Paradise of Demonic Gods

~: 1118 superluminal speed

Around the huge robot, countless metal continents float in the vacuum of the universe. .

The prince stood on a continent and looked at the huge robot that was silently shouting in the distance. The eyebrows provoked and rumored to be like other people. "This thing looks like it is not easy to deal with."

The silver witch king turned into a silvery mist, covering the sky above countless floating continents, and dragging in, or being buried, or being taken off by the fortifications, to protect them and save as many ordinary civilians as possible.

When I heard the words of the Prince, the Silver Witch King said: "I can't see these people and I can't save them. This robot is handed over to you."

Fang Xingjian’s Emperor’s projection and Zhu Xian’s projection are still standing inside the huge robot. Looking at the space environment that has changed dramatically, “I’m afraid the rest can’t be completely preserved.”

Urbian controlled the white hole to calm down, finally completely smoothing the influence of the black hole bomb, and glanced at the huge robot in the distance, but did not speak.

When Fang Xingjian and others discussed how to do it, the original Aboriginal people on the entire Venus were completely collapsed, and their city was so easily transformed into the dust in the sky, and several people could Accepted.

More than 80% of the population died in the big disintegration. The warships and robots are not as good as the large warships. The metal fragments that are almost splashed, the continents that are rising from the sky, the body of the high-speed deformation robot is fragmented. .

For a huge robot, the speed seems to be very slow from afar, but in terms of his size, even if it is only to guarantee a speed of movement at a speed similar to that of ordinary people, the linear velocity of the distal end of each body tissue is often They have already reached tens of times the speed of sound, and a few are hundreds of speeds.

At such a speed and his quality, almost any battleship, mainland, and fortifications were rubbed to a point, and they were all broken.

The ponytail girl of the Tussauds team is still alive, but her lower body has disappeared. The upper body is squatting on a playground-sized wreck, looking at the huge robot that is silent and shouting. The eyes are full of incredulity.

"why why!"

"Catherine, are you giving up on us like this? Just destroying the whole world?"

Beside her, there are still eight members of the Tussauds squad still alive, but looking at the huge robots in the distance, the expression on the cheeks is gray to the extreme.

This battle of Fang Xingjian’s four-person invasion can be described as the death of the moon, the collapse of the mainland, and the demise of the world.

But in the end, the most murderous, truly destroying the whole world, is the Catherine they have always trusted, which makes them feel uncomfortable for a while.

On the other hand, the core position of the giant robot, Catherine manipulated the god-defying machine to sit on it, and the body and the body were wrapped in layers of information liquid, which could help her to transmit information and manipulate the entire huge robot.

In addition, there is artificial intelligence to monitor the entire robot's every move, the assistant Catherine's operation.

"A group of idiots." Catherine naturally knows that the full power of the Venus will cause terrible disasters, but in the case of the situation, if she does not change her body, I am afraid that the entire Venus will only become The lamb to be slaughtered, even if the counterattack was not made, it was smashed.

The countless cities on this spaceship, hundreds of millions of people, various privilege systems have created a psionic production system, which has cost her a lot of effort. Now it is said that it is gone, it is simply to make Catherine irritated.

Just then, the artificial intelligence sent a voice: "Master, the trace of Fang Xingjian found inside the hull."

"Use quantum transmission to get rid of him."

The entire huge robot in the speech suddenly turned into a faint illusion, and the next moment has already appeared in tens of millions of kilometers. Regardless of the speed of the start, the range of mastery obviously goes far beyond the space shift.

With her quantum transmission, Fang Xingjian's Zhu Xian projection and Huang Tian projection were all left in place, which was equal to the internal cleaning of the robot.

The transmission of tens of millions of kilometers has completely exceeded the range that can be retrieved by ordinary observation methods. After all, the light and electromagnetic waves there are coming, and it takes several minutes for people here to see Catherine.

But Urbion’s eyes glimpsed, but he immediately made a judgment: “It’s a quantum transmission. With this method, as long as the coordinates are determined, even if it crosses several galaxies, millions of light years are a matter of moments. ”

Fang Xingjian heard a sigh of relief: "There must be a quick fix. If she is allowed to escape, then there will be endless trouble."

"How do you do that?" Hearing that a quantum transmission can span millions of light years, the brow's brow is deeply wrinkled, and with this goal of mobility, as long as she is willing, there are not many means. Can kill her.

What they don't know is that the Catherine-operated Venus has not reached the point of crossing millions of light years. Because of her own mass and incomplete quantum transmission, her highest transmission distance is about 50 million kilometers. .

Several people discussed the effort, and the other side of Catherine had once again acted, and saw the huge robot's fists pinched, no plasma cannon, no high-energy laser cannon, and no black hole.

Just clenching the fists of the size of the North American continent, the super gravitational field is generated in the palm of the hand, and then slammed out of the box with a fist, and the virtual shadow of the fist dissipated, and then appeared on the head of the Prince.

The distance of tens of millions of kilometers was directly hit by this punch and slammed into the position of the Prince.

Instantly spanning a distance of tens of kilometers, although quantum transmission is done, it is also a blow to super-light speed.

You must know that the speed of light is only 300,000 kilometers per second, the distance of tens of millions of kilometers, even the light will be transmitted in a minute or two, that is to say, before the masters of the gods have noticed that Catherine has seen the punch The attack is already here.

What's more, the super-gravitational space in the boxing heart has almost reached the critical value of forming a black hole, but it has not formed a black hole, but has turned into a naked violence.


There is no sound wave transmission in the vacuum, but everyone who sees this scene still seems to be able to imagine what kind of loud noises there should be.

The prince felt like he was hit by a hundred times the speed of the sun, and the whole person's consciousness instantly fell into a blank, and the whole brain seemed to be completely shattered.

With just one blow, the golden giant of the prince was directly collapsed by a punch that contained the space of supergravity. The golden will disappeared like a star that was extinguished.

The level of God is seven, enough to destroy one of the world's top masters. The Prince is so badly beaten by a punch, even the martial arts will not be able to condense.

"Distributed!" Fang Xingjian's eyes condensed: "The other party can use the quantum transmission to attack the speed of light. We can see that he can hit us before he attacks."

During the speech, the three god-level masters moved back and forth in the space at the same time. The whole person of the Prince was turned into a boundless mist and a vacuum, which seemed to be unable to form at a time.