supplies. Exchange the strange beasts for the more common and heavier beasts! If the business is done well, you might be able to trade 13 kilograms!"

"If everyone thinks it is feasible, then we will find the relevant exchange tomorrow." Qin Ci asked everyone.

No one disputed.

"But, what should we do tonight?" Wei Dong was scared, not all for himself, but more anxious for his friends. "You have red marks on your foreheads, in case something happens tonight...according to the painting Rules, every night..."

"Yes, this is the second question I just mentioned. How to guard against the beast tonight. This question is currently the most difficult to solve, because the beasts we know should be their own demons. This thing is not random. You can defeat it casually." Qin Ci still turned his gaze to Mu Yiran, "I wonder if Xiao Mu has thought of a countermeasure?"

"What we can do at the moment is to try our best to understand the formation of the beast, and to further find the weakness of the beast." Mu Yiran did not think of a better solution for this. "Today I thought of a clue, that is about Chi Lei. The title page of "The Scarlet Beast" by Yukio Mishima mentioned during his lifetime. It mentioned that the "Scarlet Beast" was selected from Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation.-I don't know if this source can give us More tips."

Ke Xun asked, "Who knows what the seventeenth chapter of Revelation says?"

Su Benxin: "Big harlot."


"There are also translations, big harlots and scarlet beasts." Su Benxin said further.

Ke Xun held the cold lemonade glass in both hands: "Is there any symbolic meaning?"

"There are some European sects and politics at the time. I don't understand the specific divisions, but it should have nothing to do with our theme. This woman has the words'Mystery! Babylon the Great' on her forehead, which means Satan's'Babylonian city'." Su Ben knew that speaking too much would only make everyone more confused, so he tried to keep the story short.

"Babylon? Is it Babylon, one of the four ancient civilizations?" Yu Ji interjected.

"No, the city of the devil built by Satan is called the Great City of Babylon and has nothing to do with that ancient civilization."

Ke Xun asked suddenly: "You just said, on that woman's forehead?"

"For those words that were extremely rebellious to the religion of the time, they were written on the woman's forehead." Su Benxin suddenly understood what Ke Xun meant. "You mean, the words on women's foreheads and the red on the foreheads of people in this city trace……"

All appear on the forehead, this similarity should not be just a coincidence.

"In addition to women, didn't you mention any scarlet beast? What does that beast look like? Does it have anything to do with the beast we're looking for?" Wei Dong couldn't help asking.

"That beast has seven heads and ten horns." Mu Yiran actually answered this time.

"Hey, Elder Mu knows too." Wei Dong turned his face toward Su Benxin to Mu Yiran, feeling that he knew this more practically.

Mu suddenly said: "The appearance of the beast is related to the kings and sects of the Western European Empire at that time. I think these specific histories have little to do with the current situation. The important thing is the origin and deeds of the beast."

Su Benxin looked at Mu Yiran with interest, expecting the other party to continue.

The others also stared at Mu Yiran, as if staring at a geeky professor in a certain college... Ke Xun once again realized the familiar and the honorable.

"Regarding the beast, I can only repeat the words in the Book of Revelation: The beast you have seen before, but not now, will come up from the bottomless pit, and will fall into ruin. Anyone who lives on the earth and has a name since the creation Those who are not recorded in the book of life will be amazed to see the beasts that existed before, did not exist now, and will appear in the future.” Mu Yiran, in order to make everyone hear clearly, speaks much slower than before.

Ke Xun Weidong Qin Ci Zhu Haowen Luo Wei:...