Paper Lover

Chapter 53

In the same plot, different readers saw completely different things.

Male readers are always good at expressing themselves. Five minutes after reading the new chapter, as usual, they occupy an advantageous position in the discussion area and start a discussion:

"Cheats have finally been upgraded to Cheats Plus, and I know that the father-in-law's Cheats must be chewy. With the pink ball of saving stars, does the protagonist get rich overnight?"

"It's been a long time since I saw such a simple and unpretentious grandfather. He said that he would send the equipment when he gave it away, and he would never conceal it with a buckle. Throwing his hand is all the equipment."

"Everyone discusses and discusses, looking at the wording of father-in-law, will sister Qian soon use the newly acquired equipment library to recruit troops and start the team line?"

"It is not necessary to start the team route and release so many equipment at once. It is reasonable to speculate that Qian Mei will use the equipment in her hand as a reward, release a large number of reward tasks, and then collect the reward value from these reward tasks. With much taller items, continue to enrich your own treasure house and achieve a virtuous circle."

Below the male readers who are chatting in full swing are female readers who remain silent.

The female readers smelled a familiar strange smell.

I also felt like I was poked and slapped.

But just because of being poked and teased, you have to be more cautious!

After all, it’s a natural basis for the male author, but when the male author feeds the shit, it is also a show operation one after another, and it is by no means soft.

Out of politeness and considerations of authenticity, the female readers did not directly say anything in the comment area, but came to a more private place, such as on their private Weibo, quietly Mimi asked:

"I am a little worried to ask the front page, whether the author of Caramel Nishiki has the habit of stalling or harem? Or is there a male character written with a record of changing from a male to a female?"

When this inquiring Weibo appeared on the homepage of Luguo Fangcao, the look of the woman who was reading Weibo became a bit subtle.

This is the homepage of her female trumpet. There is a group of danmei authors and colleagues. Usually, if there is nothing to do, it is very pleasant to follow them to eat and eat food.

Just don't be too precaution to see the author of the main site familiar to them on their Weibo.

This made her feel quite strange. There was an illusion that she broke the wall frequently and her little vest was not too firm.

Lu Guo Fangcao clicked on Weibo to comment.

Weibo has been posted for a long time, and several people have responded to the blogger.

"Why did you suddenly ask about this? The father-in-law had nothing special in his impression. But he had a very obvious feature in his emotional drama... I don't know why, he always wrote the relationship between men and women as brotherhood, which caused me Every time I see his heroine on the stage, my mind will always have such wonderful TAG impressions as'heart-to-heart photo','two ribs' and'sympathetic siblings'."

"It's actually a bit cute."

"A little cute +1"

The person who answered the question added another sentence:

"What the blogger wants to ask is whether it’s a new character who has been born today. I personally think that this character should be a male. According to past practices, he really didn’t write that the hostess was really adulterous at first sight. feel……"


Lu Guofangcao caught the key words.

She opened the destination page, product a new chapter, and finally confirmed:

Is a male character.

There is really adultery.

She also felt that she had been poked, so she opened the role column on the main page of the article.

This column is opened by the author, and readers are free to add impression TAG to the existing characters of the article, to edit the relationship diagram of the characters and the wonderful memorabilia.

The star of the new chapter came from behind and kicked off several supporting roles that had originally appeared. Right after the male lead Su Mingqian, readers are adding a TAG impression to this new character. There is a mess, everything:



#Just directly old grandpa#


# Hard and difficult responsibility#

Lu Guofangcao looked around and felt that these TAGs did not fit his own ideas.

Anyway, the trumpet is currently driving, and she has a role impression from her heart.



Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Li said Xing was still lying lazily on the bed and did not move.

The sequelae of staying up late and writing these two days came out, and his work and rest broke again. After waking up at 6:50 and going online to take a look at the cub, he fell asleep again and opened his eyes again. It was this time.

Li Shuoxing lazily brushed the background, and the data growth was as usual, and it seemed to have accelerated a bit.

He looked at the TAG in the role column again, and was very satisfied to find that the role of "Story Star" was very popular with everyone.

After finishing the two daily routines, Li Shuoxing put the phone in his palm and played with it for a while, then suddenly remembered something, then picked up the phone and went to the foreign social networking site to check if Mary gave a reply.

But the time is short after all.

So when making inquiries, Li said Xing was prepared to have no news.

But when he opened his social account, he unexpectedly saw an extra message in the account, which was exactly what Mary responded!

Li Shuoxing was stunned.

Drowsiness faded like a tide.

The heart suddenly began to jump.

With the tension, blood rushed into his mind, making his scalp numb.

Li Shuoxing sat upright, he raised his finger, his finger paused and tangled in mid-air for a while, and then slowly fell on the screen.

He clicked on the message from Mary.

"Hello there:

I have received your message. I don’t know if George has a friend named Su..."

Li Shuoxing was not disappointed when he saw this.

Because this is not the end.

Mary wrote a long reply. After this sentence, there was a lot of content.

"But my husband does have a friend with gray pupils next to him. He seems to be Asian. I don't know if he is the one you know and care about? I understand your concern about the disappearance of your friend, and I am willing to tell it for you. I’m worried, but I’m very sorry. First of all, I don’t know much about this gray-eyed person and can’t give you much news. Secondly, my husband is currently participating in a closed scientific research project and is temporarily unable to contact the outside world. The closed scientific research project will continue for more than a month. I am afraid I will not be able to convey your concerns to my husband until then.

I am extremely sorry for that.

For the convenience of follow-up contact between us, would you like to give me your contact email? "