Paintings of Terror

Chapter 20: Funeral 20┃ Painter: Li Haojing.

Ke Xun paused: "When I was a child, because I was much taller than children of the same age, I was jokes about being big and stupid all day long. No one except Dongzi would like to play with me, so I can appreciate what Li Mazi experienced when he was a child. Of course, he must be a hundred times worse than me."

"Then we can imagine why Li Mazi is both Li Guaiguai's brother and his father." Mu Yiran said.

Ke Xun's expression was a little complicated: "Because it's impossible for someone like Li Mazi to marry a wife, so I had to get closer..."

But Mu Yiran looked calm: "As a result, Li Mazi's son is also a deformity, even worse than his appearance, so it is conceivable that what happened to him is bound to be a worsening painful situation. "

Ke Xun looked at him: "But Li Mazi has become the longest-living person in this village, why?"

"The reason is," Mu Yiran opened his palm and saw a paintbrush in his palm, "Li Mazi later became Li Jinghao."

Ke Xun looked at this brush, which was stained red or black, and the color was old.

Born as a deformed child, Li Mazi has been suffering from the monster-like gaze of the villagers and the ugly words behind him. This terrible mental shock and psychological pressure caused him to have a more deformed son/brother than him. After that, it reached the culmination and completely broke the string that he had endured for a long time.

Li Mazi was unbearable. After Li Weiguai was born, he finally escaped from this terrible village.

"Married with close relatives, the probability of giving birth to deformed children, mental retardation and premature death is certainly 4%, but the possibility of giving birth to a so-called genius who is extremely talented in a certain area is not small." Mu Yiran picked up his paintbrush. I looked at the bottom of my eyes, "For example, the world-famous Adolf Hitler, Darwin, Einstein, the immediate example is Li Mazi."

Ke Xun suddenly said: "Li Mazi is talented in painting."

Mu Yi nodded: "After escaping from Lijia Village, Li Mazi came into contact with the outside world and learned the skills of painting while working hard to earn a living. As for whether someone taught him or he was self-taught, this is no longer possible. After several years of hard work, he finally became a well-known painter of a generation."

Ke Xun turned his head to look at the empty and lonely village behind him: "Since Li Mazi can paint this picture, it means that he has returned to Lijia Village after he became famous, but why did he lay the pure cypress coffin for his son? Is he intentional or unintentional?"

"I guess it was intentional." Mu Yiran threw the paintbrush in his hand on the ground. "From this picture, it can be seen that the resentment caused by Li Mazi's previous experience in living in the village did not change with time. Over time, there was a reduction in his fame, but instead he became unhappy and unhappy.

"The three locust trees in the painting were not planted in the village, but Li Mazi expressed them in the paintings as an image to express the theme, a metaphor for hatred, resentment, and a curse on the entire village.

"I think that among these people, Li Mazi hates his parents the most. If it weren't for his parents to marry close relatives, he would not give birth to a deformed him. All the ridicule and coldness he suffered in childhood would be given to him. He left an indelible psychological shadow, so in the painting, he painted these three locust trees, which represent the curse, outside his courtyard.

"The next thing he hates is his son/brother. Because of the existence of Li Weiguai, it means that Li Mazi has done unconventional, ignorant and terrible things like his grandparents. For Li Mazi, who has accepted science and advanced thinking in the world, it is simply unbearable to look back.

"He can't cut off and sever the connection with the ignorant self in the past. This will become a stain and nightmare for his life. And the existence of Weiwei Li makes him unable to forget his tragic and pitiful past, and also makes him that Duan's humiliating and painful experience and memories have continued, which is tantamount to constantly slapping him with a whip and salt water, making him always hurt, always humiliated, and always hate.

"I think this is the reason why he hates Li Weiguai so much. It may be out of anger to vent, or to bury the past. With anger and hatred, he made this pure cypress coffin for Li Weiguai. Li Guaiguai was struck by thunder from the sky, and disappeared without leaving a trace, just like this could make him Li Mazi's unbearable past, completely shattered.

"As for these dead villagers, they are obviously also the object of Li Mazi's resentment. He hates this backward and ignorant village and the ignorant ancestors left behind. In his consciousness, he may hope that this village will cut off its children and grandchildren. exist.

"Whether it was out of personal resentment or out of condemnation of this feudal cancer, Li Mazi painted this desolate and resentful painting, and painted himself in it as the last one in the whole village. A survivor, he wants to see the complete annihilation of this family with his own eyes.

"The above are all from my inferences, but I think the facts should not be much different."

Ke Xun quietly listened to Mu Yiran's explanation, and sighed lightly: "No wonder that old man - Li Mazi can't catch up with me. It's not like the power of those things. It turns out that he is the painter himself... No, he is not the painter himself. He is the image of himself painted by the painter in the painting. It cannot be regarded as a "person", but it is not that kind of thing either."

