Path of Medicine With a System

v1 Chapter 110: Fire dragon

110 Fire Dragon

This temperate person is very likely to come, as long as Zhang Fan and Zhu Qianqian are on the night shift, he will send a small thing. What fruit, boxed milk. Anyway, as long as it is on duty, it will send something over.

Although Zhu Qianqian whispered, "Everything is worthless." But something is better than nothing. So she was also concerned about the patient number, and often reminded Zhang Fan to go to the rounds: "Dr. Zhang will be a surgical surgeon. Although the transfer is also a cut scene, but a special patient was managed in a department, and it will be the same for you in the future. Very helpful. "Zhu Qianqian's IQ is very high, but it is useless to the place!

Even if she didn't say it, Zhang Fan would go to the house regularly.

Returning to the dormitory in the evening, Zhang Fan read seriously and really wanted to have a future in the medical industry, he must strengthen the foundation. Where is the foundation? It's in the textbook. A textbook must be thoroughly understood. Zhang Fan is now paying back the bills, and the courses left by the university must be replenished.

The foundation laid down by the university, all came to retribution after work. What should I do if I fall behind? You must be beaten if you fall behind, then liver. Look over and over again.

In the city hospital, Ouyang was awakened by a call from his superior. "President Ouyang, I am the leader of the municipal party committee. To make a long story short, there are two seriously injured people on the way to the city hospital. You must mobilize the hospital's elite soldiers to rescue the injured Come here. This is a political task. "

Hanging up the phone, Ouyang Khan came down, she has a mobile phone number, only the leader knows, even family members do not know the number.

I did n’t dare to worry, I hurriedly called the hospital ’s on-duty leader, who happened to be the logistics director: “Now immediately, call the department ’s directors and deputy high-level doctors, and all come to the hospital. Go and pick up the head nurse and let the head nurses return to the hospital immediately. Quick. "

After speaking, she did not dare to let her husband get her to the hospital. Today is so special that she can't wait for the driver. When she arrived at the hospital, almost all the directors of the department had arrived, and very few head nurses had not yet arrived.

The directors are not too young. Most of them live in family hospitals built by the hospital, which is easy to convene. Ouyang said to the dean of the surgical department: "The superior called and said that two severely injured patients might be involved. You may have to perform an operation. You can see whether the surgical director is present."

"Both orthopedic directors have gone to Bird Market for a meeting. An expert group from Hong Kong Benevolence has come to Bird Market."

"How can this be, the deputy director is not here?"


"Hope it's not orthopedics."

It didn't take long for the sirens to be heard in the distance. Looking upstairs from the hospital, the police car opened in the distance, followed by professional vehicles like armored vehicles or troop carriers.

In the darkness, like a dragon with a fire, meandering. An empty field was cleared long ago in the hospital. Ouyang stood on the stairs of the emergency room, holding the microphone, and shouted sharply: "Open the door, the departments should be ready to count the first-aid medicines again. Each post should be in a state of readiness. Again, whoever hits the hospital rice bowl, I will Whose job is it! "

Seventy-eight minutes later, traffic police, ambulances, personnel carriers, and armored vehicles drove directly into the hospital. A group of soldiers jumped in the armored car, and the fireworks smell was particularly strong. Then slowly lifted out two stretchers from the car.

With a somber expression, the first person on the stretcher was covered in military uniform, as if he had died. The second stretcher was covered with blood. The ambulance held the hanging bottle and shouted, "Quick, the neck was shot, the blood pressure is gone. . "

The directors of each department acted as doctors in the emergency department, pushing the patients into the rescue room with the help of young doctors. All kinds of instruments and drugs are fast but not disturbed.

"Who is the leader here." An army green off-road vehicle stepped down a middle-aged man in military uniform. The expression can't see the emotions, but it can make people feel cold and seeing.

"I'm the dean." Ouyang didn't know how to call it. Looking at the other person's eyes, his voice was a little trembling.

The soldier looked at him and said, "Two serious injuries, one has died on the road. The other one will keep his life no matter what method you use."

"Yes, we will do our best."

"It's a must! I don't care what method you use, you must, to listen clearly is a must!" The voice was loud, and Ouyang was caught a bit by surprise. After a while, city leaders also came.

"How?" Ouyang asked after entering the rescue room.

Here, the director in the heart and the director outside the general are mainly supplemented by other section directors.

The director of Shenwai said: "The bullet is stuck between the seventh thoracic vertebra and the first thoracic vertebra. It just oppresses the artery and the medulla. It is estimated that the energy of the bullet has already damaged the arteries, and now it just jams and blocks the bleeding. The degree of damage to the medulla It's hard to judge. "

"In other words, can't the bullet be taken?"

"It depends on what the orthopedics say."

The first department of orthopedics is Lao Li, and the second department of orthopedics is Chen Qi. Lao Li shook his head in silence, Chen Qi said, "The problem is that now the impact of the bullet hurts and oppresses the medulla. If not taken, as the tissue edema, breathing will become weaker and weaker until suffocation."

"What should we do?" Ouyang asked quickly.

"There is a master in orthopaedics, and there is hope for removing the bullet without damaging the medulla oblongata and still maintaining repair of the arteries."

"This situation is now sent to Bird Market, is there any hope?"

"Up to forty minutes. Without decompression, it is estimated ~~"

Outside the emergency department, the leader was talking to the middle-aged soldier: "What's going on? Why was he injured?"

"It doesn't make sense to say this, it's a big deal! Please emphasize it to the hospital leader again. I have informed the leader that he has let her daughter leave, and it is estimated that it will arrive before dawn."

"Okay." He whispered something to the secretary.

Ouyang was called out of the emergency room by the secretary. "Leader!" Ouyang was in a state of Muggle. If this operation can be done today, she definitely hopes that the leader will come, but this operation will not be completed. The two directors of orthopedics are not here. Neither deputy director had the courage to go to the operating table.

Before Ouyang opened her mouth, the secretary said, "Whether it is to call an expert, to be transferred to the hospital or to have an operation, you have to save the life of the wounded. You do n’t need to report on the professional situation. I do n’t have your professionalism." The expression was serious.

Ouyang was bitter in her mouth, and forty minutes, it was too late in the middle of the night to ask an expert from the bird market. Turning into the operating room, he said to Chen Qi and Lao Li: "The superiors gave the death order, it is not necessary to do their best. Say the conditions, as long as you go to the surgery, I can agree to any conditions within my authority."

There is no way, I hope there will be a brave husband under the reward, they can change hospitals and continue to be his doctor, but Ouyang can not. Leaving here and wanting to become the director of a tertiary hospital is a delusion.

(End of this chapter)