Paintings of Terror

Chapter 256: Schrodinger’s Cat 05┃ text and langu

The dice on the screen spins fast, making it difficult to see which side of the dots on it is on. However, the rotation time is not long, only ten seconds, and it slowly stops.

The face facing the upper side shows 2 points.

The old members held their breath and looked at every corner of the room vigilantly. Suddenly a wavy sound sounded, the original text on the big screen disappeared, and a string of new text reappeared.

[Dad, I really hate the teacher forcing us to recite those texts verbatim. I just need to answer the core meaning, isn’t it? Can’t I just understand the meaning? Why do you have to memorize it so rigidly? 】

[There are also those texts, I think the important thing is to learn how an article should be structured, how to be logically rigorous, how to be relaxed and detailed, how to express what you want to express clearly, complete, well-founded and smoothly. Things, rather than rote memorization, and lose an insignificant word will be deducted. I don’t understand the meaning of this. 】

[What I want to appreciate is the power of thought and the beauty of words. I use the imagination and creativity of others to stimulate my own imagination and creativity, rather than just copying others rigidly. Isn’t it weird to use other people’s words to test our memory so as to evaluate our learning ability and intelligence? 】

After these paragraphs of text appeared for a while, they gradually disappeared, replaced with new text, and several lines of bold strokes appeared coldly on the dead white screen:

【Language World】

1. Subject: Within a limited time, everyone will communicate in language as required.

2. Requirements:

① There shall be no language blank period every 30 seconds;

②It is not allowed to say 5 homophones or homophones consecutively;

③It is not allowed to just open your mouth and make no sound;

④It is not allowed to repeat other people's language, to have repetitive sentence structure, and to read string of numbers;

⑤Foreign languages ​​are not allowed, and the dialect will be recognized as Mandarin, and paper-based communication is not allowed;

⑥If the requirement is violated once, 30 seconds will be reduced to 20 seconds, two violations, 20 seconds will be reduced to 10 seconds, three violations will be deprived of language rights.

3. Three minutes preparation time, countdown: 180 seconds.

"180 seconds" here, the number is constantly decreasing, and the countdown is being done.

"Wow, what does this mean? I didn't understand it, what is this to do?" The panic on Dong Yao's face seemed to be deliberate, very exaggerated.

However, no one can take care of her at this moment. Mu's solemn voice sounded, the tone was not high, but it was clearly sent to everyone's ears: "To make a long story short, according to the requirements of the son of the previous formula and the topic. It is speculated that the test is the rigor of language. Please remember not to panic, do not think about any other irrelevant things, concentrate on what you want to say, and keep your head calm. Now everyone sits down and sits better than standing. To be less panicked, it is recommended that you reduce your body movements as much as possible to avoid distracting others and distracting yourself. Remember: if you speak too much, you will lose it. As long as there is no requirement for the number of words, try to say less useless words. If you ask, think Let's talk about it."

The old members hurriedly sat on the ground, facing the big screen. The three young people who came in last were a little flustered. When they saw everyone sitting down, they also hurriedly followed, but Dong Yao and Qi Muhuan walked a few steps forward and sat down. Go in front of everyone, closest to the big screen.

The 180-second countdown came to an end, and new text appeared at the bottom of the screen:

[1. Respondents take turns to speak, and each person speaks at least 200 words within three minutes. Among them, the words "you, me, he" are not allowed. 】

When the countdown is displayed as 0, a small window suddenly appears on the screen. The face of Zhu Haowen appears in the window. Below the small window, two digital boxes are displayed side by side, and the number box on the left is another 180-second countdown. , Is starting to count, and the number box on the right shows "000".

Zhu Haowen was taken aback for a moment, but then he reacted and said: "It's starting to count."

The number in the number box on the right instantly changed from 000 to 005.

This proves that he has said five words.

Everyone understood now. Zhu Haowen was about to continue talking, but suddenly heard Qi Mu who was sitting at the front laughed and said: "It turns out to be like this, I understand, this is for us..."

Ke Xun jumped up and took a few steps to cover Qi Muhuan's mouth. However, it was too late. A small window popped up on the left side of the screen, and Qi Muhuan's face appeared in the window. On the top of the window, the words -20s were marked.

Ke Xun was so angry that he couldn't knock this kid out directly - even if he died by himself, and interrupted Zhu Haowen, if Zhu Haowen had a language gap within 30 seconds, he would be deducted 10 seconds. Not only that, but his interruption might disrupt Zhu Haowen's thinking.

Qi Muhuan was struggling under Ke Xun's hand, and the eyes exposed outside Ke Xun's palm stared at him in anger and disbelief, as if saying, "What are you doing?! What kind of thing are you dare to cover my mouth, hurry up Let go!" Such words.

