Passersby Through the Cannon Fodder of the End Times

Chapter 499: Shenfa Diligent

Because ordinary monsters have territorial consciousness, it will exude its own coercive aura within its territory. Therefore, Ye Qingyu spotted this hurricane wolf first, but didn't hit it head-on. It was just the monster beast of the third-order peak, after all, it was the monster that was about to transform, and Ye Qingyu was also soon discovered.

The blast wolf suddenly increased its pressure on Ye Qingyu, and Ye Qingyu staggered and almost fell off the flying paper crane.

"Good guy, this is definitely more than the spiritual consciousness of the peak period!" Ye Qingyu resisted the pressure, tried to stabilize his figure, and the flying paper crane slowly landed slowly.

It was not that Ye Qingyu didn't want to leave, but that she could only land now, and the blast wolf poured all the pressure on Ye Qingyu's body. Even so, Ye Qingyu struggled to maintain his figure, and Hate Wind Wolf felt incredible. In its view, this weak human being should crawl on the ground under its coercion.

After Ye Qing landed, he threw a flag with great effort, gritted his teeth, took heavy steps, and moved forward to the next direction.

"Roar!" Looking at Ye Qingyu's still bouncing, the hurricane wolf suddenly became angry, roared, and jumped out of the hole. At this moment, Ye Qingyu only had the last three formation flags in her hand, and she tried to move quickly to the next direction.

Ye Qingyu wanted to be fast, but couldn't be fast, because the blast wolf had already jumped out of the hole, and a wind arrow pierced Ye Qingyu's head. Ye Qingyu's face was pale, and he tilted his head laboriously, and a strand of hair was chopped off by a wind arrow. Before Ye Qingyu could move, Dust Wind Wolf had already jumped over.

Ye Qingyu leaned sideways with difficulty, and Dust Wind Wolf tore a paw on Ye Qingyu's back. Ye Qingyu snorted, and the younger generation was in fierce pain, his clothes had been torn, and four scratches on his back were dripping with blood.

Ye Qingyu flew up and down and slammed into the next big tree at a very fast speed.

"Puff!" Ye Qingyu's injured back was hit again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Although her body refining was in the middle stage of the golden core, she was still injured by the monster at the peak of the golden core.

Ye Qingyu didn't have time to look at his wounds, his figure jumped up, but he still didn't completely avoid the wind arrow that the wind wolves followed. The wind arrow crossed his calf, and gurgling blood flowed out. An arrow was cut, and the tree fell to the ground.

Under adversity, human potential is unlimited, especially when unavoidable, dependent, and reliable, human potential will be stimulated. At this moment, Ye Qingyu's body style couldn't avoid the speed of Dust Wind Wolf at all.

The aura flashed, Ye Qingyu had no time to stop the bleeding, and transported the ice power, a piece of snowflakes drifted away from Ye Qingyu's hands. The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the snowflakes around Ye Qingyu gathered more and more. Dust Wind Wolf probably also realized that Ye Qingyu was going to fight back, and speeded up his attack on Ye Qingyu again. As a result, Ye Qingyu added three new injuries to his body.

That does not work! The formation of the snow environment is too slow, the speed must be accelerated! In thinking about how to speed up, Ye Qingyu took another claw.

"Hiss!" If Ye Qingyu was given time, she would definitely complain: I'm hurting my old lady! Unfortunately, she didn't even have time to complain.

Ye Qingyu remembered the scene when it was snowing, and had an idea in his mind.

The left hand pinch tactic: The spring weather transforms the rain, and black clouds gather in the sky. In an instant, the space is raining in full swing. This is the spell Ye Qingyu often uses to water Lingzhi in the space. Therefore, the spell is almost instantaneous.

At the same time, Ye Qingyu's right hand used the ice power to freeze the clouds and rain floating in the sky. After the iced cloud and rain, under the control of the ice element's ability, a piece of snowflakes fell one after another.

It's done! During this process, Ye Qingyu was beaten by the blast wolf again and sprayed two mouthfuls of blood. Ye Qingyu teased herself, and if she didn't change the situation, she probably vomited blood to death.

Ye Qingyu's figure was shot flying again by Dust Wind Wolf, but this time there was a smile on her mouth. Because she was slapped flying by Dust Wind Wolf several times, she also took the opportunity to put down the formation flag in her hand. At this moment, the direction Ye Qingyu crashed into was the direction of her last formation flag.

The last formation flag fell, Ye Qingyu went down with one hand, and the formation started. Hayate Wolf immediately felt his body heavier. This is the third grade gravity array, in order to slow down the speed of the storm wolf.

Ye Qingyu stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his broken sleeves, and carried "Like a Shadow" in the white snow. This set of shenfa was comprehended in the wind and snow before the birth of the ice palace secret realm.

It's just that she has been using this body method only in the ice and snow, and she put it on hold. Now, under the pressure of the hurricane wolf, and without advanced body skills, Ye Qingyu came up with a blizzard and snowy environment for himself.

She did it. In the environment she created, Ye Qingyu was even more handy. Her figure was erratic and faint. The hurricane wolf, which was suppressed by the formation, became even more manic.

Feeling the inconvenience of movement, the hurricane wolf roared. Pieces of wind arrows flew around desperately, and at the same time, their figure fluttered toward the illusory shadow, because it could not determine the position of Ye Qingyu's figure.


Well, Ye Qingyu just used the power of the wind and snow to hide his figure, not completely disappearing. Ye Qingyu would still be succumbed to this indiscriminate attack.

This sound of the flaws in the clothes being damaged gave the hurricane wolf the target to attack.

Ye Qingyu continued to transport "Like a Shadow", avoiding the attack of the hurricane wolf in the snow-covered formation.

Ye Qingyu dispelled the idea of ​​a quick fight, and the current situation is just right for practicing body skills. There was a suppressed Tier 3 pinnacle wind demon beast, and under the environment she arranged, it could no longer cause her fatal damage, and this coercion happened to be the best whetstone for her.

When I comprehended "Like a Shadow", there was no such a suitable environment for cultivation. Under the pressure of the hurricane wolf, under the pressure of the hurricane wolf, Ye Qingyu's figure disappeared faster and faster, and the afterimage of Ye Qingyu's figure began to appear in the entire formation.

From one afterimage, to two afterimages, four afterimages... Sixteen afterimages, and each afterimage stays longer and longer.

Sixteen figures appeared in front of the hurricane wolf, which made it even more irritable! The hurricane wolf was already very impatient. Being teased by a weak human being seriously provokes its majesty. Moreover, a creature like a wolf is smart, and it can feel that Ye Qingyu is threatening it.

Ye Qingyu knew that once a wolf was annoyed, he would ignore it. Ye Qingyu was afraid that the hurricane wolf would explode, but she had been bombed. Ye Qingyu dodges the unruly wind arrows of the hurricane wolf, while quickly compressing the mental force transforming needle, and poured all the wood elements into the sword-shaped shadow.