Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 14: rescue

In Li Zixuan's first trash can, there were several empty wine bottles, a pile of broken porcelain pieces, broken glass and other broken and damaged things.

Su Yutan thought: Li Zixuan should have a big temper a few days ago.

Su Yutan took a sigh of cold air when another dumpster was opened.

Because there are several pieces of used children's diapers in this bin, as well as a pile of children's toys, children's books, children's drawing tools, and some torn pieces of drawings.

She reluctantly spelled out those drafts, and felt that from the perspective of strokes and ideas, 99% were real children's works.

A lone woman, a lone woman who hasn't been away for more than 20 days, how can there be these things in the trash can at home?

Children's toys, children's books, etc. may also be old objects.

But the used children's diapers can be almost 100% explained: Li Zixuan has a child hidden at home!

Suddenly she suffocated. Because she found blood on some of the pieces!

Unfortunately, the social worker is not equipped with a genetic quick comparison instrument, otherwise she can check immediately whether these bloodstains have been used by a missing child.

Through these things, it is basically possible to piece together a terrible fact-Li Zixuan's family has a child who has been hidden from view of the sun, and this child has been and is being injured.

She couldn't help thinking of her past experiences.

The sound of "popping" whipping was awakened from memory and began to echo in Su Yutan's mind.

Her body seemed to feel the pain of being whipped again. After a lapse of more than ten years, that painful memory is still so clear and unforgettable.

She felt a little out of breath, her hands shaking, her legs soft.

She thought: Is the child in Li Zixuan's family just like her back then, hoping that someone can save herself?

After a while, her mood calmed down.

She reported to the police with a trembling voice—the social worker only has the investigative power and no arrest power. If you need to arrest someone suspected of a crime, you need the cooperation of the police.

She then urgently contacted her top boss, Tang En, to explain the situation.

"I need an urgent search warrant from the court and the support of a prosecution lawyer!" She told Tang En.

Don't hide the surprise on Tang En's face.

After a few seconds, he coughed and said, "I didn't expect that you would be so keen on being a social worker the first day ... wait for two minutes for me to see the evidence you passed back."

Su Yutan had to wait patiently.

Taking advantage of this, she resealed the two bins to keep evidence.

Within two minutes, Tang En told her: "The evidence is enough to apply for an emergency search warrant, and I will apply immediately. You should wait for the police and search warrant in the community. Do not act privately, pay attention to safety, and keep evidence."

Emergency search warrants are usually issued only in cases involving minors and missing persons.

Its most significant significance is to reduce the case handling procedure as much as possible and strive to rescue the victim's time.

The court has magistrates on duty 24 hours a day.

After receiving the application, they can review preliminary evidence within 10 minutes, issue an electronic emergency search warrant and deliver it online.

The principle of issuing an emergency search warrant is not "adequate evidence", but "the suspect must be investigated."

The evidence submitted by Su Yutan is enough to apply for this search warrant.

After ending the call, Su Yutan remotely activated his flying saucer parked at Fusheng Hospital and asked the flying saucer to come and pick him up.

Today is Monday, and it is not yet time to get off work. There are many vacancies in the underground dishhouse of Ginkgo Community, and her flying saucer can fly directly to the community's dishhouse to park.

Then, holding the two boxes of **** with some effort, she walked out of the **** warehouse and returned the command card of the handling robot to the manager.

After the manager closed the door of the garbage depot, he said diligently, "These two dustbins are heavy and dirty. Let me help Miss Su move it?"

"Thank you for the manager." Su Yutan held the garbage bin in his hand. This dustbin is heavy and is not the key evidence.

She herself was holding the one with the diaper—in this, the key evidence.

Su Yutan waited in the library on the ground floor.

When the flying saucer came over, she put two trash cans into the saucer trunk, locked the door, and signed the handover documents handed in by the property management manager.

An emergency search warrant (electronic version) issued by the court was sent to Su Yutan's smart watch.

At the same time, two police flying saucers also flew into the underground saucer in a low profile, and eight heavily armed policemen jumped out of the saucer.

Su Yutan hurried to meet with them: "Did you receive the emergency search? I have already received it."

The headed police officer nodded: "Received. Miss Su Yutan, right?"

Su Yutan quickly showed him his credentials: "I am!"

The headed police officer looked at her document and took out her own document and handed it to her: "My name is Morris, you call me old Mo."

After confirming the identities of the two parties, Morris told Su Yutan: "You follow us and follow our instructions. Generally, people who falsify identity information and hide children will also involve other crimes. ... Holding prohibited weapons. Understand? "

Su Yutan nodded again and again: "Relax! I won't bother you."

Two policemen stood by the elevator.

