Passersby Through the Cannon Fodder of the End Times

Chapter 218: Stuffed into the dark spirit

"Don't kill time anymore, you won't come out again, when I find you, I will make you survive and die!" The old monster became more and more impatient, and his voice was getting closer. Ye Qingyu got up, trying to avoid the old monster. .

When Ye Qingyu remembered to get up, he realized that something was wrong. This was not her body, or it was not a body. This is a cloud of white mist! She was floating in the air, how to get up?

She felt cold before, and felt that she hugged herself tightly. It was all an illusion! She is just a cloud of white mist! She has no body! Ye Qingyu floated up, she didn't feel her feet hit the ground because she didn't have feet.

It also seems that there is no ground here, here is a white world, but she is floating!

Could it be that she is dead? Is this her soul? Looking at the environment here, it shouldn't be hell, but heaven?

"Unexpectedly, the little girl's knowledge of the sea is great!"

Ye Qingyu heard the voice of the old monster and suddenly realized something. Here is her sea of ​​knowledge, and what she is facing is the most common seizure in Xiuxian's novels? Ye Qingyu looked at her white ball, which was her soul, and shuddered at the feeling of being bitten by the old monster.

Ye Qingyu shivered, avoiding the old monster more carefully.

This is her sea of ​​consciousness. She has seen it with mental energy countless times, but it is completely different from what she has seen before. Could this be a corner that she hadn't noticed before? What about her space? As long as she finds the jade-colored lotus flower, she can temporarily not be threatened by the old monster.

No, no! Ye Qingyu dismissed the thought as soon as he thought. If you find the lotus space, isn't it that the space will be exposed to the old monster.

"Haha, the little girl is here."

Ye Qingyu turned around and saw a dark shadow floating towards him.

The old monster in the state of soul is still as dark as ever. But the old monster is not a group, but a woman. The face is thin, cheekbones are slightly higher, the corners of the eyes are raised, the dark red thin lips are not visible on the dark face, and he looks like he is in his 30s or 40s. It feels very mean.

I really like black. The Taoist robe on her body is still black. Maybe the old witch can't make any other colors. The reason why Ye Qingyu thought so was because the old witch's face was also black, as if she was poisoned. This soul is all black, how can it be transformed into a robe of other colors?

The image of the old monster is very similar to the old witch in the fairy tale "Snow White". Compared to the old monster, the old witch, Ye Qingyu now prefers to call her: the old witch!

"Little girl, come here obediently!"

Ye Qingyu floated away quickly, she was in vain, maybe she didn't need to bite, the black old witch could swallow her in one bite. Hurry up, hurry up! But no matter how hard she tried, the chilly voice followed. The old witch chased her like a cat and a mouse.

"Well, little girl, this is the end of the frolicking." The old witch opened her mouth and rushed towards her.

The old witch caught Ye Qingyu's soul at once, but the pain she had imagined did not come. The old witch held Ye Qingyu in one hand, and the fingers of the other hand moved quickly.

After the movement in the hands of the old witch stopped, Ye Qingyu could not float anymore, standing motionless.

"Hahaha...Let me take a look at the qualifications of this body like...Huh? How can there be magic weapons in the dantian?" The old witch regarded the supernatural power core in the dantian as her so-called magic weapon.

The old witch saw the internal force in her dantian and thought it was due to the internal force. The old witch murmured, "How can internal force refine magic weapons?!"

"No, this is not a magic does this feel like a spiritual root?!...this...this...this is a spiritual root?" The excited voice of the old witch trembled.

"No, no, no, this is not a spiritual root! What is this, what is this?" The old witch raised Ye Qingyu all of a sudden, grabbed Ye Qingyu with both hands excitedly, and shook her, "Say! Say it! In the dantian, that. What are the two flowers?!"

Ye Qingyu was swayed up and down by her, without saying a word.

"Ah, I forgot, you don't have a Nascent Infant, and your soul has no transformation! You can't speak! What is this? A flower like the root of the spirit, and the things inside are like spiritual power, what is this? What kind of cultivation method is this?"

"No, no, I have to master this body as soon as possible, I want to get your memory!"

The old witch clung to Ye Qingyu for a long time, talking to herself for a long time, and finally remembered what she was going to do! Ye Qingyu didn't know what the old witch did, only heard the old witch talk to herself.

Ye Qingyu couldn't see the outside scene, she only saw the old witch's face, which was a bit more ugly. The old witch spent a lot of power of divine consciousness, and the dark spirit on the altar quickly spun, and the black mist rolled along with it. As the dark spirit rotates, the black mist on the altar becomes lighter and lighter until it is completely absorbed by the dark spirit.

When the altar regained clarity, the dark spirit shrank instantly and disappeared between Ye Qingyu's eyebrows in the blink of an eye. The forty-nine jade stones on the altar made a crisp "Papa Papa......" sound, all of them lost their spiritual power and shattered.

The old witch recruited the dark spirit into Ye Qingyu's sea of ​​consciousness, flipped her fingers, pinched Ye Qingyu into the dark spirit by Shijue.

The old witch puts the dark spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness for nourishment. With the new body, not only her soul needs to adapt, but her destiny also needs to adapt.

When the old witch adjusted to the new body, Ye Qingyu's soul was stuffed into the dark spirit and entered a dark world! Ye Qingyu knew that this was the "spiritual ball". It was obviously a crystal ball. Why was it so dark inside?

Ah, Ye Qingyu suddenly realized that this "spiritual test" belongs to the old witch, and here is like the heart of the old witch, it is normal to be dark as black as ink.

Ye Qingyu hates darkness, and she desperately desires a gleam of light. She pried off a lot of star stones, but unfortunately they were all in the crystal space. She can't get this soul, and it's even more impossible to bring it into this ball.

The inky darkness dipped a little white soul, which felt very bad. Ye Qingyu felt that she was about to become a part of this darkness. She will be assimilated, she will dissolve in this darkness. But Ye Qingyu was helpless with the situation in front of him.

Is she going to die here? She once smelled the smell of death, the suffocation of dying, she has never forgotten it. Fortunately, I came to a new world and wrote a new chapter.

Here, she holds a good hand of cards, even if the original body is dead, she is confident to reverse. She never thought about replacing the heroine, she just wanted to be a passerby and live her own life.