Mu Yi nodded: "The Li Mazi in the painting is just a psychological reflection of resentment. His real curse and resentment have been radiated to other things and scenes in the painting."

Ke Xun's eyes lit up: "Since this old man is a reflection of Li Mazi himself, would you say that the seal is on the old man's body?"

Mu Yiran shook his head: "The seal is printed in the painting. For those of us who are in the painting, it is a kind of redemptive existence. It can't be both lethal at the same time, but this old man will chase you everywhere."

Ke Xun asked, "Is there no seal in his room?"

Mu Yiran: "No."

Ke Xun scratched his head: "Seeing that the sky is getting dark again, will this old man make arrangements for us tonight?"

Mu Yiran's eyes were deep: "If you don't make arrangements, then it will be extremely dangerous."

Ke Xun remembered that last night, even though he and Mu Yi were hiding well, they still couldn't resist the strange sound made by Li Weiguai. He almost lost his life because of it, and couldn't help scratching his arm: " Time, call those few and keep looking."

The two returned to the locust tree and saw that Weidong and several others were already waiting there. Seeing that they had returned safely, the doctor asked what they had found in the old man's house.

Mu Yiran briefly said it again, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Fuck..." Wei Dong came over for a long time, his mouth was dumbfounded, "Going back I have to ask my father and mother if they are related by blood for more than a dozen generations."

Ke Xun: "...Do you want it or not."

Wei Dong: "I suspect there is, otherwise what's wrong with my athlete's foot? It must be a deformity."

Ke Xun: "... believe it or not, after you ask, your dad can book you a coffin board made of pure cypress?"

The doctor asked Xiang Mu Yiran next to him: "Now the ins and outs of this painting have been sorted out, but I still can't figure out where the seal can be. Xiaomu, do you have any suggestions?"

Mu Yiran shook his head slightly: "I can't think of anything."

"What can I do..." Ma Zhenhua's eyes reddened anxiously, "It's getting dark soon, look, it's getting dark..."

Zhang Maolin was also anxious, pulling the linen strip around his waist, glanced at Weidong, then at the owner of the pancake stall, and then suddenly went over to the owner of the pancake stall: "Brother, talk about it, how can we change this cloth? Okay? I'll give you money. I will give you as much as you want. Five hundred thousand, one million, I will give you all, okay?"

Wei Dong couldn't see it, and said at him: "It's useless. If you can change it, I would have changed it. If you change, I'm afraid you will be backlashed. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Mu and Doctor Qin.

Zhang Maolin choked up: "I don't want to be tortured for deboning! I don't want to die...I don't want to die..."

"You don't want to die, just think about it?" Wei Dong was angry, "Accept your fate, who will let you be assigned this word."

"Why—why..." Zhang Maolin was emotionally broken, "Why are words, why are good words made such a **** and devil..."

No one answered him.

The lack of clues and clues made everyone feel upset, even Mu Yiran frowned.

As time passed by, the sky was gradually darkening.

Everyone fell silent, some were desperately thinking about clues, and some were desperate.

Ke Xun absentmindedly looked at Zhang Maolin's distorted "bad" character, then looked at Weidong's "Gu" next to him, and finally looked down at the character "Yang" on his waist.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in his brain.

As soon as he stepped forward, he grasped Mu Yiran's arm, pulled him to face him, looked at his eyes, and asked him word by word: "The cloth on our body is from old hair, right? The old man is Li Mazi, right? Li Mazi is Li Jinghao, right? Li Jinghao understands the original meaning of these characters, right?"

Mu Yiran faced the black eyes of the person in front of him, and they were as bright as stars against the dark clouded night sky behind him.

The first time he didn't let go of this person's hand, Mu pursed his lips and looked at him: "The original meaning of the character'jing' refers to the towering pavilion. The original meaning of the character'hao', It means that the river is turbulent and the water is surging."

"--high tower!"


Ma Zhenhua and Zhang Maolin yelled almost simultaneously.

"There is a dry river beach in the south of the village, and there is a fire observation platform on the edge of the river beach," said Dr. Qin. "We were there when we searched for clues in the village."

"What are you waiting for, hurry up, it's dark already!" Wei Dong couldn't wait, and ran towards the south of the village.

Everyone hurriedly followed, and then realized that the sky was dark at some point, and the night wind roared towards the face, hovering behind him, then turned back and curled up, the sound of the wind was caught in a sharp cry, listen carefully Below it seemed to come from the mouths of thousands of people. These crying sounds were male and female, old and young, and even a very familiar voice, screaming sternly: "Death--you all have to dead--"

It's Liu Yufei's voice!

Everyone heard it, and couldn't help turning their heads to look back. The pancake stall owner and Ma Zhenhua fell to the ground with their legs in shock.