Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 778: Gather

The palace of the Crick royal family is located in the sky of the Imperial Capital. The gold is the city and the white clouds are the earth. It is like the legendary **** and heaven.

At this time, among the palaces, there are countless masters sitting in the town. There are more than 100 second-ranking knights, dozens of semi-god-level powerhouses, and two god-level masters sent from the shackles. The entire palace is as safe as an iron bucket.

Just in the depths of the palace, a huge golden hall stands in the sky. The entire hall is ten meters high and has a length and width of more than a kilometer. The floor, walls, pillars and ceilings of the hall are all made of gold, and the temple is also engraved. Things like animals, fish, birds, flowers, people, dragon snakes, etc., are like embracing the whole world, giving people a magnificent sense of grandeur.

Among the halls at this time, the lord of the empire, the strongest of the creeks, Alexander, sits alone on the throne in the center of the hall. He is wearing a yellow robe with a solemn expression. The tall, straight back is like a javelin. A pair of broad shoulders seems to hold up the entire sky.

Just behind the lord of the empire, the lord of the ancient Inferno, the Pluto of one of the ten great god-level powers of the empire stood up and the whole man was shrouded in darkness, as if his whole person had become pure darkness. .

Alexander is as eye-catching as the sun, always emitting his own light and heat, proclaiming his existence and his majesty to the whole world.

And the king of Pluto is like the shadow behind the sun, always hiding his own edge, but with the darkness to bring out the light and heat of the sun, and to wipe out all the opposing forces in the darkness. Being able to remain dark under the sun's illumination is a sign of his strength.

This brother, a younger brother, a monarch and a minister, stood so close, revealing a tacit understanding of the unclear, and even a feeling of being integrated.

And under Alexander and Pluto, they also stood two.

The first person wearing a black robe, a white hair, the whole person is as thin as a cockroach, making people wonder if the other person is a dry corpse, will not fall down.

However, no one in the audience dared to despise the old man, just because he was the strongest person who had dominated the mainland for hundreds of years and led the Wizards Association for decades, and the black robe wizard, the black witch king.

When he became famous in the past, and the King of the Holy See and the Son of the Holy Spirit, the other people present were probably not born yet.

Since the change of heaven and earth, the Black Witch King has never really personally handed it over, so no one knows the extreme master of the past and the mainland. After suffering the changes in the world, its strength is ruthless. The horrible power contained in the thin flesh.

Behind the Black Witch King is a geek with a height of nearly 3 meters. The reason is that it is a weirdo, because this person is not only taller than 3 meters, but also has two long horns on his head. The layer of grayish-white cuticles wraps out the evil ecstasy of the devil.

Behind the geek, there is a tail that is more than two meters long, constantly shaking the air and making a bang.

He looks very similar to Fang Xingchen, who is practicing red magic. But he has to add more tyrannical, ferocious and evil atmospheres, giving people a kind of intimate sense of inhumanity. Let the Alexander and the Pluto on the stage look uncomfortable.

This geek officially cultivates the strongest of the red-black magic, and brings the body infinitely close to the appearance of the evil spirit of the red, the red witch king among the four great witches.

It is said that this person is not only gifted, but also powerful, but also born with a trace of human cruelty. When he was only five years old, he killed all his parents and brothers. After that, he lived alone in the mountains and lived like a tiger and wolf.

Without any cultivation, he has the ability to play against a knight.

After he was surrendered by the Black Witch King and tested for his ability to practice red magic, he became a pro-disciple of the previous generation of Red Witch King.

This cultivation can be said to be a haircut, and the hidden animal nature, cruel and deceitful character in his body is too fit. In just a few years, the whole person has grown into a horn, claws, The stratum corneum and tail, the whole body's body is constantly evolving toward a non-human state.

And with the changes in the flesh, the personality that was originally full of animal nature has also rapidly changed, becoming more and more cruel and more and more cold-blooded.

It is said that the Red Witch King gave up all the human food when he was practicing the second year of his cultivation. He went hunting for blood food every day and directly ate it.

All kinds of violent animals, no cows, sheep, horses and snakes, have failed to escape his attempts, and the wildness on his body is getting heavier and heavier.

The change in personality drives the progress of cultivation, making the body more inhuman, and the change in the flesh is more stimulating his character, making him more and more like the legendary red god.

Until 50 years ago, a large number of missing and corpse cases were found in the territory of the Wizards Association.

In the beginning, the high-level associations of the association suspected the gray-robed wizards who loved human experiments and sacrifices.

But the previous generation of the Red Witch King discovered it unintentionally that it was the most proud apprentice of his own to do these things. After his apprentice tried to swallow countless violent animals, he finally got his mind on humanity. .

"Why are you eating people?"

“It’s curious at first, so many things have been tasted, I want to try to see what the flesh smells.”

"That is human, it is human! Even if it is a violent animal, I know that I don't eat it!"

"Is it? Many animals will eat their own young children. Animals all over the world can eat. Why can't humans eat? What special things do you have? The taste of eating, the difficulty of capturing, the expression before death, and There is no difference between other animals."

"Hey animals, I have to clean up the portal today."

A big battle was strongly suppressed by the Black Witch King and became the most secret of the Wizarding Association. At least a few people know.

But what surprised people was that the previous generation of Red Witch King was defeated, and even more than half of the body was eaten.

Later, it was the black witch who forcibly saved the person, and even pushed the corpse and the disappearance to the gray-robed wizard, which had a great influence on the chaos of the earth temple in the next 20 years.

For so many years, the Red Witch King has been under house arrest in the Wizarding Tower. The sorcerer of the red and black veins has always been the leader of the Black Witch King.

Until this time the evil spirit ritual, the Black Witch King finally released the real demon in front of him.

Engage in the annual meeting, today is a chapter, and the rest of the Mingtiantianbu (to be continued.)