Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 234: 擂台(3)月票3366

Looking at the splendid galaxy around the world, Holt said faintly: "Do you know? A long time ago, this starry sky above our head, there have been countless miles of the Milky Way, and my killing Star River Storm is According to this creation."

The knight's body is extremely strong, and the bone marrow is many times stronger than the average person, as is stem cells and osteoblasts.

So their bones grow faster, they are more difficult to fracture than ordinary people, and fractures are better.

Holt's Milky Way is made up of countless bone cells, which are eliminated from his body every day. After the catastrophe of the Star River Storm, they enter the power of the etheric fan.

Holt's Star River Storm is updated every day according to his bone cells, and it will be rotated almost every 10 days, which means that the intensity of his Star River Storm grows with his growth.

Now Holt is a 19th-level pinnacle knight. The Star River Storm, which is composed of his body bone cells, is naturally the level of the 19th level.

Although Manny didn't know the power of the Milky Way storm, he looked at the comet that filled the audience and shimmered with silver and brilliance, and the brain constantly felt extreme danger.

Holt stood in the center of the Milky Way storm and looked at the stars around the river: "Dancing, Star River."

boom! The next moment, the entire Milky Way storm seems to have changed from a calm sea to a tropical storm. The Milky Way rises into the sky and directly hits Manny with the tsunami-like power.

Any one of the light spots is because of the intensity of the 19th-level lower-level soldiers. The power is like a bullet, and his number is dense, and the strength of the combination is like a sea. It is not a flesh-and-blood body that can compete.

With a loud bang, Manny’s location was completely overwhelmed by the Star River Storm, but Holt turned his head and looked at his right side. Manny didn’t know when he had sprinted here.

The slap of the palm of the hand hit the air, and the violent gravity field landed directly on Holt's body. It was like a crane smashing down. Holt's week showed obvious air ripples around him. The Galaxy Storm was all squeezed to the ground in an instant.

The earth under the foot of Holt slammed through numerous cracks. The whole person's foot went deep into the ground three inches, but he was still unharmed, not to mention the injury, even the spine was not bent.

"You attacked me again?" He smiled, and the Surrounding Star River Storm seemed to be inspired again, and he was surrounded by Manny in all directions.

A loud bang, the endless silver light slammed into it, as if Mars hit the Earth, and it was like tens of thousands of thunders ringing at the same time.

But when the Galaxy retreated, it exposed a dark black wall.

Before Manny was besieged, he punched the ground around him and then strengthened it with gravity, blocking the attack of the Star River Storm.

But it only blocked the blow. In just one second, the Star River storm hit again, and hundreds of thousands of puncture attacks per second directly smashed the entire earth wall.

Manny leaped high and escaped the attack of the Star River Storm. Holt laughed at the other side's actions. He just put his hands in the knight's costume from beginning to end, watching the Star River storm attacking each other at random. .

At this time, Manny leaped high, and countless light spots gathered under Manny, waiting for the fatal blow of the other side.


"The attack intensity, attack range, and attack speed of the Star River Storm are too strong. Jumping in the air is a dead end."

"Is this the strength of Holt? I have thought that Fang Xingjian will become the first. It is really too small to see God-level inheritance."

When these thoughts appeared in the minds of all the audience, Manny’s mouth jumped into the sky with a smile, and seemed to feel the countless regrets, marvels, and ridiculous eyes.

Just as he was slower and slower, and he was about to rise to the highest point of the jump, his hands jerked toward the left and right, and the whole person had stopped in the air like a freeze.

Holt smiled: "Sure enough, can you control your own gravity? But it can't win without floating."

Manny from the channel: "Your Star River storm is really powerful. It can be said that if you just hit me, you will be able to kill me in minutes, but the shortcomings are obvious."

Holt looked curiously at Manny and asked, "What?"?

"That is their strength is very high, but the strength is not enough! Otherwise, it is impossible for me to break through my defense." In the speech, Manny clasped his hands together and killed the king of the law. In an instant, the entire ring was all The gravity ripples of the strands are wrapped up, and the air in the naked eye is exploding. The gravity on the entire platform is growing rapidly.

The ground did not break, and the originally inactive Star River storm gradually calmed down, as if a strip of seven-inch snakes had been killed and pressed to the ground.

Manny’s sweat on his forehead continued to flow out. Thanks to the insights on the monuments of the gods, he was able to display the overweight field of this recruiting king.

Now that he is in the air, the Star River Storm, which is suppressed by gravity, can't attack him at all, and Holt can only passively be attacked by him.

‘It’s difficult to really beat him, but if you can suppress him like this and try to get him out of the field...’

Just as Manny thought about it, he saw Holt’s smile again.

"It turns out that you seem to have misunderstood something." Holt faintly said, and he licked his bangs and said with a smile: "Do you know? When I was practicing in the Wanxing Palace, the basics of all places there. The state is more than ten times the gravity."

"So your attack is actually useless to me."

"As for the weakness of the so-called Star River Storm." The next moment, Holt's eyes have a silvery light, as if there is a star river in his eyes.

"I just didn't manipulate him. If I really manipulated him, then it would be like this..."

The voice did not fall, I saw the starry river on the ground bursting out ten times the brightness of the silver light, and then it seems that a beam of light rises to the sky, completely covering Manny's body.

In the screams, Manny, who was bloody, fell off the field, but his fists were clenched again before he fell.

Holt's face changed slightly, his gravity was reversed in an instant, and the whole person seemed to rise like a rocket, and it had already flown out in a flash.

Manny slowly floated in the air, and the **** face laughed.

Even if the other party can come back later, but the high-altitude hurricane, the atmosphere, has already blown him out, he is absolutely impossible to return to its original position.

This is already Manny's last resort.

“Have you won?” Manny stared at the smaller and smaller black spots in the sky, feeling that the other party had pulled out the range of gravity he could control.

The next step is that the upper body slowly decreases in speed and then begins to fall. At the same time, it is blown by the hurricane in the sky and completely deviates from the arena.

Just as Manny thought about it, Holt’s eyes in the sky suddenly flashed a glimmer of light.

The killing of the star is projected. (To be continued.)