Part-time as God of the Heavens

v4 Chapter 20: Rejoice

Hearing this, Norrington dared not say any more. He was just a little embarrassed and didn't know how to report this to his superiors.

Speaking of achievements, of course it is impossible to avoid talking about people who have done meritorious service.

There is no doubt that Zhou Yi is the absolute main force in this incident, and he is really a man to turn the tide.

Otherwise, Norrington does not feel that he and his men are capable of defeating these "immortal" pirates!

But now Zhou Yi doesn't want rewards, which means that Norrington can't write down this record... That person can't be killed by the air, right?攫欝攫

Fortunately, Zhou Yi saw Norrington's embarrassment.

"This is easy to handle," Zhou Yi said, "There is no need to write me up. Don't those soldiers believe that there are gods helping them? Then you can also'not know' about this matter and think that the gods helped you defeat them. With these pirates, of course, you also paid a lot in this incident, so it is reasonable to get rewards, right?"

"But, if so, you..."

"These things don't help me at all, but they will cause unnecessary trouble," Zhou Yi interrupted. "Okay, it's so decided. Hurry up and deal with the promotion of the Black Pearl. The battle is over. Don’t let other people be frightened by a captured ship."

Having said that, Zhou Yi turned around and left. When he returned to the Black Pearl, he found that Barbossa was still staying there motionless according to his previous orders.

Norrington also reacted immediately and began arranging soldiers to guard the port and explaining to the people that all the pirates on the Black Pearl had been killed by "Miraculous Coming", and the Black Pearl had become a trophy, but It is certain to prevent people from approaching.

"Let's go," Zhou Yi took Barbosa, disappeared invisibly into the air, got off the Black Pearl, and then returned to the tavern all the way, "I will take you to meet your future colleague... also my tavern. Employees."

"Your orders are my wishes, boss." Barbosa has obviously adapted to his identity.


"No, absolutely not!" Barbosa jumped up directly.

"Why not?" Zhou Yi looked at Barbossa.

"He he he he, he is my mortal enemy!" Had it not been for Zhou Yi's presence, Barbossa might have drawn his saber or gun to the drunk and snoring Jack Sparrow in front of him. Gun out.

"Rivals mean mutual understanding between each other. Haven't heard of a saying that the one who knows you best is always your enemy?" Zhou Yi waved his hand and said that this is not a problem at all. Can we achieve a better cooperation effect!"

"..." Barbosa wanted to say something, but soon realized his current situation, so he calmed down, "I'm fine, but he..."

It's definitely not because Zhou Yi glanced at him, definitely not!

"Then let him wake up and ask." Zhou Yi said, hovering his hand on Jack's head, and after a while, Jack woke up.

Drunkenness is nothing more than that ethanol is fat-soluble, can quickly pass through the brain barrier, enter the brain nerve cell membrane, and can act on certain enzymes on the membrane, which affects the function of brain cells, thereby affecting the central nervous system and causing slow reactions. , Dizzy, or even directly drunk.

The most effective way to solve this problem is metabolism, that is, "digestion", which is actually to let the hangover enzymes in the body solve the effects of those compounds on nerve cells.

What Zhou Yi did was to directly speed up this process and directly speed up the operation speed of all aspects of Jack's body functions, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid sobering.

Of course, some sweat is inevitable. Although Zhou Yi uses magic to solve this problem, magic is also an alternative science. Matter will never disappear out of thin air, but will only change from one form to another. It’s just a form.

Subsequently, Zhou Yi asked Barbossa to fetch a basin of water to make Jack sober.

Obviously, Barbosa was very happy to do this, and immediately went over to fetch water, and then ruthlessly splashed it all on Jack's face... There was even a little bit of meaning left. #21434#21437#32#21486#21486#23567#35828#32#100#105#110#103#100#105#110#103#120#105#97#111#115#104#117#111#46 #99#111#109#32#21434#21437

"Hmm..." Jack covered his face and removed the water stains from his face. He was surprised to find that he was not dizzy, but rather awake, without any side effects other than being a little cold.

Wait, why is it cold?

Jack turned his head and took a look, and suddenly saw the man staring at him with an empty bucket still dripping...Hector Barbosa!

Those who took away their boats and exiled themselves to deserted islands!

Jack had no time to think too much and watch too much, subconsciously drew out the long sword around his waist, jumped up, and stabbed it with one sword.巘戅丁丁

Even in this state, he still remembers the curse of gold coins. Barbossa should still be immortal at this time, so using a gun is useless.

The last bullet in his gun is to wait until the curse on him is lifted and he can be killed before killing him!

Barbossa did not resist, and allowed Jack's sword to pierce his heart. He smiled and looked at Zhou Yi: "Look at the boss, Captain Jack Sparrow without a boat does not seem to want to be your loyal employee with me. What..."

"Boss?" Jack reacted, turning his head, and suddenly saw Zhou Yi on the side.

"Your future colleague," Zhou Yi said, "I don't think I need to introduce it anymore."