Su Yutan followed the other six policemen and climbed the stairs to the 13th floor where Li Zixuan lived.

The entire 13th floor was quiet, without any abnormalities.

A policeman took out a fluoroscopy device and wanted to see what happened to Li Zixuan's home, but found that the walls and the door had a good anti-perspective layer, and the fluoroscopy device could not see anything.

Another policeman with a handsome face took out a computer that looked very professional, connected the computer to the smart access control, and quickly tapped his finger on the keyboard.

In less than 10 seconds, the policeman made a swear word: "lie! This girl is an expert!"

With an ugly expression on his face, he hugged the computer and quickly withdrew: "The alarm bell is triggered, and I can only storm!"

Morris directly let the hot bombs explode, blasted the door of Li Zixuan's house, and then led someone into it.

A few minutes later, a policeman came out and beckoned Su Yutan in: "We found the child!"

Su Yutan quickly followed.

This is a three-bedroom, two-living, two-bath house. The house is dirty and messy.

Li Zixuan was so drunk that her hands were shackled, but she was still lying on the sofa and she didn't know what she was doing. The purring sound was very rhythmic.

A policeman took the searched out pile of prohibited weapons and said to Morris a little later, "Fortunately, this **** was drunk and unconscious! Otherwise, let's have a few brothers, and say half of them today. If not good, one or two will be accounted for. "

The Qingxiu policeman, who had just been beaten in computer technology, was somewhat surprised and excited to poke a head out of a bedroom and shouted, "This lady is a connoisseur in the house! Come on! Look, the public surveillance network has completely turned into her back garden! "

Morris stood at the door of a room and said to Su Yutan, "The child is in this room."

Su Yutan walked quickly and looked in that room.

This is a ten-square-meter house, no windows, and only two small vents.

The entire room, whether it's the ceiling, wall, floor, or door, is surrounded by a layer of highly resilient soundproofing material.

In such a room, even if the child shouted his throat, cried his throat, or broke his leg, no neighbor would hear any noise.

In this room, Li Zixuan can do whatever he wants with the child, without having to worry about which neighbor will hear the cry of the child and report the incident in an eventful manner.

Judging from the old and new materials and the degree of wear, the sound insulation treatment of this room has been done for at least several years.

In other words: a child has been imprisoned in this dark room for several years.

There was no bed or furniture in the room, only a mattress, several storage boxes, a trash can and a small wooden toilet.

There should be faeces in the small toilet, because the whole room is permeated with feces.

A little ... boy with messy hair? Su Yutan is not sure.

The child hid behind a storage box, showing only a pair of eyes, looking at them curiously and in horror.

"I was afraid to go in to scare the child, so I had to stand at the door and wait for you to go in." Morris whispered to Su Yutan, and there was very obvious anger in his tone.

Obviously, this child's possible encounter and situation have greatly stimulated him.

This situation made Su Yutan constantly think of those painful memories of childhood.

She needs great efforts to ignore the flashing pictures, barely control her emotions, and maintain the rationality and patience of a social worker.

"Hi! Can I come in?" Su Yutan stood at the door, waving a smile to the child.

The child shuddered and shrank, and the whole man hid behind the storage box.

"You don't speak. I promise you?"

After speaking, she waited for about 30 seconds, and saw that the child was still hiding behind the storage box, and walked in slowly. "I came in!"

She knelt down on the other side of the storage box, propped her elbow on the cover of the storage box, and looked at the child across the box.

Then she said, "Let me tell you a story!"

The child was lying on the back of the storage box, motionless, his body trembling slightly.

"You don't object, I promise you!" Su Yutan said with a smile, "On the **** planet in the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a strange group of people. Among these strange people, there is a stranger nine. Little boy, his name is Gamma ... "

Su Yutan is now learning and selling, watching the introduction of the diversity plot, and began to talk about "Wandering All Stars" that I just learned a little today.

She knows very few children's stories. Since "Wandering All Stars" can swept the entire Earth Alliance, this story must be very attractive to children.

Moreover, the gamma in the story was adopted by his parents who killed his star thief, was strictly trained as a future star thief, and was often beaten and punished. It has something in common with the life and situation of this little boy, which should be more likely to cause Resonance of the little boy.

She should use the story to attract the child's attention and it should be very effective.

Sure enough, she talked for less than ten minutes, and the child stopped shaking and stood up to look at her.

Curious and focused light flashed in those big dark eyes.

Su Yutan found that this was indeed a little boy.

His clothes were messy and his face was dirty.

His cheeks and corners of his mouth were swollen, and they should have been slapped hard.

There was a scar on his forehead, and it should have been scratched by something.