Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 253: Study (monthly ticket 3866)

Fang Xingjian’s skill is 90,000 gods. [

90,000 gods flash, this set of swords is the use of degrees, footwork, light, shadows to create a visual, auditory error, each sword hit, all produce a phantom, it is said that in the end can produce thousands of phantom.

With the power of the etheric fan, these illusions will be physical, and even more powerful is that practitioners can exchange positions between the body and the phantom anytime and anywhere.

Of course, the phantom can't leave the practitioner's distance of one kilometer.

Fang Xingjian valued this set of killing methods. The first reason is that this is a set of swordsmanship killing method. Fang Xingjian’s swordsmanship talent is the best in the world. Naturally, you must choose the method of killing swordsmanship. This is how to cultivate quickly and infinitely. , constantly enhance their own killing power.

The second reason is because this set of 90,000 gods has both offensive and defensive, and it is related to light and degree, which is very suitable for his current glory.

In fact, the "Blood Runaway" is also a favorite of the killing Fang Xingjian. It can bleed the blood, change the shape, and transform into a state of violent walking, greatly enhancing its five-dimensional attributes.

It is a pity that this is a kind of ‘transformation’ killing method. Like this kind of killing method that needs to change the shape, there are high requirements for endurance quality and flexibility. Fang Xingjian still can't meet the requirements.

As a knight of the degree class, he is more suitable for those who use the footwork and degree to create lethality.

Then Fang Xingjian told the maid to the side: "I will choose 90,000 gods to flash, what do you do next?"

The maid said, "There will be a teacher who will practice 90,000 gods and flashes to guide you here for a while."

Fang Xingjian nodded and sat down in the small courtyard to rest. He knows that although the State College is the place to train the Knights of the title, it is impossible for each teacher to be the title knight, and it is even more impossible for the teacher who is the knight to stay in the college.

The teachers of the title knights in the entire college have a lot of names. The actual teaching is only about half of them, and each of them has many own industries, families, and forces behind them, so most of them just need to come to teach. After a while, most of the time is outside.

Of course, there are also some knights who are obsessed with martial arts and have stayed in the college. They pursued the martial arts and also served as teachers. These people have been in the college.

After waiting for about two hours, a head was in a mess, and it looked like it was not trimmed. The old man who couldn’t see the Cavaliers looked in. When he came in, he looked at Fang Xingjian casually and said, "You are the candidate for this session. It’s still calm.”

Fang Xingjian brows a little pick, this old man seems to know that he is a knight who indulges in martial arts. It is not surprising that he is not clear about his identity. This is so addictive to the martial arts, ignore the outside world, and even the sword that Fang Xingjian does not know. There are too many crazy knights.

Imagine that they are studying martial arts every day. It is not enough to study the etheric fans for 24 hours. How can they care about the outside world all the time they are obsessed with cultivation, especially the state-selected things for these standing knights In fact, it is even more trivial.

Because it is usually a few years or even decades after the same state can choose to help the Cavaliers grow up to help them.

The old man looked at Fang Xingjian and didn’t say hello. He said with an impatient face: "I have a lot of things. I have taught you to leave again. If you have any problems, practice yourself."

After he finished, he took a hand and broke a branch directly in his hand, or the sword was recruited.

"The 90,000 gods flash, the most important thing is the footwork, the use of swordsmanship and the etheric geek. This set of killings is left by the Shinshenism that was destroyed three hundred years ago. It was collected by the royal family for decades. It is a The door is very high-level killing, you have not really two turns to practice it must be difficult."

"The 90,000 gods are the avatars of the gods, called the gods and devils, each of which is an entity injected by the etheric fan."

While talking, the old man danced the branches, the whole person shook a little, and already divided a demon avatar, the two figures in the hands of the branches to fight, constantly slamming the light.

"First, I will teach you the footwork. The whole set of 90,000 gods and devils will have a total of 128 footworkes. They will be coherent and connected. Only through the transformation of this step can the gods and devils be completed."

"Then is the control of the etheric fan, the etheric fan is the wave, you have to pay attention to the frequency, there is a flaw here, that is, the same frequency as your sword.

The reason why the 90,000 God Magic Flash is a set of swordsmanship is because he has changed the frequency of the person through this set of swords to differentiate the devil. ”

While talking, the old man will perform all the footwork of the 90,000 gods, and the sword moves. Although his tone and expression are very impatient, the drill is still relatively complete, at least there is no omission of one stroke. It took a full three hours to completely mention every detail.

"Well, I finished, you remember to remember, if you can't remember, you can apply to the library to read the information, don't bother me any more."

After that, he began to practice the 90,000 gods flashing, but he could feel the tenderness and youthfulness between the swords. At first glance, he knew that he had just started practicing and was very unskilled.

He laughed and said: "Haha, do you think this set of swordsmanship is easy? This is the killing method of the title knight, the killing of the second turn.

It’s all about urging the world’s great powers and exchanging energy with the etheric fans. It’s not as simple as the one you’ve learned before.” When the last two words were finished, the old man suddenly stopped.

Because when the old man said the first sentence, Fang Xingjian's sword method has become more sophisticated, as if he had practiced for several months.

At the end of the second half of the sentence, Fang Xingjian’s 90,000 demon flashes are already very smooth, and all the tricks and ones meet the most standard requirements. Even the most rigorous teachers can’t pick the slightest problem, just like they have already practiced. It has been the same for several years.

Then in the eyes of the old man's surprise, Fang Xingjian's body swayed, and a demon avatar flashed out. Then the avatar and the body began to attack each other. The banshee in the hand collided with each other and made a loud noise.

However, after several consecutive collisions, the demon avatar disappeared and Fang Xingjian stopped. He said to himself: "It is not consistent with my habits. I can change it slightly."

Speaking, the sword in his hand waved, and he began to change the sword of the 90,000 gods, and played the same move five times in a row. Every time there was a slight change. After the fifth time, his body suddenly flashed. After a trace of change, another demon avatar flashed out. No matter how it looks, the momentum and movements are countless times more than the last time. It is many times true.

The old man looked at it all incredulously and said: "You... are you really practicing the 90,000 gods flash for the first time?" He almost thought that the other party had already learned it. This is to pretend that he had never learned.

But thinking about the other side's initial movements, the immature changes are definitely not casually installed.

The next moment, the Wushu teacher of this state college rose up and couldn't help but ask: "What is your name, your talent is very good? How, do you want to go to my swordsmanship team to help?" (To be continued.) 8