Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 113: Sword and gun

Fang Xingjian shook his head when he heard the question of Ferdinand.

Of course, he can't use the sword to direct the other person directly. After all, Jianqi is the air, and he is attacking by pumping air through strength.

This can transmit strength, but it is impossible for him to feel the strength of the muscles in the other body.

The confinement stone house where he is now is made of stone. There are only a few small windows that can be seen outside the lawn. It is used to observe other people’s martial arts, and then the sword air guidance is of course no problem, but it is impossible to close the hands. Unless the stone house was demolished without any scruples.

Therefore, Fang Xingjian said: "I still come out and personally have a hand with you, or you can't grasp your strength."

"Come out?" Ferdinand stumbled. He looked at the guard at the side. It was an old man with a white hair of about fifty or sixty years old. He was also a guard in the confinement room, although he was not even a knight. But as the defender of the college rules, no one will force the cell in front of him.

Fang Xingjian looked at the old man who was watching the guard and said, "I will let him go outside with him."

Although the guards hesitated for a while, but thought of the background and talent of Fang Xingjian, knowing that the other party can easily throw him out of the college by saying a word, how can he be offended by such a character. So he immediately laughed: "You are very polite, if you really want to go out, I can't stop a hundred."

He smiled and opened the big iron gate of the stone house. Fang Xingjian also slowly came out of it. Just as he came out, the roots of his bones blew up and burst into a crackling sound like a collapse. A cut-off firecracker exploded in his body.

This is actually the direct internal force before he fights, and he has a lot of blood.

Rao is like this, Fang Xing Jian Zhou is the wind and the wind is shocking, showing a strong violence, watching the side of Ferdinand's eyes jump.

This power power is generally only revealed by those knights who have been practicing for more than three years. How did Ferdinand have seen it in the same people?

On the other hand, Lilia and others saw Fang Xingjian out, and all stopped their movements. They all looked at Fang Xingjian with a look of expectation.

In particular, Lilia looked excited and her eyes looked like cats. The straight long legs were tight and shouted: "Does the teacher have to shoot again? I feel that the teacher is getting more and more graceful."

"Lelia, use your sword for me."

Lilia heard the words and immediately threw the sword over. Fang Xingjian caught it and waved it. The blade cut through the air and made a burst of muffled sound.

He turned to look at Ferdinand: "You attack it, don't use extraordinary power, just use the power of the flesh. Don't use your hands and attack it."

Ferdinand made a slight glimpse, but he was not a drag-and-drop person. Considering the strength of Fang Xingjian, he also knew that he could not hurt the other side.

So the next moment I had a long shot and said, "Okay, then I am coming."

In an instant, the white robe surging, Ferdinand a sprint, the hand gun has been carrying the power of the incomparable spiral, like a super big drill bit as the square star sword as a chest.

The violent force was pushed from Ferdinand's body to his rifle. This sprint, his rifle even faintly appeared a twist of air, like a real dragon across the void, swallowing Fang Xingjian.

The gun is so fierce and violent that it can directly penetrate an elephant from beginning to end. The strength of the whole body is perfectly confined in this gun. It is the true expression of Ferdinand's physical strength and skill.

But in the face of this shot, it seems that the real dragon is swallowing, Fang Xingjian is not changing.

Even in the blessing of the sword, in his eyes, this incomparable shot has too many flaws.

I saw a flash of Jianguang, Fang Xingjian stabbed a sword, gently point on the gun of Ferdinand, the latter directly deflated, there is a feeling of retreat.

His face changed and he immediately changed his hand. The gun tip was picked, and he took a pick from the bottom to pick up Fang Xingjian.

This pick not only uses Ferdinand's own strength, but also retains the speed and strength of the stab, and the principle of leverage.

If this pick is on the modern battlefield, it is enough to fly a tank directly.

In the face of this gun, Fang Xingjian is still a slanting thorn, Jianguang flashing, Ferdinand only feels a long gun mad, like a fiercely struggling giant, constantly wanting to detach from his hand, then he feels The palm of your hand was light, and the weapons in your hand had already flown out.

"What? How is it possible?" Ferdinand looked at the rifle on the ground unbelievably: "I started practicing guns at the age of six. The first thing I did was to grab the long gun. I am holding the gun now, unless I am willing, even if I am willing, Ten wild buffaloes are impossible to take away. How did he do it? I didn't feel the tremendous strength to fight."

Seeing the stagnation of Ferdinand, Fang Xingjian said faintly: "Whether it is boxing, swordsmanship, or shooting, it is the use of musculoskeletal blood and viscera. There are naturally many similarities.

You just played as a dragon, playing most of your own strength, but there will still be flaws.

I saw your shot, first stabbed and picked, and it was a penetrating force. You need to twist the strength of your body into a real dragon.

In this gun, you used a few large muscles in your legs, waist, shoulders and arms, as well as the strength of the internal organs and blood.

Regardless of the utilization rate, although you have enough bones to consolidate, but the strength of blood and blood still has a small flaw, but this is not a problem of moves, your own chest is slightly wider than the average person, the left atrium of the atrium a little. ”

When he heard this, Ferdinand was surprised. He also knew the weakness of his gunwork. He was a little bit worse about the viscera and qi and blood. This was also the instructor of his family's elders and colleges and he mentioned.

But he did not expect to play against it once, Fang Xingjian can see it, and even pointed out that his atrial left depends on a little bit of relationship. What kind of eyesight is this?

But it is one thing to see it. If you want to improve, you can only rely on a little cultivation, and slowly put your own strength into the body and outside, and truly control the internal and external forces.

This is a long-term project, and even a lot of knights with over 100 strengths can't really master every strength of the whole body, body and body.

However, Fang Xingjian saw his expression, did not say anything, but a flash of Jianguang in the blink of an eye, has been shot on his waist.

Ferdinand started a glimpse of it, just about to fight back, but the strength of the body, but it was a slight glimpse.

In the ear of his voice came the sound of Fang Xingjian: "Keep this power."

This spurt went directly along Ferdinand's viscera, blood vessels, all the way to his arm, and finally even with Ferdinand's own muscle strength, direct arm piercing, made a banging sound .

"This... this is the capacity of the shot." Ferdinand's eyes flashed in surprise.