"I really don't need to introduce it anymore. This disgusting man not only took my boat, but also exiled me to the desert island. IMHO, boss, he is definitely not a suitable candidate for his subordinates." Jack reacted and squeezed. Lanhua finger pulled out half of the long sword that was inserted into Barbosa's heart... and then stuck it in again, repeatedly back and forth.

"...Look at the boss!" Barbosa saw that he could not provoke Jack's anger, but he was a little darkened by Jack's thrusting back and forth, so he pulled out Jack's sword and pushed it away. He obviously intends to go against your words! You see, there is any need for such a disobedient subordinate, it is better to let me kill him directly for you! Don't worry, my ability is definitely better than him!"

"Don't you feel ashamed to tell such a lie?" Jack sneered. "I'm the great Captain Jack Sparrow!" 攫攝攫

"Yes, there is no captain of the ship!"

"Not because of your betrayal?"

"Since the crew is willing to betray you and choose me as the captain, isn't it because your ability is not as strong as mine?"

"That’s just because you don’t know that it’s a curse, and I don’t know that I don’t let you take those gold coins for your own good! Also, people like you, who are treachery and rebellious against the captain, will feel at ease to be a subordinate? I will find an opportunity to rebel again!"

"Fart, this time I will never!"

"Who believes? You can prove it by committing suicide if you have the ability!"

"Okay, suicide is suicide!"

"Who doesn't know that you are still under the curse of immortality? Have the ability to wait until the curse is lifted before committing suicide!"

"Why do I commit suicide after the curse is lifted?"


"Okay, let's stop it a bit." Zhou Yi stopped the quarrel between the pair of Huanxi friends.

If you don't stop it, they are afraid they will be able to quarrel until dawn tomorrow.

"..." Jack and Barbossa closed their mouths at the same time in a tacit understanding.

"You can try to commit suicide after the curse is lifted." Zhou Yi said a word first.

Jack immediately shook his orchid hand towards Barbosa, the triumphant expression in his eyes seemed to say: "Look, the boss finally chose me!"

Barbossa glared back and looked at Zhou Yi. There was a plea in his eyes, and even a gleam of sparkle appeared in his eyes... I have to say that compared to most actors, this acting skill is of a crushing level, at least Zhou Yi just can't look at it If you find any loopholes in acting, if you don’t read your mind and you know what Barbosa is, you might really be deceived.

"But don't worry, because you will eventually be resurrected." Zhou Yi said slowly.

As soon as he said this, Barbossa's eyes instantly turned complacent, and he looked at Jack as if he was saying: "Look, the boss is starting to value me, and I am not willing to die!"

Jack froze for a moment, folded his hands and looked at Zhou Yi, his facial expressions combined with upper body movements did not show any stiffness or flaws.

Zhou Yi: "..."

Okay, I know you are all capable actors!

"In short, you don’t have to fight for a boat...because after you become my subordinates, as long as you do what I say, or do not violate the rules I specify, after a period of time, you will only have counts. There are endless ships, you can drive the ship you want to drive, and build what you want to build.” Zhou Yi said a condition that cannot be rejected by any captain.

"Can it be faster than the Black Pearl?" 2

Jack and Barbossa asked in unison, and when they finished speaking, they glared at each other disgustingly, as if they were saying, "Why do you want to talk like me?"

The Black Pearl, a typical two-masted medium-sized sailboat, can reach a speed of about fifteen knots in a downwind. One nautical mile means one nautical mile per hour. One nautical mile is approximately 1.852 kilometers, that is, Black Pearl is one hour Sailing is about 15*1.852, which is about 27 kilometers.

Except for some special ships, the Black Pearl is known as the fastest ship!

However, for Zhou Yi...巘戅bXwX#戅

Can a sailboat be fast with mechanical power?

Even if limited by the limitations of the times and considering the development of civilization, Zhou Yi did not intend to bring those facilities over, wouldn't Zhou Yi have other ways to solve the problem?

Design an aerodynamic sailboat, no problem, right?

Add some magic drive, no problem, right?

There is indeed no mechanical power in this world now... but there is magic!

Moreover, according to Zhou Yi's preliminary investigation, the magic of this world is much more advanced than any world that Zhou Yi has experienced before!

After all, is just a cursed gold coin, and the magic above has the ability to "automatically absorb magic", "change the weather", "maintain life" and so on!

Not to mention, those "Flying Dutchman" can sail underwater, David Jones is immortal without a heart, and the sea **** trident with the curse of the ocean, etc. exist...

Furthermore, the most classic example, this world has the existence of the sea goddess Capso!

Although it is now in a sealed state, she has become an ugly black witch... But after all, it is a existence that can be called a god! #21434#21437#32#31508#19979#25991#23398#32#98#120#119#120#46#99#111#32#21434#21437

Zhou Yi has a hunch that he can learn a lot of useful things for him here!

"Of course it can." Zhou Yi said, "Double speed is fine."

ps: It's still a little late haha...