Ko Xun was even more unlikely to let go of him. As long as he let go, this kid would definitely open his mouth and speak again, simply squeezing his whole person to the ground, continuing to cover his mouth with one hand, and controlling his body with the other. Let him move.

Dong Yao, who was next to him, was dumbfounded. It took a long time to react. She opened her mouth to scream, but Fang Fei, who was sitting behind her, suddenly got up and covered her mouth. Then, like Ke Xun, she faced her. Press down to the ground.

Fortunately, Zhu Haowen was not affected. He spoke 226 words in three minutes, and did not involve the three words "you, me, him" required by regulations.

When the three-minute countdown reached 0, Zhu Haowen's face in the small window changed to that of Qin Ci, and the two number boxes became 180 and 000 again.

Timing and counting restarted, this time Qin Ci spoke.

"It is recommended that people who are not on their turn, think about what to say for a while now," Qin Ci said slowly, and the counting box jumped to 21. "It is recommended to memorize some professional terms, so that these three are generally not involved. In addition, please listen carefully, Dong Yao and Qi Muhuan," Qin Ci said, looking at these two people who are still struggling desperately on the ground, "please don't intervene when others are talking, and don't take this Think of it as a variety show. Everything that happens before you is real. People who violate the rules will die. It’s a real death. Even if the two of you don’t believe it, please follow the instructions on the screen as much as possible. No harm to the two."

Qin Ci quickly said enough 200 words, and when the countdown reached 0, Shao Ling's face was switched in the small window.

"If you are afraid of making mistakes and breaking the rules," Shao Ling said calmly, "then recite ancient poems. These three subjects are rarely involved in most ancient poems, but please be careful not to repeat the same poem. The repetitive sentence structure mentioned here should mean that it is not allowed to recite the same paragraph repeatedly, or, you can count the names of a certain type of item, such as all fruits, all vegetables, food, life Items, etc. In addition, Dong Yao and Qi Muhuan, the two should have misunderstood. This is not a variety show shot by a certain crew. The two should note that there is no related staff that the crew should be equipped with. Light, live radio, inscription board, etc. None of these. The two of you think about it carefully, think about everything that you just said to the two about the world in the painting, and tell them again: they are all true, not as required Do it and you will die."

When the small window switched again, it was Luo Ling's turn, and Luo Ling tremblingly said, "Apples, oranges, bananas, cantaloupes, radishes, beans, potatoes, durians..."

Thanks to Shao Ling’s reminder, Luo Ling passed the test without any risk. The next one was Deng Lin. Although Deng Lin didn’t believe it completely, he also honestly followed the rules: "Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium..."

Next is the girl with shawl hair. She chose to recite ancient poems. There are some who have memorized wrong and forgotten words in the middle. She was so nervous that her lips began to tremble. She looked helplessly at several old members, her eyes fell by accident. On the face of Wei Dong who was sitting closest to her, Wei Dong was stunned, thinking of himself when he first entered the first painting.

All the helplessness and fear of collapse seem to be only yesterday, but it also seems to have been left yesterday. Today, I don’t know if I am truly brave or become numb. Sometimes I think about it. If a person doesn’t even feel fearful again, then is this person a normal person, a flesh and blood? People with emotions and desires?

Schrodinger's cat is both dead and alive. So those of us who are "closed" into the painting are like the cat. From the moment we enter the first painting, we are no longer a real living person, they are already A superposition state where life and death coexist. When observed by the evil force "painted", some people die, and some people survive.

And before the moment when the decision to die, that is, to be observed, arrives, are all those who enter the painting the living dead?

An indescribable sorrow suddenly surged in Wei Dong's heart. When he received the panicked look of the girl in the shawl, he felt that she was extremely pitiful, and that people like him were as pitiful as her.

Wei Dong raised his hand, gave the girl a thumbs up, and gave her a comforting smile.

This action, this expression, if it were made by Ke Xun, it would be more handsome, more infectious, and more soothing than his. Weidong knew that he was just an ordinary person, and he didn't seem to have any right to pity others, but at this moment, he still wanted to do so. In this hopeless endless despair, he would rather be comforted to death, or I am encouraged to live, and I don't want to be a living dead without fear.

The shawl-haired girl is very smart. She understands Weidong’s meaning. It doesn’t matter if she recites the wrong poem or forgets the words. What needs to be "tested" is not the ability to recite or the accumulation of words, as long as it does not violate the requirements of the topic. Even if you answered the question correctly.

She relaxed a little and continued to recite the ancient poems. She skipped over if she couldn't remember the next sentence, and said whatever sentence she remembered. Finally, she said enough two hundred words.

Then it was Ke Xun's turn.